May 17, 2024

VPNs, Proxies and Secure Tunnels Explained (Deepdive)

Published June 1, 2023, 9:20 p.m. by Monica Louis

What is a secure "tunnel"? When I started to learn about computers the name confused me. I couldn't imagine how it works on a technical level. In this video we build upon knowledge from the previous videos, to develop an intuition for what a tunnel, vpn or proxy is.

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1. Server Explained:

2. Protocol Explained:

3. Computer networking:

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00:00 - Intro and Background

00:53 - networking as a Blackbox

01:24 - Forward Data via networking

02:43 - Using as a proxy

04:31 - Forward "XOR Encrypted" Data via networking

06:58 - The vpn Blackbox

08:10 - VPNs Forward Entire Packets

10:01 - Virtual Network Cards with TUN/TAP

12:34 - Outro

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Have you seen graphics like this? This  apparently describes a tunnel. But…  

what exactly is a (secure) tunnel? And what  does this have to do with VPNs and proxies? 

The term “tunnel” is something that really  confused me years ago when I started to learn  

about computer science. Like… I know what a tunnel  is. But it made no sense as a technical term. 

In this video series I try to make the  videos that I wish I had back then,  

and I hope at the end of this video you somewhat  have an idea of what the f’ a tunnel is.

To understand this video however, you  should already be familiar with what  

a “server” is and what a “protocol” is, and  also what network layers are. Lucky for you,  

I made those exact three videos already. So maybe  check them out before this one. Or keep watching,  

and when you start to get confused,  then checkout the other videos.

In the video about  

network layers I explained that you can think  of the whole network stack as a blackbox. If  

you want to transmit some text to a specific IP  and port, just hand it over, and moments later  

it magically appears on the target computer. You can do the same with netcat on a computer,  

you can listen here on port 1234,  and then you can connect to the IP  

and port. Entering some text and sending it, it  will magically appear on the target over there.

If you understand this, then understanding  what a tunnel is will be easy.

Let me show you a small example program that I  have written in python. I called it forwarder. 

It does what the name says. You can pass in a source ip and port,  

and a destination IP and port. It will then create a socket to  

listen on this IP and port, so basically it is  a server that is listening on localhost 1337.  

And when a client connects to this, it will  establish a new TCP connection to the target  

host and port. This is just an endless loop,  and if the client sent some data, it will read  

this data and send it to the remote target.  And if the remote target sent some data back,  

it will be sent to the client. As you can see,  this program simply forwards any data sent to it.

Let’s do a quick local experiment. I execute this  forwarded and I listen on localhost 1337, and I  

forward all data to localhost 1234. Then I execute netcat with a listener  

on port 1234 and we are ready. So the target netcat program is  

listening on 1234, but we have a forwarded that  forwards everything from 1337 to 1234. When we  

now execute netcat to connect to 1337, we can see  that the forwarded got a new client connection,  

and connected to the target netcat. And  when we send some data, it gets forwarded. 

Also if we respond with some  text it gets forwarded back.

And now wait for it. Of course we can put  this forwarder program on a server on the  

internet. Here I listen on all interfaces  on port 1337. And I forward all incoming  

data to the host port 80. is a website that can display  

your IP address. So with curl  you can get this json data with your IP. 

And now comes the magic trick. Let’s do curl but  this time we use the server with the forwarder.  

Curl http:// port 1337. -v to see the  HTTP data. And then we also have to add the  

correct host header. But unimportant details. If we execute this now, we can see that the  

forwarded received the request from the client  and forwarded it, and we get the response back. 

And what a surprise. Our IP has now changed  and is the IP of the forwarder server.

And I hope you know now what we just did.  We created a simple proxy. *boom* mindblown. 

I would maybe also call this already a tunnel.  We used this server to tunnel connections from  

here to here, but I think there is a small  nuanced difference about the term tunnel  

that is worth exploring more. But first  something else, we will come back to that.

Of course this is not a very secure proxy. We just  forwarded the plain data over the network. So a  

network attacker who can observe the traffic.  Like those elite starbucks wifi hackers. They  

can just see what we sent. So while we obscured  the real IP for the target website we contacted,  

somebody could still sniff this traffic.  But we can easily build on top of that. 

Let’s add some crypto to  it and encrypt the traffic.

Here is the forwarded again with a very small  modification. I call it the XOR forwarded. 

And it’s basically the same as the old  forwarded, except that before we forward  

the data to either the target, or back to  the client, we run XOR encryption over it.  

Obviously this is not secure either, but  I think it’s enough to illustrate how it  

works. Crypto is hard and it would be a bit  distracting I think. Let’s keep it basic.

So now we can do this. On our server we can now  

run the XOR forwarded targeting the host again. And listen on  

port 1337. However when the connected  client sends data, it will use XOR on  

the data before forwarding it to ipinfo. So it  now expects the data to be XOR encrypted before. 

To do this we can now also run the  xor forwarder on our local machine. We  

listen on local port 1337 and we forward the  data to our proxy server port 1337 as well. 

If we now execute curl targeting our localhost  listener, this XOR forwarder takes the clear text  

data and runs xor over it before forwarding it to  the server. The server then receives the data and  

runs XOR over it again. Basically decrypts it. And  then forwards the clear text data to

We basically just built an encrypted  secure proxy to forward data between  

these two computers. So when now an attacker  is eavesdropping on my network connection,  

they don’t know what data was actually sent and  received. Of course xor they could easily decrypt  

it. But. you know.. I think the idea is clear. Now look at this. How does this look like. Well,  

this already kinda looks like a basic VPN setup. You have a local VPN client installed on your  

machine, and it connects to the VPN  server. In between it’s encrypted.

However there is a big difference. And that  also introduces the concept of tunnels. 

In our simple proxy setup we just  forwarded the content inside of TCP. 

If you watched the video about the network layers,  

you can imagine this just to be double.  This is us, this is the proxy server,  

and this is the target We send text over there,  

it gets unpacked. Maybe XOR decrypted. And  then packed again forwarded to

Real VPN protocols use a bit more magic.  Because it uses these layers in a beautiful way. 

When you fall for those VPN ads and get  yourself a VPN, you intend to use it like  

a proxy. But the purpose of a VPN is very  different. VPN technologies are usually  

intended to provide you access to a VIRTUAL  PRIVATE NETWORK. A WHOLE NETWORK. That’s  

what corporate or company VPNs are for. Because real VPN client and servers do  

not just forward requests like a basic proxy,  but it actually packages up the entire packet. 

Let’s look at this with blackboxes. First  blackbox. If you want to contact  

through a VPN, for you it is transparent. The term  transparent means that you don’t need to know,  

or see, what is really happening. It just  works. So you contact and magically  

you get a response with an IP that is not your  machine’s ip. But the IP of the VPN server. 

So let’s break away  

one layer of the blackbox and look deeper. Mh… this looks like just a regular TCP connection.  

Exactly like shown in the network layer video. We  just send TCP packets from our computer to ipinfo. 

So where is the VPN server? It’s hiding even more layers below. 

It’s basically this black box down here. VPNs actually tunnel, the whole IP and TCP packet. 

So before this was like the physical layer. The  IP and TCP packet were here really transmitted  

through a wire to the other computer. But this  is the beauty of layers. Instead of physical  

wires you actually have a VPN network here,  which consists of all the same layers again.

So let’s look at a made-up VPN protocol,  I will call it OpenVPN just to have a  

real-life reference, but of course OpenVPN  works a bit more complicated in practice. 

Anyway. So whatever data is given to the VPN  protocol, well, as mentioned this data is a  

complete packet with IP and TCP header, but ignore  that. It attaches a VPN layer on top of it. Like  

an OpenVPN packet header. Maybe we also encrypt  the whole data. We give that to the TCP layer,  

the IP layer. They add their things. Send  it over the actual wire to the server. The  

VPN server. It unpacks the IP layer. Then the  TCP layer. Gives that to OpenVPN server. It  

does it’s openVPN stuff like decrypt  the data. Which we know is an actual  

full IP and TCP packet. And just puts this  pack onto the wire in it’s local network.

And this is what a tunnel is. On our  computer we can just use TCP and IP,  

to send some data to a target server. Maybe  within a VPN network. The OpenVPN software,  

client and server, then takes this  whole TCP/IP packet, wraps it,  

or encapsulates it within an openVPN  packet. Uses then of course TCP/IP of  

the actual computer network to transmit  it to the server. It gets unpacked. And  

placed within this corporate internal network  and it can reach there an internal server.

This is the beauty of network layers  and abstractions and blackboxes. You  

can plug them together in weird  ways to create amazing solutions.

Now there is one last thing that I want to  mention, because this was kinda theoretical  

and you might wonder how can you write your own  VPN. How can you grab a whole TCP/IP packet,  

to wrap it, send it to another server? It is of course very complex to do that.  

There is a reason why people use existing  protocols and implementations like OpenVPN,  

tinc or wireguard. But essentially they use  a feature called TUN or TAP. This is like a  

virtual or emulated or faked network card. Your laptop has for example a built in wifi  

network card. And this shows up to the  operating system, and to other programs  

as a network card here. This network card is then  configured to handle certain traffic. This means  

if you want to send a TCP/IP packet, the operating  system knows according to the assigned IP address,  

subnet mas and gateway address, which interface to  use. And then the operating system hands over this  

IP address to the actual physical hardware network  chip. Which then takes this raw data and turns it  

into radio signals or voltage on an ethernet wire. And TUN and TAP is the same. They are also network  

interfaces. But they are non existent network  card. You can tell the operating system, please  

route almost all traffic over this virtual network  card, and then actually behind it is a program.  

the system gives this program the complete TCP/IP  packet and expects you to act like a network card,  

so you can now send it over to your VPN  server and release it into the network there. 

And if you look up a basic TUN/TAP programming  tutorial, this is what you can see there. First  

you somehow have to create such an interface.  This depends on your operating system if you  

need to install additional drivers or so. But  if you have now created such an interface,  

you can write a program that opens this  tun interface. and reads from it. If you  

send a ping targeted to that ip network,  the operating system will then forward  

the ping packet to your program, and  your program reads the whole packet. 

So if you want to go a bit deeper on a  technical level, I really can recommend  

to you this excellent blog post. It’s a bit  older, so some commands and function names  

might have changed a bit, but overall  this is still how it works. And it also  

expands on this basic read example and has here  a section on how to implement a full tunnel now.

I hope this helped you to kinda understand  what it means to have a proxy, a tunnel,  

a VPN, and so forth. It is complex,  but also in some way kinda simple.

If you like these videos explaining  computer science terminology,  

let me know in the comments what other  words are confusing to you. See you soon.


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