April 28, 2024

Social Media Strategy for Artists Made Easy!

Published May 19, 2023, 11:20 a.m. by Arrik Motley

As an artist, have you ever felt like you were floundering when it came to social media? You're not alone. It's a common feeling, but the good news is that there's a social media strategy for artists that can make things a lot easier.

The first step is to choose the right platform. There are a lot of different social media platforms out there, and it can be tough to decide which one is right for you. The best way to figure it out is to think about where your audience is most active. If you're trying to reach a younger audience, Instagram might be a good choice. If you're trying to reach a more mature audience, Facebook might be a better choice.

Once you've chosen a platform, it's time to start creating content. The key here is to create content that is interesting and engaging. Don't just post pictures of your paintings - post behind-the-scenes photos, share interesting stories, and give your followers a glimpse into your creative process.

Another important part of your social media strategy is to interact with your followers. Respond to comments, ask questions, and start conversations. This will make your followers feel like they're a part of your process and it will help you build a community around your art.

Finally, don't forget to promote your work on your social media platforms. When you have a new painting or exhibition coming up, let your followers know. You can also use social media to drive traffic to your website or blog.

By following these simple tips, you can create a social media strategy for artists that will help you build an audience, promote your work, and interact with your fans. So what are you waiting for? Get started today!

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all right all right my dudes what's

happening man this is trent and it is

wednesday that is that is that means

it's our day that is it is my nyan daban

it's finally here

today we're gonna be talking about

social media everybody knows you gotta

be on social media if you're gonna make

some money today if you're gonna be like

building your own business

this is especially true for artists now

you might not think it but i'm actually

a very shy person i had to get over that

to do this

that wasn't always this way it was

actually pretty tough and intimidating


and i know all the things all the

reasons why you're probably thinking i

don't need to get on social media it's

too scary well i'm gonna try to help you

make it a little easier for yourself but

first a word from our

sponsor and that sponsors me baby yeah i

don't care about skillshare i don't care

about league of shadows or whatever i

want to tell you about my tutorials

these are tutorials from beginners uh

with the easy art lesson series to the


facility workshop or concept art

workshops that i've got over there for

characters and environments

again don't forget to use that 30 off

coupon you can see it on the screen

above use that at the checkout all right


let's talk about social media let's talk

about why you need to have a youtube

channel a instagram channel and a

twitter and a facebook and as many

others as you can

possibly find the time to do even if

you're super shy and just afraid of

being the public eye you got to get over

that if you're going to be a successful

artist you got to get over your shyness

that's part of it and i want to preface

this by saying you don't have to if you

don't want to build a business around

your art if you're just doing it for fun

like you don't have to do those things

but it is beneficial

if you do decide hey man i want to

actually make a job out of this i want

to build a business around my art

now first of all i schedule this every

morning so

it's one of the first things that i do i

go through my twitter and then i try to

most of the day put it down until the

evenings but for the most part

every single day i am hitting it up and

i'm trying to post at least a doodle or

a sketch

every one to two days now i know the

optimal is like three to four times a


i ain't got time for that i got too many

other things going on so

why is this important why does it matter

well it matters because

every single day people who are

interested in art are following people

who are already feeding them

more art and if you are not they don't

even you don't even come up on their

radar you're not available so you don't

show up so it doesn't matter if you had

something popular 10 years ago or if you

just did the most baller painting you've

ever done in your life if it ain't on

social media

then you don't exist at least in the

eyes of the public and if you want to


popular or product that you're selling

but it just ain't gonna happen you can't

just count on making something awesome

uh tucked away and you know in the

basement someplace or or in your closet

you know like you have to have that work

out and available for people to see

now this doesn't have to be a daunting

task a lot of times people talk

themselves out of it it's like nah i got

to get a 2 000

camera and i got to get the lighting

equipment and i'm i don't have like the

office space and

maybe there's just too much noise in my

neighborhood there's a lot of ways that

you can

make digital content that you can make

video content for youtube for instance

uh without really disrupting too much of

your time or schedule or even your

wallet you know

for example a lot of people have a

smartphone these days if you just set up

your smartphone above your drawing desk

for instance

and you can make yourself a nice uh two

minute video time lapse it

of whatever it is that you're drawing

anyway the same thing is true with your

digital space so if you're working in

photoshop or sketchbook pro or on your


there are cheap or free screen capture

programs like obs

for uh for windows and mac or i use

uh camtasia to record all of my video


there are a number of these if you're on

ipad there's a there's several of them

that are only a few dollars as well

so you can capture your screen and then

export it as a video file and then

youtube has a free music library so

you don't even need to talk on it and i

know this is really appealing for a lot

of people out there who might be really

intimidated thinking

i'm too nervous to talk about stuff on

online with too many people listening

it's like too many voices i can't

i can't keep track and it's just it's

intimidating it's scary

and believe me i know man i i had to get

over that when i

when i first started out and do not do

not under any circumstances watch

my first videos because they are not

particularly good i was very mumbly

and i didn't know how to articulate my

ideas very well and i didn't even know

what people wanted so

i drank a little bit of whiskey just a

little bit not too much just a little

bit of whiskey

and so until somebody called me out on

it they're like dude

you look drunk in these videos which uh

yeah it took the edge off but maybe a

little too much edge you know what i'm

saying but i'll tell you what

in time i started to get a lot more

comfortable with just you know

hitting record and just talking uh but i

don't recommend drinking alcohol to get

over your

nervousness in fact what i do recommend

is that maybe you give a phone call to a

friend somebody that you're really

comfortable with

and then while you're still on that

energy of just feeling relaxed and

comfortable talking about your thoughts

that's when you switch over to hitting

record and

get off the phone obviously first then

hit record and start recording your

commentary and you'll feel a lot more

relaxed and comfortable because you're

in that headspace still

so that's what i started doing and i

found myself getting a lot more

comfortable and eventually people even

started asking me hey

what kind of uh what kind of pencil are

you using and hey what kind of a

program is that and how do i do this

thing that you were doing and so

when i used to think well i don't know

what to say which is what a lot of


why they don't do youtube for instance i

don't know what to say well

eventually people tell you what they

want you to talk about you know

so i highly recommend that i highly

recommend just recording your process

even if it's little snippets or

something like that don't

spend a ton of time on this do not plan

to spend

a ton of time on your social media

channels just

slowly integrate it into your process

when uh when i started my instagram

channel i just started taking photos of

whatever was

was on my screen or on my desk that i

was working on at the time

it took literally 30 or 40 seconds to

write up some hashtags and a little


and it just keeps your audience uh

interested in what you're doing it keeps

them you're showing up to the party

again so you keep getting invited to the

party so to speak

but if you disappear and you're not on

social media at all

it doesn't matter how popular your book

was or whatever it is that you make

like people forget about you so you kind

of have to

keep working it in as a part of your


just like exercise or anything else that

you want to keep building momentum at

you have to keep at it

and that doesn't require more than a few

days a week

that you're doing it and with youtube i

found like my comfort spot is about one

to two videos a week and i use a lot of

templates so i don't have to keep

remaking intros and and title screens

and things like that

i also try to make sure that i link all

of my social

media channels together so like you'll

see links in the description below

so when i do my couple of videos per

week i you know they pretty much get

blasted out across all my other channels

as well

sometimes just putting more energy into

something doesn't mean that you're going

to get more subscribers at it or

something like that so

i kind of found that comfort zone one of

the things i'm working on is trying to

be just a little bit more casual in my


i i people don't realize i spend seven

to eight hours making a ten minute video

and why is that because i am really

putting a lot of thought into

the topics that i discuss i'm really

trying to think about

the perspective of the other people and

and like if i talk about a person who's

struggling with finances

i don't want anybody to feel awful about

maybe taking a gamble on their finances

to pursue

art and maybe it didn't work out and

like i want you to feel bad it's like i

want to give you equipment and tools

to empower yourself so like that

requires a lot of thought it's not

something i could just off the cuff

throw out there but i am trying to speed

that up by making it more casual

just making it more comfortable and

that's the same advice that i would give

to you

like you know make it make it easier

just make it a little bit more

comfortable you know you don't have to

give it

so much of your energy and you don't

have to have too much of a high

expectation either i think if you put in

a ton of work on a youtube channel or an

instagram or something

if you don't get the results that you

were expecting you might get discouraged

and so like that's not as uh as

rewarding as just building something

slowly over time chipping away at it

it's just part of my process to record

everything that i do now

and it's part of my process that i take

little snapshots on my phone throughout

the whole painting process and then i

post those on my social media

and that's why i think you you really

just need to incorporate it into part of

your usual process

if you're gonna be drawing anyway just

set up a camera over your head and

record that

put that out there two birds with one

stone and i'd go one step further

and make it into a poster and put it out

in all kinds of different ways as many

ways as you can possibly put it on a

t-shirt and all that and then you got

10 birds with one stone before you know

it you're a bird killer you're taking

out a whole flock

with one stone one stone you're a bird


a maverick renegade bird killer so

that's what i'm doing right now this

drawing is for the secrets of kung

fuglio this is an illustrated novel

in the twilight monk universe and this

is uh also going to be in the world of

twilight among volume 2 which is

the second art book in the series and if

you want to read the story

you can get it for free the first 2500

downloads are free on the secrets of

kung fulio after that

i'm gonna be adding the pdf with all

kinds of artwork and images and an

audio book version of it as well so get

that for free before it's

gone and dudes until next time i want to

thank you so much for stopping by and

i'll catch you all

among yonder bon and ciao

baby oh yeah


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