May 13, 2024


Published June 9, 2023, 11:20 p.m. by Jerald Waisoki



Tuesday 14th July - 2pm!

Rock Kidz Live will bring all the best elements of our schools programme online for you to enjoy from home or your classroom.

TOPIC - health

** **


Facebook - @RockKidzUK

Twitter - @RockKidzUK

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Song Licences:

Heavy Rock Logo - 7FXHGUNL98

Extreme Sport Rock - VBST7XZJ3Q

The Elevator - B2GUNHSQ5R

Indie Rock Upbeat - QLPHRK86JZ

Marimba Ringtone 05 - AWPHZUQRXT

Energetic Grunge Rock - XLFUD354Q8

Awkward and Funny - EGT87P6NBJ

Cyber Hybrid Cinematic Trailer - HZ2JLCNY7T

The Hard Rock - VNU5EGJH6B

Summer Upbeat Happy Party - V8TQKCJPMS

Suspense Rhythm - WLSJXKYNP7

The Dark Suspense - UJ96NZYKEX

Game Item Pick Up - SPU9NA826Y

Future Bass - 6B9SLFJAV7

Summer Dance Pop - ZXAQETR3L6

Summer Party Pop - G9VK84QDLT

Heavy Rock Logo - 7FXHGUNL98

Upbeat Energetic Summer Rock - 6SRD2V743P

Stupid Waltz - TUECAZ3J47

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all right welcome to another episode of

rock kids live now we need to warm up

straight away but we're gonna do it

rocket style ladies and gentlemen it's

time for the









alright are you guys okay let's head on

down to the studio Wow that was I'm dead

now oh absolutely yes that is the first

time I've done the monkey since we did

the double monkey the double speed

monkey baby monkey there was B monkey


Welbeck hi Rock kids live is back for

season two we probably nude nude

ourselves that flix didn't have to do it

for us

rock kids decide so if you don't know

who we are we're the Rockies team I'm


this is jump and you've already met

Cameron and we go around schools in the

northwest teaching really really

important life messages with crazy fun

so he's bringing our stuff online just

for you guys all your at home as your

rephrasing and even into the holidays as

well oh yeah cool

definitely so rocket season two is gonna

be streaming on Tuesday and Thursday

every single week that's probably enough

monkeys for us yeah I'd say so

now during the week you can leave us

comments as the stream is going on maybe

you want to set as a challenge some of

you will know a little bit about battle

time which happens every time you can

tell us a little bit you can ask your

favorite question or when we do ask the

team and we're gonna do that in a moment

oh yeah and all that kind of stuff and

we have in fact got a brand new album

that came out rock kids 2.0 it's some of

the high voltage rock stuff we do it is

super super hardcore we love it it's

amazing so this session in particular is

focused around health and you're going

to see some healthy stuff like exercise

and some unhealthy stuff some very

unhealthy stuff so stay tuned for that

now I think it's time for you to get to

know Jonathan again you may have forgot

some things about Jonathan so we're

gonna do a little bit of an ask the TV

it's two minutes of questions which I've

prepared he doesn't know what I'm gonna

ask him quickfire two minutes now you

can ask your own questions and we can

bring them to another session as well

guys but Jonathan

are you ready you want to press forward

for me here we go 2 1 go

what's your very first memory very first

memory yeah for anything

being born I don't know maybe we'll come

back to that one okay I had a good start

here when you were a kid what did you

want to be when you grew up I wanted to

be a ninja and ninja yeah easy

number three if you could change careers

right this second who are would you do I

love making videos so that I mean just

all the time what makes you happiest

sunshine nice which of the seven wonders

of the world you want to visit the most

Matt to Pichu did I say that right yeah

look it up if you don't know what that

is which foreign language would you like

to learn oh I love to learn Russian just

because it sounds scary scary okay

what's the first movie that made you

long that's laugh out loud for you older

folks a film called flushed away by

DreamWorks never seen it okay what era

would you choose to live in if you could

other than this one Oh era what era

these seventies I like a bit of disco

also rock as well if you could teleport

what place would you travel to Australia

definitely nice how would you spend a

million quid on lots of drums nice what

really gets on your nerves Cameron

what's your favorite line from a movie

or book hasta la vista baby nice Alice

Watson Hager what's your favorite

all-time quotes a cool life is like a

bunch of chocolates you never know what

you're gonna get I think it's box but

that's close enough

all right I think we've run out of time

four three two one and that is timeout

for us a team good job but he did well

there I still don't know my first memory

baby I can't really remember where my

keys are any of the time so memories are

not so good either okay so I'm gonna

have to head over to the stage right now

because we're about to do something new

Jonathan tell them what to do about with

this video all right okay Cameron are

you guys ready we're gonna head up and

we're gonna do something very special

for you guys right now you ready sigh

all right guys





let's go check



all right so it's the first battle time

of the new season of rockets live guys

why don't you come down here now what's

gonna happen is we're gonna do our first

battle but you need some stuff for this

now in order to get some stuff what

we're gonna do is on the count of three

we're gonna jump and magically stuff

will appear in front of you you ready

okay three two one jump alright so in

front of you you have a box of 20

chicken nuggets from McDonald nice

healthy alright

selfie the challenge is simple you're

gonna eat 20 of these it's the first one

to eat 20 wins challenge wins the body

the whole box yeah he's got no chance

he's the slowest eater in the why sure

that you are not going to do well

yeah probably also where's my straw oh

you you need to jump better next time if

you jump a little bit harder and you'll

get another it's not working this just

stop just take the lid off like a normal


alright so what we're gonna do is I'm

gonna say three to one you can take a

seat guys and then we're off and the

only way to be done is you must have an

empty mouth you can't have things in

your mouth and when you are done you

pick up the mic say done and stand up

lower first one we're first one to get

there wherever you want alright are we

ready guys three two one go














I am done

oh man that was far too quick

today's winner of all time


he's got about 15 left guys um should we

just leave you here and carry on with

the show

all right count me you all right all

right we're gonna go I'm gonna head on

back to the studio comes gonna come and

fall off the stage oh all right well

what a way to open this bottle camera

Nate come come I don't think Cameron's

coming Jonathan come over here oh what a

way to start a bring your nuggets with

you if you want you know you only ate

about three didn't you you know what I

think I just looked at your time there

Cameron it was about four minutes and I

think the records about one minute seven

pretty cool oh it's gone I think he's on

the tile he's on the toilet as well so

anyway I would say that that wasn't a

very healthy thing to do that's actually

leads me in nicely because we're talking

about health today and it's important

that we get the right balance isn't it

Jonathan what should we be eating what

kind of things should we be eating James

vegetables carrots turnips mashed potato

you know every single vegetable without

my head is yeah but then you can also

have carbohydrates you can have things

like pasta you can have all that kind of

stuff bread and fruit as well as amazing

it's really if you don't like apples

bananas all that kind of stuff so it's

really important now Jonathan why don't

you tell our lovely audience what you

used to eat when you were a child all


okay so um I didn't like to eat many

variety of stir I'm sure parents a home

or understand I I had a chocolate


chocolate mousse chocolate snack

chocolate milkshake was it was just the

chocolate chocolate chocolate first and

was that just because you I just didn't

like to adventure with any foods but now

it's completely different now I love all

sorts of foods I love trying new things

as well it never happened it was not a

very good diet no no no and actually in

Rock kids we always say it's the same

thing it's all about choices and you

made a choice I'm gonna stop have a

chocolate and was not good every meal

and I'm gonna choose to eat more foods

that are out there there's so many great

vegetables and

and carbohydrates and all the other

stuff and you can have a treat every now

and again now we want to show you

something special now from Rockettes

live this is something that we shot it's

a little bit of fun and we decided that

we would have a little bit of a race and

that's all we're gonna tell you so watch

this video and enjoy alright guys we

were having a discussion earlier we had

planned to go to Jonathan's house for a

socially distanced cup of tea in his

garden now I said that we should all

cycle there because that's gonna be the

fastest way to get to Jonathan's house

but sigh he said no no we should just

drive you should go in the van we should

all take a car or something but I

disagree and then Jonathan comes out and

says no we should just walk or run there

cuz he thinks that's the quickest way to

his house so we decided we will bring

this to Rockets live and see which way

is the fastest way to get to Jonathan's

house for a cup of tea should we do it

so we're going to have a race I'm gonna

go on the bike you're going to take the

fan Jonathan's gonna run three two one









that's not what I'm disobey

get tired




I don't think


hey we go

what are you doing


Oh No

Oh Oh wife's car laneways going I ignore

ignoring no no not gonna gonna gonna go


by the way



by the way


Oh what just a nice runs with the park

oh well back to you guys in the studio

all right hope you guys enjoyed that

video now Jonathan I've got you here oh

yeah on your own now mm-hmm

how did you win that come on tell me I'm

just super quick I have a I had a

lucozade before as well just like it's

like super fast juice oh you did look

pretty intense on the video plus this is

your area maybe you knew a shortcut I

couldn't drive in the car well that's

for me to know and you to find out okay

anyway so actually that video does bring

about some good points you see cuz

Jonathan you would do something healthy

I wasn't doing something healthy I was

stopping over Starbucks Cameron was on

the bike as well that was a healthy

thing to do so you guys at home can

maybe go on a little bike ride have a

little jog well actually we've got a

special rocky admission because every

time we do Rocky's live we like to set

you guys a little challenge so Jonathan

what is this week's Rock admission we

want to see if you guys can do something

you might have seen this before we got

something called the monkey times two

double speed thing on our YouTube

channel we want to see if you guys can

do at home maybe you can film it send in

a video of you doing it and we can maybe

stick it on rock kids live at some point

would be absolutely awesome in fact that

would be amazing because we would see

you guys doing the double speed monkey

and it would make us feel like we've

actually done something worthwhile yeah

and we didn't just do it because we were

crazy you know it would be something

you'll feel so good at the end of it

yeah maybe anyway which thought I'd get

towards the end of the session now but

actually there's a couple of things that

you could do before we go one thing you

can do is you can like this video right

now and you could subscribe to our

Channel and then you can get

notifications on when Rock kids live is

coming on we'll be back on Thursday oh

yeah make sure you leave a comment as


questions presently the next team member

and also sets us some battles because we

want to give away our brand-new album

rock kids 2.0 and we're all three of us

are gonna sign this thing off and we're

happy to give those out if we pick your

battle if you leave it in the comments

and then we do your battle we will give

you that CD we will send you a CD so I

think that's about the end but we've

been talking about health today oh yeah

we thought it would only be right to

finish the session with a little bit of

a workout we've got a very special guest

haven't we so have you guys heard of the

pee with Joe extraordinaire Joe winks oh

sure ways so I got in touch with Joe Wix

and I said Joe wicks I said Joe Wix you

can you come on rock kids live and do a

little bit of a workout at the end of

the session and he said no but I managed

to get the next best thing

are you sure yeah I'm pretty sure our

guy is definitely he's faster

no he's a spitter no he's more

experienced no it's better looking

no definitely not okay so but he does

bring his very own moves he does you

bring these very old Me's are you guys

ready to do the workout

Cameron seems to still be I don't know

work Cameron they're still choking up

chicken I'll get somewhere but we can

head over to the stage now Lisa

gentlemen put your hands together and

head over to the stage it's bull

afternoon guys welcome to Pierre we've

bow on beau Hicks as you can see on the

screen that one an original workout guru

we're going to do some exercises right

now so you guys ready I got I can't hear

you but I'm assuming you are let's hit

the music let's get that blood pumping

come up be a sermon and Jonathan we're

ready to go okay the music's kicking in

let's start off with some reverse


lunges this is real easy because you do

a reverse lunge but at university again

and you got forward try this do a

reverse reverse lunge let's do the left

leg and the wallet

yeah we're kicking in now left leg right


left leg right leg workout number one

let's go again let's do some that one



next exercise guys harmony living room

wherever you are all right we're gonna

do some social distance dodging so this

is for when you're out and about you've

got to stay a meter apart from anyone

around you she's got me like this

judging everyone making sure you're not

going near anyone making sure you subtly

distance in me Georgina round like that

oh my head's getting everywhere dodgy

let you suck so deeply to stop you

alright and just lay down touch the

floor touch it out

my hair's going everywhere laying down

touch it out lovely feel that stretch

got hair all over that

besides hey you guys ready we're gonna

do some [ __ ] out

yeah butter heat she's gonna teach you

to do some chin-ups all right

I'm still down does the chin-ups keep

your chin nose up i beautiful size today

punch written for exercise number four I

want you to lay down to the floor

imagine you're in Australia all right

sneaking your hand

it's nuts around

roars on fire


more than two times whoo

feeling good people what a great workout

great way to end

Rocky's life for today Thank You Cameron

Thank You Simon

Thank You Jonathan for inviting me to be

a part of rock kid's life I'll say

goodbye you can say goodbye back to me

your pie



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