April 27, 2024


Published May 23, 2023, 12:20 a.m. by Arrik Motley

culture - how to culture microworm without a starter by Hobby TV.

If you're looking to start culturing your own microworms, you don't need a starter culture. All you need is a little bit of patience and the right supplies. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to culture microworms without a starter culture:

1. Gather your supplies. You'll need a container with a lid (a plastic deli container or margarine tub works well), some non-chlorinated water, a piece of fruit or vegetable for food, and a source of warmth (a heating pad set on low works great).

2. Fill your container with water and add the piece of fruit or vegetable.

3. Place the container in a warm location (between 77-86 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal).

4. Wait. It will take anywhere from 3-10 days for the microworms to start appearing in the water.

5. Once you see microworms, it's time to start feeding them. You can either add more fruit or vegetables, or you can purchase a commercial microworm food.

6. Continue to feed and care for your microworms as they grow and multiply. You'll need to change the water every few days to keep it clean.

And that's all there is to it! With a little bit of time and effort, you can easily culture your own microworms without the need for a starter culture.

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hey guys what's up by the way this is

mark and welcome to have a tv

first of all i would like to thank you

guys for all of the support that you

that you've given especially to our

channel and of course if you are new to

this channel please hit the subscribe

button and the notification bell to get

updated on our new video like this one

and now without further ado let's get

the video started

for today's video we'll do an experiment

about how to culture micro worm without

a starter

so now let's prepare the materials

a knife

clear plastic container you can purchase

this at your grocery store or in

kitchenware department in a plastic


oatmeal for media



disposable spoon



cup 4 starter and last but not least a

rusty shovel


and now let's go to our procedures

let's use a knife to cut a potato

then make a hole in the center of it

using the spoon like this one

let's find a tree and dag a hole under a

tree using a shovel

let's place the potato like this and

then vary it with soil and cover it with

anything having a flat button surface to

make it protected from a direct crane

let's wait for at least a week


now i'm using flower pot like this one

after a week let's now check the potato

and dig it carefully

and now let's collect a sample using a

disposable spoon as our starter

i'm using oatmeal as armenia for

microarm culture

and add the boiled hot water into the

media and mix it thoroughly using a


and let it cool for 15 to 20 minutes

after 20 minutes put the mix oatmeal

into the clear plastic container and

distribute the microwave starter

and add the pins of yes like this and

mix it

use a needle to make a small holes on

the plastic cup or lid for air


and to protect the culture from small

ants and flies

then place a micron culture into a cold

dry place for at least two weeks

after two weeks let's try to check the


and yes

as what you can see our culture

experiment is now succeeded

and the microbes are crawling in the

containers wall

let's now go to harvesting for

harvesting let's prepare a glass with

water like this

i'm using my finger and harvesting the

microwaves like this or you may also use

chopsticks or cotton buds

and put in the glass like this can you

see the small wiggling worms


let's try to feed our fish fry

note if the micron culture is starting

to smell bad and starting to deteriorate

you may now make another culture using

the remaining microworm as your starter

thank you so much guys for watching the

video till the end hopefully this video

helps you find another source of live

food for your fish fry and if you want

another video learnings like this one

please hit the subscribe button

and the notification bell to get updated

on our next video and if you have any

questions and suggestions you can send

us message at our fb page at happytv.ph

i would love to answer all of your

inquiries there

for other videos you may check our in

screen right here

and happy fish keeping everyone and may

god bless us all




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