April 29, 2024

Explain By Example: VPN Gateway or ExpressRoute

Published July 6, 2023, 10:20 a.m. by Monica Louis

TL;DR: This video explains what azure VPN Gateway and azure expressroute is...

...in a really weird way. It mentions a guy called frank a lot. He's pretty famous. He used to be infamous. There was even a movie made about him starring Leonardo DiCaprio. But he still didn't win an Oscar for that movie though. Boo.

I wrote the blog version of this over a year ago so the content might be slightly outdated but the concepts still apply. I also most definitely made a few mistakes whilst making this video (let's see if you can spot any). I started this video back in January with the intention to finish it in a week. It took me 3 months. My life has been a rollercoaster and things keep popping up, I even started a new blog called 'bad ideas'. Give it a follow, or not. I'm also uploading this at midnight on a weeknight and I'm really tired now. Enjoy the video, or not. Peace out.

📔 Feel like reading instead? Go check out https://medium.com/@michelle.xie/explain-by-example-vpn-gateway-or-expressroute-cbb2455fe746

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hi youtube welcome to another one of

these explained by example videos now

today we are going to take a look at

vpn gateway versus express route

recently i watched frank abagnale's talk

on youtube and to be frank

i didn't know who he was or is

now if you're like me you have also been

living under a rock he is essentially

the real life leonardo dicaprio of catch

me if you can anyway between climbing

out of this rock i've been living under

and studying for the azure architecture


i started thinking about the connection

between undercover agents and azure


or more specifically

the commonly asked question about

whether one should pick vpn gateway or

express routes to connect to azure as

usual i like to start with the basics

before getting to the answer so what is

vpn gateway azure vpn gateway allows you

to connect your on-premises network to

azure networks to send encrypted traffic

over an insecure channel what does that

really mean let's say you have a bunch

of servers on premises

which is just machines in some

organization or some data center and you

want some of those machines to be able

to connect and communicate with a bunch

of azure services also known as cloud

services this is an example of

site-to-site connection we have one site

your on-premises connecting to another

site your azure environment how does

site-to-site connection work well to

enable site-to-site connection or s2s we

need to install a vpn device into one of

the on-premises network this vpn device

allows you to connect a vpn gateway

which you have to put into your azure

virtual network or azure vnet

technically you have to carve out a

section in your azure virtual network

which is known as a subnet called the

gateway subnet this subnet needs to have

enough space for the vpn gateway to use

so you need to use at least slash 27 for

32 addresses or slash 28 for 16

addresses for this gateway subnet you

also need to create a local network

gateway which is essentially a

reflection of your vpn device that you

have installed on premises the local

network gateway takes in the public ip

address of your vpn device

think of it as this is where your vpn

device is located on premises and the

address space which is essentially the

number of address spaces you have in

that particular on-premises network the

vpn device is installed on now remember

what i said before about vpn gateway

allowing you to send secure traffic

over an insecure channel this is because

the traffic gets encrypted before it is

sent out

like frank abagnale putting on a

disguise before he took on an undercover

job for the fbi or committing a crime

when traffic is encrypted you don't

really know what type of traffic it is

nor the content of the traffic like when

frank was an undercover agent or

committing fraud in disguise you didn't

really know it was frank you just know

that it was some pilot some doctor or

some lawyer which meant the traffic can

traverse over the internet an insecure

and public channel

freely just like how frank could roam

about firmly under the skies once we get

to the destination we can decrypt the

traffic to reveal its contents like

removing a disguise to reveal frank's

true identity to set up for encryption

and decryption the vpn device must share

encryption and decryption keys with vpn

gateway this is called shared key or

symmetric key encryption i won't go into

details about encryption and decryption

maybe it's a topic for another video but

essentially the vpn device and vpn

gateway share the same encryption in

decryption keys which means before the

traffic is sent out to the internet it

is first encrypted when either party

receives the traffic they can use the

decryption key to decrypt the traffic

all you need to know for now is that vpn

gateway supports ipsec

slash ike protocols which is the

industry standard for cryptography when

it comes to vpns once your vpn device

knows the shared secret keys to be used

in information exchange as well as the

public ip address of the vpn gateway

you can create a connection between the

two and voila you have connected your on

premises to azure vpn gateway also

supports what is called point to site or

p2s connections

point of sight connections allows you to

connect say your computer to your azure

virtual network

again the traffic goes over the public

internet but because it is encrypted it

remains anonymous

safe and secure why would i use p2s


well let's say you have successfully set

up the s2s connection between your

organization's on-premises networks to


now after all that hard work your

manager says well done you deserve a

holiday so you hop on the next flight

out to hawaii for a short vacation as

soon as you touch down at inouye

international airport you get a call

from your manager

help she starts to say one of our proud

environment is down and we need you to

fix it immediately you roll your eyes

and think i should really get a raise

this year but you don't say that

instead you tell her no worries let me

check into my hotel first so i can

download the azure vpn clients to

securely remote into azure through vpn

gateway and fix it

p2s connection is really great for any

remote workers that need to connect into

your azure v nets securely over the

public internet after your vacation in

hawaii you come back to find that

everyone is talking about express route

and you start to wonder

what is azure express route azure

express routes your manager starts to

say allows us to physically connect our

on-premises networks into azure yeah but

why would we want to do that

well we don't want our traffic going

over the internet anymore and besides we

have been experiencing latency with more

members joining the team and we are

getting internet outages it's just a

nightmare also i overheard the ceo and

the cto the other day talking about

expanding the office to the other side

of the country and

sounds interesting enough so you pull up

microsoft docs to have a little read on

the features and benefits of express

routes you find that to create an

expressroute connection you first need

to create a circuit the physical

connectivity into azure is done by an

express route partner so when you create

a circuit you are essentially asking

your chosen express route partner to set

up a physical connection for you to

connect to they on the other hand

connect the circuit into azure once

you've created circuit you need to

extract the service key and pass that on

to your chosen express route partner

once your expressroute partner has

connected you you will see the provider

status and your circuit change from not

provisioned to provisioned now that you

have your express route circuits

activated you can start connecting your

azure virtual networks to your

on-premises networks over express route

similar to vpn gateway you need to

create an express route gateway inside

your virtual network before you can

connect to the express route circuit

like connecting to the vpn device an

expressroute circuit can be connected to

10 different virtual networks and a

virtual network can be connected to four

different express route circuits all

traffic is now traversed over your own

organization's networks and the

microsoft azure networks which means

even if the public internet crashes it

will not affect your traffic flow what

happens when my express route circuit

goes down your traffic flow to and from

azure will obviously get cut off so

typically to ensure for high

availability you have two express route

circuits set up one as a primary link

and one as a secondary or backup link

for disaster recovery you can set up one

circuit and one region and another

circuit in another region so even if the

entire region or city goes down your

connection to azure is not broken and if

you are really concerned let's say you

are worried that you might end up having

a dispute with your express route

partner you can set up multiple circuits

across multiple regions with multiple

different partners and if all that fails

then we must have really hit strike on

the doomsday clock what was that part

about eavesdropping on the ceo and cto

another advantage of using express route

is leveraging the global microsoft

network so your manager overheard that a

new office is to be set up on the other

side of the country and surely they

would want to have two offices to

communicate privately rather than

exchange their communication over the

public internet but setting up a

gigantic wire to connect the two office

networks together will be too expensive

what can we do instead with expressroute

globalreach you look up to find your

manager say we can connect our two

office networks together at a fraction

of the cost by leveraging microsoft's

global network gee she's really keen on

this express route thing you think to

yourself how does express route global

reach work quite simple she says express

throughout global reach connects express

route circuits together which means if

we connected our main office to an

expressval circuit and our new office to

another expressway circuit then link

those two express our circuits together

we will be able to do all our office

communication privately over the

microsoft network the ceo just happens

to walk by and hears this and asks does

private mean the communication is

encrypted no the traffic that traverses

over express routes is not encrypted but

you can encrypt the traffic over express

route if you really want to with ipsec

and azure virtual when so should we pick

azure vpn gateway or azure express route

to connect to azure and the answer is

that depends on your business


vpn gateway is typically cheaper than

express routes and whilst you get the

anonymity and security of encryption

with vpn gateway you are still

traversing over a publicly exposed and

insecure channel and are dependent on

internet providers for network

consistency with express routes your

traffic is not encrypted but it is

private and you would experience lower

latency than with vpn gateway think of

express route like plugging a device

straight into the ethernet port for

faster internet speed versus vpn gateway

relying on the wireless connection or


however this comes at a cost as you need

to pay for hardware that is specifically

dedicated to you that's it for now um if

you enjoy this video please go and check

out my other videos

uh or feel free to follow my blog on



for more blog contents

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