May 23, 2024

Joe Vitale TV Show Attract Money Now (2)

Published June 9, 2023, 10:20 p.m. by Monica Louis

Dr. Joe Vitale, from The Secret, teaches his 7-step formula on how to attract money fast using the Law of Attraction in his own national TV show and with his free e-book. Get the motivational, self-help book at

Visit to see what I have been up to lately, learn more about the law of attraction, how to attract money now, and how to bring about success and miracles in your own life!

Money Mindset and Law of Attraction tips and tricks from star of The Secret Dr. Joe Vitale. Online Courses: Work with Dr. Joe Vitale as your Mentor:

If you love the hit movie, The Secret and want to know more about how to use The Law of Attraction to create your best'll love Dr. Joe Vitale.

Here are Dr. Joe's Most Popular videos here on YouTube.

Joe Vitale Self-Help Music Video:

Joe Vitale Explains 3 Day Rule for Attracting Faster :

Joe Vitale - Miracles Mastermind :

Healing with Ho'oponopono (Parts 1-6) :

Joe Vitale Reveals Napoleon Hill Secret

Joe Vitale - 7 Secrets for Doing the Impossible.

Joe Vitale TV Show Attract Money Now :

See more of Dr. Joe Vitale's best Law of Attraction tips and how-to advice on these videos:

Joe Vitale Explains 3 Day Rule for Attracting Faster

Shortcut to Attract Anything You Want:

How to Use The Law of Attraction:

How to VISUALIZE yourself to success:


Check out Dr. Joe Vitale's Law of Attraction Playlist here on YouTube:

Check out my Ho'oponopono Playlist here on YouTube:

Check out my Money Mindset Playlist here on YouTube:

Expect Miracles!

Dr. Joe

P.S. - I want you to have, do, and be everything you desire! YOU deserve it and YOU are loved!

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consciously you might say I want a new

job I want more money i watch the secret

I know about the law of attraction I

read your books Joe by Callie but I'm

not getting everything that I want

you know why unconsciously you have

counter intentions counter beliefs and

until you remove those and release those

and erase those they will remain active

in your life the way my the way I was

before was that I had a lot of different

belief systems I had a lot of different

ideas I could give people ideas and help

other people make money there was

something that I had about making money

myself Joe would identify this stuff he

knew that when I wouldn't take action on

certain things or if I was a little slow

on it you would probably a little bit

and say what palookas in there what is

stopping you from not taking action so I

was living this life in between

sandwiched in between the belief of that

I'd you know deserving this there's a

level of deserving this that I think we

all live in between and what Joe was

saying to me was bring this up bring

this level of deserving is what you

think what you deserve and how much

money that you can make by shifting and

taking action and believing that it's


I remember reading the steps to attract

him well specifically and I thought I'm

going to try this

it works because I'm as skeptical as

they come I'm open to believing but you

have to prove it to me first and I took

Joe's steps one by one and implemented

them and found perhaps his last step of

trying it loose turning loose of the

desire to have it happen and just allow

the universe to create it for you I

found that to be very difficult at first

I kept trying to control it but once I

was able to just turn it loose it

happened and happened like magic and I'm

still the same person I was before I met

Joe I just have access now the

technology strategies information and

the ability to access forces that I

don't even really understand and I

attribute this to reading Joe's books

reading them again listening to him when

he talks my book goes into all of this

my miracles coaching program goes into

all of this and again I'm not trying to

sell you anything I'm going to give you

access to the book why because I was

homeless I was in poverty how you know

what it's like the struggle I know what

it's like to be unhappy I know what it's

like to wonder with an exclude of the

mail or the housing is coming from I

know that feeling and I want to help you

out of it I know far beyond it at this

point so I can help you get to a place

that I know is peace and prosperity and

happiness and wealth if you really want

to make a difference in the world

contribute a healthy wealthy happy

person to it you so it begins with your

belief that's the first step another one

of the beliefs that's active inside

almost everybody when it comes to money

is to believe

is the root of all evil you've heard

this when money is the root of all evil

it's a biblical phrase

however it's incorrectly stated the

Bible actually says the love of money is

the root of all evil well let me tell

you something it's going to shock you

wealthy people don't love money wealthy

people don't love money they love

freedom they love time money gives them

freedom money is simply a tool for

wealthy people

my biggest problem now is time I mean

I've got so many opportunities and as I

mentioned only work two or

two-and-a-half days a week the rest of

the time I'm spending with my family I'm

out on the lake you know whatever I

choose to do traveling and it's just

amazing people ask me what I do for a

living and I hate that question because

I don't know how to answer it I

basically tell them I'm retired so no

you don't want to love money in itself

you want to appreciate it you want to

value it you want to use it as leverage

but if you think money is evil if you

have that in your unconscious mind and

virtually everybody does without

exception because of that biblical

phrase it's been incorrectly taught to

all of us if you have that in your mind

do you really think you're going to

attract money it's evil it's bad you're

not going to want it a part of you will

push it away you will get rid of the

money you will have a problem an

accident a health concern there will be

something that will push that money out

of your system and out of your life this

money is trying to come into your life

money's not bad money's not evil but if

you think it's bad or you think it's

evil or you think money is going to

taint you you won't want it on an

unconscious level this is where the work

begins this is why you have to do this

first step in my book attract money now

this is why I have a Miracle's coaching

program this is all designed to help you

awaken awaken to your inner power awaken

to the source within you that says money

is good and you can use it to make a

difference I use money certainly to

entertain myself and my family and my

friends but I started a movement to end


us I contributed to good causes like a

cause to stop poverty in the United

States I'm doing big things with money

because I'm okay with money another

thing that I've learned from having the

the personal time having the privilege

of being around Joe was a friend and a

business partner is his giving and how

much he gives he's the most giving man I

know no matter where I go whether it's

me or other people he has something

usually for somebody to give and what

that's talking is that in me I want to

give back because he's giving me so much

it creates a giving and I think that's

part of the attracting money is the idea

that you give to other people you give

enough there's a reciprocity they want

to give back I understood that this was

something that I knew I would use to

help not only me that my family and my

employees so the very first step in

understanding how to attract money now

is to understand you have to turn your

mind into a prosperity magnet now I

talked about all of this in my new book

attract money now you can buy the

hardcover version of the book at attract

money now but you can read this

free no charge on your computer and if

you don't have a computer go to the

library and read it on the library's

computer simply go to attract money now

calm attract money now calm you'll see

this cover you'll see me standing there

go ahead and fill out the form you'll be

able to go ahead and read the entire

book my seven step formula the first

step I've already told you all seven

steps when you apply them will turn you

into a money

magnet now again I'm trying to help you

you don't have to buy a thing I'm paying

for this show I'm paying to air this

show I'm paying for the website I'm

doing everything I can to help you all

you have to do is read the material and

implement it every time Joe puts out a

new book I buy it and I read it I

realized that this man had cracked the


he had the technology for attracting


and I can pretty much say that from that

moment on my life has changed

dramatically and when I found something

that really offered something I could

wrap my mind around I can actually

embrace and apply simple methods and

technology my wife that made a huge


I found Joe Vitale's work his written

material his audio programs his video

programs I've watched them all and every

time they make a huge impact on my way

to put Joe's steps into practice I

decided that I was going to focus on a

specific goal and that goal to me was to

I began visualizing a check for $300,000

I thought this is what I want this is

what is going to come to me and this is

what I am going to manifest with these

steps that I have learned from Joe

and it took about three months four

months but it actually happened one of

the most effective techniques for me was

visualizing the check I would see the

check I saw the color of the check it

was a pale yellow just above a beige

shade I saw it made out to me Victoria

Billy Schaefer I saw a date on it I saw

the amount in digits and then I saw it

written out like they do on a bank

cheque I saw a signature on that check

and I would visualize this every morning

at the end of my meditation let me give

you another tip and think like an

entrepreneur now don't put this off

don't think oh I can't go into business

I'm not an entrepreneur I don't know

anything about marketing I can't do any

of this stuff I don't think like that

I didn't know anything about marketing

or selling or business thirty years ago

I wasn't trained that way

I wanted to write novels I wanted to

write plays and I did write both but

what I had to do was learn how to think




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