May 10, 2024

Are Marvel Movies Real Art? Dissecting the Marvel Debate

Published June 3, 2023, 9:20 a.m. by Bethany

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you love these movies these Marvel

movies I don't love them no I don't

theme park film for example in a Marvel

type pictures where where the theaters

become amusement parks that's a

different experience and it's like it's

not even it's I was saying earlier it's

not Cinema it's something else but we

consider real art is a movie that does

not have a safety net Godfather one did

not have a safety net Godfather 2 did

not have a safety net Apocalypse Now did

not have a safety net it was made on its

own terms it didn't also have a few

dozen car crashes and whatever the

formula is that is the safety net ah yes

the Marvel debate this is a debate I've

witnessed happening online for years at

this point ever since Martin Scorsese

compared Marvel movies to theme park

rides in 2019 there has been a steady

stream of discourse on Marvel films and

if they qualify as real Cinema or not

from Quentin Tarantino to Tom Holland to

countless people on Twitter many people

have weighed in on this topic full

disclaimer I'm a former film student I

definitely have a taste in film that

many would deem pretentious but I too

have Film Favorites that are deemed

trashy and low brow by critics I love

early 2000s chick flicks like Bring it

on I mean I made an entire video about

how Uptown Girls is an underrated

Masterpiece I'm someone who unironically

thinks that Barbie Princess and the

popper is a fantastic film I know what

it's like to have your nostalgic

Escapist favorites panned and before the

Marvel fans come for me I want to make

it very clear and emphasize that I do

not care whether people watch and enjoy

Marvel movies I am in no way trying to

belittle those who enjoy them and I

think it is completely fine to enjoy and

love Escapist films and art additionally

I want to disclose that I have watched

and enjoyed movies by Tarantino and

Scorsese and I have likewise watched and

enjoyed movies by Marvel though I am not

a die-hard fan of either parties

therefore I would like to believe that

my opinion on this topic is relatively

non-partisan I do however feel as though

the statements by directors such as

Scorsese and Tarantino have been largely

misinterpreted and misunderstood and

taken out of context

so without further Ado let's start from

the beginning shall we

when asked for his opinion on Marvel

movies Scorsese stated in a 2019

interview with Empire magazine I don't

see them I tried you know but that's not

Cinema honestly the closest I can think

of them as well made as they are the

actors doing the best they can under

their under the circumstances is theme

parks it isn't the cinema of human

beings trying to convey emotional

psychological experiences to another

human being he explained Scorsese was

immediately met with a fury scorn from

Marvel fans on Twitter

many people made ridiculous claims such

as Scorsese was gatekeeping Cinema I

think where many people had an issue

with scorsese's statement is when he

said that's not Cinema because art is

subjective right we can't just look at

something in state that's not art

because art is completely subjective to

each person I personally don't have an

issue with Scorsese stating that's not

Cinema because I do understand where

he's coming from

as someone who is a little precious

about the art form of Cinema we really

do live in a slightly Bleak time period

for art in general we exist in a time

where media has never been more

accessible and abundant though with that

there is also an oversaturation of

content that in my opinion lacks depth

in order to understand scorsese's

statements we need to understand the

intentions behind the MCU and Disney

when they are making these films sure

Marvel movies are art

but they are art largely in the same way

that McDonald's is food

now hold on before you go to the comment

section I am not comparing black panther

to McDonald's bear with me there are

many reasons why people love McDonald's

it's nostalgic it feeds a craving and

you shouldn't feel ashamed for indulging

and enjoying McDonald's every now and

then but it's not the same as a

home-cooked meal your grandmother spent

hours preparing as director Ken Loach


they're made as Commodities like

hamburgers and it's not about

communicating and it's not about sharing

our imagination it's about making a

commodity which will make profit for a

big Corporation there is cynical

exercise their Market exercises and it

has nothing to do with the art of Cinema

to go back to the McDonald's analogy

what is the intention behind McDonald's

to make money period it's not the

intention of McDonald's to feed and

nourish people perhaps it was at one

point but that is not the case anymore

the goal of McDonald's is to make as

much money as possible and the result of

this is to genetically engineer food

with the perfect combination of sugar

salt and fat to trigger our dopamine

receptors and keep us addicted and

wanting more thus making McDonald's more



what is the intention behind your

grandmother preparing you food it could

be a lot of things it could be purely

for the sake of feeding and nourishing

their grandchild it could be because

they love cooking and baking it could be

because they want to preserve a family

recipe or share with you a piece of your

culture that is carried through food

whatever it may be it is more than

likely an act of love not greed

Marvel is the McDonald's of Cinema it is

easily consumed and widely accessible

because it is designed to be easily

consumed to appeal to as vast as an

audience as possible

that is not to say that the directors

and other artists involved in making

Marvel movies are not putting a piece of

their heart into these films but any

love they put in must be severely sifted

through and filtered through the MCU

because Marvel has found a formula that


Marvel's formula has proven to be

financially fruitful at one point the

highest grossing film of all time was

Avengers end game and it still sits

comfortably in the number two slot as

the second highest grossing film of all


they know they will make money in the

same way that McDonald's Engineers their

food to appeal to your dopamine

receptors Marvel does this as well with

Fast Cuts flashy effects Punchy sound

design and one too many one-liners

it's Marvel perfectly stimulates the

brain for our over-stimulated Tick-Tock

generation this is why Scorsese compared

them to theme park rides which isn't

even a Bad Thing per se they're easily

consumable entertaining and fun like a

theme park ride which is what they are

designed to be

but our Marvel movies

thought-provoking slow paced Original

Stories no not usually and that's okay

because that is usually not what they're

designed to be are there exceptions to

this rule absolutely black panther is an

important and original story that

deserves to be told and has had an

incredible cultural and personal impact

for many I personally enjoy a lot of the

first Marvel films that came out in the

early 2010s I am not comparing black

panther to McDonald's but I am comparing

Thor love and thunder to McDonald's

sorry taika Scorsese also wasn't the

first person to compare the current

climate of Cinema to theme parks in a

2017 interview Jody Foster stated going

to the movies has become like a theme

park Studios making bad content in order

to appeal to the masses and shareholders

is like fracking you get the best return

right now but you wreck the Earth it's

ruining the viewing habits of the

American population and then ultimately

the rest of the world so our Marvel

movie cinema

I don't know in my opinion maybe not in

the same way that we would be hesitant

to call Colleen Hoover novels or most of

the books that make it to the top of

book talk literature I think there is

valid hesitancy to refer to the majority

of Marvel films as Cinema because the

word implies the weight of artistic

Merit Tom Holland responded to

scorsese's comments in a 2021 Interview

With The Hollywood Reporter you can ask

Martin Scorsese would you want to make a

Marvel movie but he doesn't know what

it's like because he's never made one

which is an incredibly naive and

short-sighted comment in my opinion but

since I also haven't made a Marvel movie

I will simply quote Alan Taylor director

of Thor the Dark World who had this to

say about his experience directing a

Marvel film I've learned that you don't

make a 170 million dollar movie with

someone else's money and not have to

collaborate a lot the Marvel experience

was particularly wrenching because I was

sort of given absolute freedom while we

were shooting and then in post it turned

into a different movie so that is

something I hope to never have to repeat

and I don't wish upon anybody else I

mean the notion that you have to have

made the type of film you are offering

criticism of in order to criticize it is

a slightly insane idea in my opinion

especially when the person whom you are

referring to is a veteran and highly

praised Legend in this field of work

such as Scorsese Ron Mars acclaimed

comic book writer for Marvel even

tweeted in response to the upheaval over

scorsese's statement Martin Scorsese

knows more about movies than you do and

it's okay if he doesn't like the same

movies as you do

one could alternatively argue Tom

Holland's statement by suggesting that

those who do work on Marvel movies are

not suited to weigh in on this

discussion because they have stakes in

the game and an obvious bias as they are

being paid millions of dollars by the

studio in which they are defending and

praising additionally Tom Holland went

on to say

I've made Marvel movies and I've also

made movies that have been in the

conversation in the world of the Oscars

and the only difference really is one is

much more expensive than the other but

the way I break down the character the

way the director etches out the Arc of

the story and the characters it's all

the same just done on a different scale

so I do think they're real art I mean

you can ask Benedict Cumberbatch or

Robert Downey Jr or Scarlett Johansson

people who have made these kind of

movies that are oscar-worthy and also

made superhero movies and they will tell

you that they're the same just on a

different scale I really do like Tom

Holland he seems like an incredibly

lovely person and a great actor but once

again I find Holland's statement to be

rather juvenile if I'm being honest he's

entirely missing scorsese's point and

perspective Scorsese is approaching his

criticism from a writing and director's

perspective which considers all aspects

of the filmmaking and storytelling

process as that is quite literally the

director's job

Tom's statement is approaching

scorsese's criticism from exclusively an

actor's perspective the way I break down

the character and the way the director

etches out the Arc of the story and the

characters it's all the same

yes as they should be because that is

your job as an actor as someone who has

studied acting for a number of years

your process as an actor does not change

based on the artistic Merit of the work

you are breaking down in the same way

that a gaffer's job doesn't necessarily

change exponentially on a Marvel film

versus an oscar-nominated picture

therefore using this as an indicator

that a Marvel film and any

oscar-nominated film are of comparable

outcome and quality is really strange

and diverts from the point that Scorsese

is making another big name that

responded to her scorsese's comments is

Francis Ford Coppola though Coppola

spoke in agreement with Scorsese when

Martin Scorsese says that Marvel

pictures are not Cinema he's right

because we expect to learn something

from Cinema we expect to gain something

some Enlightenment some knowledge some

inspiration Martin was kind when he said

it's not Cinema he didn't say it's just

despicable which I say it is

I have to give Coppola some credit he's

saying what a lot of us were thinking

Scorsese made a criticism of a pattern

in cinema he was witnessing which he is

completely entitled to make and you're

entitled to disagree with him

Quentin Tarantino also came to Martin

scorsese's defense on the Howard Stern


met it I don't think these superhero

movies are Cinema

I mean I don't know where you stand with

that I'm curious

I kind of felt like oh that's kind of an

elitist attitude I mean Scorsese

certainly one of the greatest filmmakers

of all time I worship the guy's movies


I mean it is Cinema I mean is it not

well okay

again it's like

he's an old man you think Scorsese is

going to be into Ant-Man versus the WASP

why not but he's not going to be all

right I don't I don't think he would

have been that into that at 37 forget

about however old he is now all

right that's just not his thing this

conversation has been ongoing since 2019

but recently it gained Newfound

attention when Tarantino stated his

opinion on Marvel movies

yeah where it's uh you love these movies

these Marvel movies I don't love them no

I don't I know I don't hate them all

right but I don't love them all right I

mean look I used to collect Marvel

Comics like crazy when I was uh a kid

and so there's an aspect that if these

movies were coming out when I was in my

20s I would totally be happy and

totally love them I mean they wouldn't

be the only movies being made they would

be those movies amongst other movies

um but uh you know uh yeah no I'm almost

60. so yeah no I'm not quite as excited

about them as can I tell you the thing I

mean for me I don't have your level of

of knowledge of Cinema but as a film go

or somebody who likes movies I mean

what's exciting about a movie is usually

some element of surprise right and what

you see what I've seen in a lot of these

films is that

it is just a carbon copy essentially of

the previous release like you you're

never taken somewhere you don't expect

in the film yeah well look I'm not here

to randomize yeah you know so it's like

you know I I don't have it my only axed

grind against them is they're the only

things that seem to be made yeah and

they're the only things that seem to

generate any kind of excitement right

amongst a fan base or just or even like

uh for the studio making them all right

that's that's what they're excited about

true and uh you know so it's just the

fact that

that they are the they are the entire


of this era of movies right now right

and there's not really much room for for

anything else that's my problem and they

do like billion dollar box office I mean

yeah but that is that is literally my

problem it's a problem of representation

Tarantino brings up a very important

observation about the shift in the film

industry since the emergence and success

of Marvel movies it's not that Tarantino

has an issue with the fact that Marvel

movies exist it's that they're taking up

so much space within the film industry

and suffocating other types of films in

the process for example the local

theater in my hometown almost

exclusively shows Marvel and Disney

films not by principle but because they

know that's what will bring in a crowd

Quentin Tarantino also expressed

frustrations with Disney's dominance

over movie theaters I just learned

something the other day

it was real bad news and it really

pissed me off and I think I want to

voice it right now the Purim is yours uh


and I'm not talking about the whole

country but I'm talking about one

theater in particular you sound nervous

about this well that's a big

deal all right go ahead all right so uh

we're gonna play at the cinorama dome

right on the 25th we were going to open

there and play there exclusively for two


and Star Wars was going to play the two

weeks before us

and I always I mean listen I grew up in

Los Angeles so I think of the Cinerama

Dome as a real big deal and imagine

seeing it at the Cinerama Dome means

something to you exactly right Disney

who owns Star Wars yes decided Well you

know what maybe we want to play

throughout the entire holiday season

and not you know uh so we're gonna go to

the cerama Dome and say that they can't

honor their contract right with us to

show the hateful eight

and the arc-like people that own the

Cinerama Dome said no no no you can't do

that we we have a deal with the hateful

eight people and and showing it in 70

that's what we do you know we we have

the 70 million projectors they didn't

have to move them in that's the thing

we'll even start off with the Cinerama

logo at the beginning as of

Easter day

Disney came to the ArcLight people and

said no wow you are going to play Star

Wars in the Cinerama Dome for the entire

holiday season and if you don't if you

honor your deal with the hateful eight

we will not allow you to have Star Wars

the biggest movie in the world we will

not allow you to show it at any of your

arc-like movies so in your mind that's

Petty because they've got a big

Blockbuster on their hands biggest movie

in the world we're talking about one

effing theater they are going out of

their way to me Quentin an old

fairness I must say there's nobody from

Disney here to refute that or to say no

that's right as far as I'm concerned and

let all the entertainment reporters call

up Disney as of now and ask for their

comments about their extortionist

practices if this is able to happen to a

name as big in Hollywood as Quentin

Tarantino this and much worse is of

course happening to lesser-known and

Unknown filmmakers by Disney demanding

an overwhelming amount of screens within

theaters it creates less time slots for

smaller films to be shown further eating

into the smaller Revenue that that a

more Indie picture would already make in

comparison to Disney if you want to know

more about this specific issue with

Disney and by extension Marvel Carson

has a great video talking more in depth

about the specific issue which I will

have linked below

Elizabeth Olsen was also asked her

opinion on Scorsese and Tarantino's

comments in which she stated it's when

people make them seem like a lesser type

of art I'm not saying we're making Indie

art films but I just think it takes away

from our crew which bugs me these are

some of the most amazing set designers

costume designers and camera operators I

feel diminishing them with that kind of

criticism takes away from all of the

people who do award-winning films and

also work on these projects from an

actor's point of view whatever I get it

I totally understand that there's a

different kind of performance that's

happening but I do think that throwing

Marvel under the bus takes away from the

hundreds of very talented crew that's

where I get a little feisty about that

I once again think that this response is

a slight deflection of real issues that

are being criticized about Marvel

no one is saying that in order to be

classified as real art it needs to be a

low budget Indie drama the vast majority

of if not all of the criticisms about

Marvel are not directed at the crew and

are directed at the producers Studio

heads and sometimes the directors

I also do not believe that looking at

media through a critical lens takes away

from the creative efforts of those

involved by being a creator that works

on art that is intended to be perceived

by audiences especially audiences on the

scale of Marvel films you are subjecting

your work to criticism and if you are a

creative person who really believes in

the art you are producing whether that

be as an actor director or costume

designer you either stand behind your

work unfettered by these comments or you

take the constructive criticism make

adjustments and move forward

but if we are bringing up disrespect to

the crew of Marvel films then what

should be brought up is the tight time

frames and low pay of the crew

specifically the VFX Department vulture

recently interviewed several VFX workers

about their experiences working with

Marvel many of whom explained why they

refused to sign future contracts with

the studio after working on recent films

and Disney Plus shows visual effects

technician Mark patch was hired to work

on an upcoming Marvel project and while

a typical sci-fi film would contain

around 1600 VFX shots Marvel Studios was

expecting a 10 hour show to have over 3

000 VFX shots on a shorter timeline than

that of a typical sci-fi film the

timeline would have demanded three

straight months of 18-hour work days

without a single day off patch explained

that he left the contract after learning

this and refused to work on future

projects with the studio an additional

VFX company owner explained that he

consistently turns down Marvel projects

due to their unreasonable if not

impossible demands

Tarantino also went on to say that part

of the marvelization of Hollywood is

yeah no it's the um

you have all these actors who have

become famous playing these characters

they're not movie stars right Captain

America is the star right Thor

is the star uh uh I mean I'm not the

first person to say that I think that's

been said a zillion times you know but

you know but it's like you know it's the

these these franchise characters that

become become a star uh personally I

mean this is my own thing it's just that

I I've gone to these movies and you just

go like yeah it's a it's another

it's just it's not that different from

the previous film there's just new

there's some new effects before though

okay you know okay here's a better way

to say it it's like you know before

um yeah even 2005 2009 or something like

that if an actor stars in a movie that

does as good as the uh the Marvel movies

do well that that guy's a new star sure

they're an absolute star and that means

that people did dig him or her yeah and

they like them and they want to see them

and stuff and then they you know uh

Sandra Bullock is in speed

right all right and everyone like

thought she was amazing in it all right

she was Charming as hell everyone fell

in love with her and so you know even

she does a couple of uh mediocre movies

after that the Nets and something else

okay well people went to see it because

they they were excited they want to see

her in something else and she's good in

those movies yeah you know but that's

not the case now yeah I do only

partially agree with this statement I

think the reason why it seems as though

we no longer have movie stars in the

current younger generation is because we

are attempting to contrast them to

people who have been around for double

the amount of time such as Leonardo

DiCaprio or Keanu Reeves I definitely do

think that we have our own movie stars

that are building their star power and

gravitate audiences to movies such as

Timothy chalamet Florence Pew and

Zendaya amongst others but I do think

there is some truth to Tarantino's

statement because as much as these new

starlets may pull some audience numbers

the numbers pale in comparison to what

Iron Man or Thor are able to pull and I

think the marvelization of one's career

is a very real thing that can lead to an

actor being boxed into these superhero

films Timothy chalamet one of the most

successful young actors today said to

British Vogue that Leonardo DiCaprio

gave him very simple advice in regards

to his career no hard drugs and no

superhero movies

star of Shang Chi and the legend of the

ten Rings simu Liu responded to Scorsese

and Tarantino's comments on Twitter the

Marvel star stated if the only

Gatekeepers to movie stardom come from

Tarantino and Scorsese I would never

have had the opportunity to leave a 400

million plus dollar movie I am in awe of

their filmmaking genius they are

Transcendent otures but they don't get

to Point their nose at me or anyone no

movie studio is or ever will be perfect

but I'm proud to work with the one that

has made sustained efforts to improve

diversity on screen by creating Heroes

that Empower and inspire people of all

communities everywhere I loved the

Golden Age too but it was white as hell

now while I partially agree with Liu's

statement I commend Marvel for their

moves towards diversity with films such

as Shang Chi and black panther and

allowing minority groups to front big

budget pictures such as Marvel films is

incredibly overdue I also have to say

that this statement is likely use

colleagues diverting from both Scorsese

and Tarantino's points ideally Marvel

movies are not where we get our source

of diversity from and with Marvel's

persistent dominance over the film

industry this creates a barrier for

smaller budget filmmakers to break

through thus potentially stifling the

voice of the next Wang car y of our

generation an iconic director whose

Brilliance was able to thrive due to the

Hong Kong new wave movement that emerged

in the early 80s and carried on until

the early 2000s that uplifted smaller

projects and upcoming filmmakers

Jennifer Lopez confirms this point by

stating quite the opposite about Marvel

while promoting her film Hustlers a film

with a diverse cast of women including

Lopez herself Constance Wu Julia Styles

Kiki Palmer lizzo cardi B and Lily

Reinhardt Lopez spoke about the struggle

to get a film of this nature off of the

ground in 2019 at the Toronto

International Film Festival Lopez stated

first of all it's hard to make a film

period it has to be a Marvel comic or

some crazy franchise thing but the

smaller movies about humanity and people

and life and struggles you don't get

that as much unless you do that for

nothing and there's no budget on top of

the movies themselves then when you have

women characters at the front of it it's

a whole nother battle it's a whole new

layer and it's hard to get them made

Additionally the criticisms of the

Golden Age being white as hell is

completely valid the criticism that I

agree with but neither Tarantino Norse

Scorsese even mentioned the Golden Age

of Hollywood in their statements nor did

Tarantino and Scorsese League come up in

what is widely referred to as the Golden

Age of Hollywood painting Marvel Studios

is a saving Beacon of diversity is in my

opinion a little naive and untrue Marvel

has undoubtedly changed the way that we

make and consume Cinema and in reality

we live in a time where Cinema and the

way we make and consume not only films

but media in general has changed very

quickly and continues to change rapidly

there are talks about if Cinema as an

art form is dying entirely and if online

streaming platforms will cause the death

of movie theaters in our lifetime the

reality is that the appeal in Disney to

make and push Marvel movies is the fact

that they are almost guaranteed to make

money in the last 20 years we have seen

a huge rise in the prominence of and the

oversaturation of franchise films such

as the Avengers and Star Wars in

addition to the overabundance of Disney

remakes and not so coincidentally we

have witnessed a huge shift in the way

we consume films whereas nowadays

streaming films online is most people's

go-to way to watch films 20 years ago

you either went to a movie theater or

you bought or rented a DVD and before

that a VHS tape now the death of the DVD

is actually a surprisingly important

topic here and I will allow Matt Damon

to explain why so I think a scenario

lots of viewers can relate to is is

sitting on the couch on a Friday night

going through the streaming services

cycling through the movies and thinking

to themselves they're not making movies

for me anymore as somebody who's been

intimately involved in movie making for

30 years what are the macro Hollywood

conditions behind that sentiment

well so what happened was


the DVD was a huge part of our business

of our Revenue stream and technology has

just made that uh Obsolete and so the

movies that that we used to make

you could afford to not make all of your

money when it played in the theater

because you knew you had the DVD coming

behind the release and six months later

you'd get all you know a whole nother

chunk it would be like reopening the

movie almost

and when that went away

that changed the type of movies that we

could make

I did this movie Behind the Candelabra

when I talked to a studio executive who

explained it was a 25 million dollar


I would have to put that much into print

and advertising right to Market it who

we call P A so I'd have to put that in p

a so now I'm in 50 million dollars I

have to split everything I get with the

exhibitor right the people who own the

movie theaters so I would have to make a

hundred million dollars

before I got into profit and and the

idea of making 100 million dollars on a

story about like this love affair

between these two people

yeah I love everyone in the movie but

it's a that's a that's suddenly a

massive gamble in a way that it wasn't

in the 1990s when they were making all

those kind of movies the kind of movies

that I loved and and the kind of movies

that were my bread and butter therefore

Marvel's business model is to create a

Cinematic Universe around these

fictional characters that already have a

cult following and create a larger cult

following with the films and to

compensate for the lost and DVD sales

Ravenel they sell merchandise

Disney relies on selling a Cinematic

Universe not just a movie though this

creates a problematic Monopoly and

leaves little room for independent

filmmakers to compete against huge

Productions and you can actually see a

big shift in the quality of early movies

from Marvel they were higher quality not

in terms of budget or VFX effects

necessarily but in terms of story and

writing there were still some busts here

and there of course but this quality was

because in the early 2000s and the early

2010s there was a risk in making a

superhero movie just like any other

movie there wasn't a guaranteed success

in Revenue in the way we see today I'm

going to allow movie overload to explain

the oversaturation because he does it

far better than I phase one of the MCU

had six films phase two had six films

phase three had 11 films so three phases

and 23 films in 11 years not a bad ratio

but phase 4 had 17 films and shows in

less than two years think about that for

a second 17 films and shows in less than

two years and people wonder why the

quality bar of the MCU has dropped so

dramatically the amount of content in

the entire MCU since its start in 2008

nearly doubled within less than two

years this is the very definition of

oversaturation not to mention despite

having an overabundance of content it

failed to progress any overarching

narrative six films in earlier phases

said the overall story so much further

despite having only a fraction of the

films to do so I mean it just felt like

the infinity Saga was the main course

and phase four is the leftovers and

there's a lot of leftovers that

clip is from movie overloads say why the

MCU is dying and I highly recommend

watching I'll have it linked below but

that made so much sense to me because I

actually was a big big fan of the MCU in

high school and I watched every movie

from the MCU up until the end of phase

three it was partially because I just

couldn't keep up with the content

anymore and I felt less inspired to do

so Dennis Villeneuve stated his opinion

on Marvel movies in a 2021 interview

perhaps the problem is that we are in

front of too many Marvel movies that are

nothing more than a cut and paste of the

others perhaps these types of movies

have turned us into zombies a bit

superhero movies are not unique to this

generation but the oversaturation and

Monopoly being created by Disney and

Marvel Studios is

that is the criticism that is largely

being made the thing that people are

choosing to ignore when angrily tweeting

in response to Tarantino and scorsese's

comments is that both of these directors

admitted to trying to watch Marvel films

they gave Marvel movies a chance and

made comments about what they observed

from the movies and also about the

culture surrounding said movies and the

way this has changed the movie industry

I find it funny how many people respond

so defensively to Tarantino and Scorsese

when they were really very cordial

criticisms especially when contrasted

against the criticisms like those of

alien and Blade Runner director Ridley

Scott who simply said they're


their scripts are not any good

at the end of the day I really don't

think that Tarantino or Scorsese care if

you watch and enjoy Marvel movies the

enjoyment of Marvel movies alone will

not be the death of Cinema but I do wish

that people would be more receptive to

very valid and cordial criticisms and

frustrations that well-respected people

within the industry are making about

Marvel Studios and the negative impact

the studio is having on the film World

from their perspective as I said at the

beginning there is nothing wrong with

enjoying Marvel films if they bring you

Joy I watch plenty of films that people

would argue are not real Cinema but that

doesn't take away from the joy that I

get from consuming them and if you

disagree with my perspective in this

video that is completely okay and I

encourage kind and respectful discussion

in the comment section I would love to

know your opinion on this topic below

thanks for watching bye


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