April 26, 2024


Published May 29, 2023, 1:20 p.m. by Arrik Motley

There are many different types of jobs in the art world, from working in a museum to being a professional artist. However, one of the most important and rewarding jobs in the art world is working as an art educator. art educators play a vital role in helping people of all ages learn about and appreciate art.

Working as an art educator can be both challenging and rewarding. It is challenging because you must be able to engage and motivate your students, while also being able to teach them about a wide variety of topics. However, it is also rewarding because you get to see your students grow and learn about something that you are passionate about.

If you are interested in working as an art educator, there are a few things that you should keep in mind. First, you need to have a strong knowledge of art history and the different styles of art. Second, you need to be able to communicate effectively with your students. And third, you need to be patient and understand that not every student will learn at the same pace.

If you have a passion for art and teaching, then working as an art educator may be the perfect career for you. There are many different types of jobs in the art world, but none are as important or rewarding as working as an art educator.

You may also like to read about:

below before you watch this video I

highly suggest watching my previous

video avoid these art careers thanks to

AI art to get information that will not

be shared in this video this video is a

continuation on that conversation and

will not be covering as much as the

first one thanks hello bishes welcome

back to my channel so for today's video

I wanted to talk about something a

little bit more on the positive side

compared to last week's video where I

discussed a few art careers that I could

see the potential of fading out over

time thanks to AI art but I do at the

end of the day don't believe that all

art jobs will become obsolete in the

future I still believe that there will

still be a need for human artists at the

end of the day and that's what today's

video is going to discuss is some of the

art jobs that I feel like will be AI

proof and although the title is a bit

click-baity because I don't really think

anything can be truly considered AI

proof because you know with technology

nowadays I do feel like people will

always find a way to make something

happen but what I mean in today's video

is more so the types of art careers that

I feel like will still have at least a

good decent amount of life expectancy

before this whole AI art apocalypse

happens which could be happening after

we're all dead so you know I really

don't know what the future holds because

I am not a psychic at the end of the day

but I am speaking as a professional

artist who is currently working in the

LA animation industry as well as an

author for a graphic novel and as a

person who is on social media and

creates online comics and YouTube videos

so but before you watch this video I

also do highly suggest you watch my

previous video about my broad thoughts

on AI art as well because I feel like if

you watch this video without the other

one I don't know people might just say

things that I already said in the

previous video and you know how the

whole internet likes to work but yeah

I'm just gonna dive in right ahead and

just talk about what I do think are

somewhat AI proof art jobs just so that

we can still give people who are losing

hope some hope back so first of all I do

think that if in the future AI art takes

over and let's say that's all there is

going to be of Art in the future which

honestly I really don't think is gonna

happen if that is the case where there's

no more online digital art that is made

by a human you can just never tell the

difference between an AI generated art

piece versus a human art piece that was

created digitally I feel like

traditional art is going to come at a

premium if that is the case so selling

traditional art slash handcrafted Goods

will still have value because people

purchase these things with the

acknowledgment that they are made by a

human for example whenever you attend

conventions or even purchase a physical

sketch illustration or painting from

somebody that they did on that actual

piece of paper or canvas that is going

to be so much more valuable in the

future because it is apparently now a

rarity however I don't think that these

things are just going to be as easy as

saying hey I'm just going to become a

traditional artist and just get rich off

of that no I still think that you will

have to develop a name for yourself and

you will have to develop a presence for

yourself in order to even make that

stuff sellable so that is the Annoying

aspect of it it's not something that is

as easy as applying for a job online as

a traditional artist and then just

living off of that as your career it's

definitely going to have to come from

the more entrepreneurial realm and

you're going to have to develop probably

a name for yourself through social media

and create a brand for yourself so that

is going to have to be the foundational

aspect to being able to even make sales

off of traditional art or handcrafted

Goods that's why there are some Etsy

shops out there that are really well

known and do so much better than others

and that also goes the same for artists

there are artists online who have a

great following and just from an

objective standpoint if you are going to

have a greater following you probably

are going to create more sales with your

work and by that time if traditional art

is going to be more of a rare feature

then I do think that yeah you can

probably price your art a lot higher but

assuming that if you have a good

following or Community to back that then

yeah but it will still be a struggle for

those who do not have a name for

themselves and they're just selling

their traditional art for a high fee

when they do not have the following to

begin with moving on to the next career

I feel like comic artists will still be

valued in the future because because I'm

not just saying this because I myself am

a comic artist I'm saying this because I

genuinely do think that there will still

be a value for human stories especially

autobiographical Comics just because

even though AI art has proven to be able

to make comics online they can only make

comics based off of pre-existing

material or things that have existed

already but if you are a human living

your life and you experience these

random unique things in your life those

are things that AI cannot just randomly

predict or create because it hasn't

happened before and I feel like a

person's unique experiences are still

just valued by other humans because when

I pick up a book when I pick up a comic

usually I will then eventually look into

the artist or the author behind it

because I want to draw the connection

between why this person made this story

in this specific style or storytelling

method and to this day I still feel like

from what I see attending conventions or

just getting a scope of artists online

comic artists still just seem to have

this greater reach to Their audience

just for that story element because they

are talking about things from their

experiences that others can relate to

and sometimes they can disguise it in a

Fantastical Universe they can disguise

it into a Sci-Fi story they can turn

that into something fictional but the

root of that story at the end of the day

is still going to come back to something

that is human and relatable I do think

when AI art Comics come out and actually

sell in bookstores people will be

probably Amazed by the fact that hey

this is kind of a novelty it's going to

have some appeal in the beginning but I

think in the long run after people get

over the hype they're still going to

resume Back To Human stories because we

all have our struggles that we're we're

going to be dealing with throughout life

no matter what and I feel like whenever

you deal with specific struggles or

certain types of experiences that you

want a point of relation to you will end

up resorting to stories of your

preferred medium that you will want to

read things with and before I move on to

the next role I wanted to first thank

the sponsor of today's video flexispot

is a home office brand that offers a

range of ergonomic office furniture from

Stand desks chairs and more if you

followed me for a while now you're

probably aware I've had flexi spots

standard standing desk their office

chair and recently gifted my boyfriend

their newer ergonomic chair Pro I know

we've mostly talked about technology

that concerns Us in today's video but

let's just have a moment to appreciate

technology that is a bit more directly

beneficial for us having an ergonomic

office setup is so important as a

digital artist because you are sedentary

the majority of the time this can lead

to Future back shoulder and neck

problems so having a stand desk is one

of the ways you can keep a good habit of

alternating standing and sitting and

having a chair with good Lumber support

can help improve your posture their

stand-esque vent chairs are both pretty

straightforward to set up and adjustable

to whatever height or position you want

they come in different materials and

colors with the ones I chose to be black

and white flexi spot is hosting a Black

Friday sale on their website with a

flash sale of a hundred and ten dollars

off the en1 stand desk on November 25th

and 110 off the oc10 chair from November

25th to 28th so read the description box

below for more information they even

have products from Stand desk converters

and mobile office stands for anyone who

can't afford larger furniture at this

time so thank you again flexispot for

sponsoring today's video now let's get

back to the original programming moving

on to the next role I think art director

roles will also be hard to take over I

I've seen a lot of conversations between

artists online who say things like oh

well you know once AI art takes over

that just opens up more art director

roles I actually kind of disagree with

that because I don't think that suddenly

all Studios will just have directors for

everything because directors have a


say in the Creative Vision of something

and I feel like if you have like 20 to

30 director roles on a project then

there's a room for a lot of clashing but

what I do think is that art director

roles will just continue to exist and I

see them being impacted by AI art a lot

less sure it can still happen but I

still think that at the end of the day

there has to be a human approving and

saying yes or no to certain decisions as

they are the people who have had prior

experience as an artist but also prior

experience managing people and also

prior experience having leadership which

is something that I am not sure how

Studios or large companies will be okay

with just having these air to generators

making the decisions for them because

nowadays I feel like with diversity and

stories from underrepresented groups I

feel like that obviously is going to be

more needed and it will continue to be

needed in the future but I don't know

how AI art can suddenly just make up a

story about them being in the shoes of a

minority group or an oppressed group and

just have that be okay by the audience I

feel like audience is now value raw

authentic stories which I'm not sure how

raw and authentic AI art can be because

it is already artificial another reason

why I think that art director roles will

be hard to take over is because it's a

role that hasn't even really fully

relied on creating art as its

responsibility especially in the

storyboarding rule and probably even in

a lot of the animation roles a lot of

art directors still have to create art

but there still is a large element of

their position that is mostly about

making creative decisions sharing their

opinions sharing what they think about

certain things so the fourth job that I

think that will just be taking some time

for AI art to fully penetrate our

animation union jobs because there's

already a barrier that just exists and

even if again an AI art takeover happens

I feel like it's going to be at least

some time before it gets through the

union some of the animation union jobs

out there that exist are storyboard

artists visual development artists

character designers animators

Etc if you go on the animation Union

website you can probably find more

specific roles that might cater towards

what you want to do as an artist but

even though these rules exist everywhere

else in the world at other Animation

Studios the jobs specifically at

unioneye studios are protected through

the union and as a person who has been

working with a lot of unionized Studios

thus far in my career which is pretty

much the majority of like all of my jobs

I just don't know how AI art can fully

just make the animation Union no longer

exist and just have people working in

the union suddenly say yeah sure AI art

go go ahead but when it just comes to

animation union jobs there just is a

more clear barrier that you have to get

through before you really can just do

certain things to artists they're

already starting to crack down on a lot

of Animation Studios doing illegal

testing on artists which is Studios

pretty much giving artists a test to see

if they are a good potential for their

team but sometimes they don't accept

those artists but they will still

utilize their tests as a part of their

work which is not right obviously but I

feel like the union is really cracking

down on that and actually creating

awareness and some sort of Regulation

around that so I just don't know how AI

art is suddenly going to change the

minds of people who are in the animation

Union and make it okay for artists to

suddenly be replaceable also as a person

right now who is just working in the

animation industry and pretty much

receives the latest animation Union

updates or just discussions happening

within our community I don't really see

too many conversations happening right

now about AI art yes I have seen a few

here and there but it is nowhere near to

the extent of how the internet is

blowing up this discussion right now

which I'm not saying is like oh it's not

a big deal in our industry because we're

just that confident I think that

everyone should just be aware about how

the future can change things in general

and I do think that Industries should be

aware about AI so that if something does

happen we were prepared and not

underprepared and can take the necessary

steps needed to take action upon that so

it's either between that they are just

confident enough to just not feel like

they need to worry or it's just not

information that has been spread enough

but it could have just started because I

do see some people starting to bring up

the conversation it is just not to the

degree that it is right now on the

internet I've already talked about the

Town Halls by the concept art

Association in my previous video so

please check that out but I personally

would just be really curious to see an

animation Union version of that or

people within the animation industry

talking about that but this video and my

last video are pretty much my two cents

as an individual artist working in the

industry right now and then the last job

I'm going to talk about I know is

probably going to be very exhausting to

hear from me and I'm also tired of

talking about it myself but I feel like

I just need to say it because I still

just think it's going to be the truth

but I think that being a social media

personality slash brand online is going

to be a little bit more AI proof that an

industry job just because you created

this name for yourself that cannot be

erased from the minds of people people

who suddenly decided to just follow you

I feel like if you are someone who has

established a name for yourself online

usually through social media or even

within your industry but I feel like

social media at this point has a

stronger say than building a name for

yourself within an industry is because

you can always rely on a more Universal

audience to support you instead of just

your industry to support you because

what I've noticed is that yeah there are

a lot of people who are really well

known within a certain industry but they

are not really that well known to the

rest of the world and I feel like that

could be the downfall for those people

if there is a sudden air takeover

because the ones who will be making the

decisions to incorporate AI to take over

artist roles if that ever happens will

be the industries themselves and if the

industries turn their backs on you like

who else do you have to go to the only

other people who exist in this world are

just people so that's why I feel like

there will be a greater Reliance on just

a more Universal audience which is

pretty much just anybody else out there

in the world and that is why social

media is the greater middle man for that

as much as it pains for me to say

because I feel like social media has

already been toxic enough on artists

with how their algorithm has been

working and I know that a lot of artists

are already super exhausted with the way

that social media works I myself am also

exhausted but it's still something that

I just feel obligated to have to do to a

certain extent just because I know that

in order to really be sustainable in

this day and age you have to diversify

yourself and social media is just one of

those ways that you will be able to

reach a broader audience I feel like the

only thing I can offer with this piece

of advice is to just list ways to make

social media less unbearable if I had to

choose between the platform forms I

would say YouTube is probably one of the

better options for the time being just

because there is more direct monetary

compensation for the content to create

especially after you've monetized your

channel you can always be showing the

behind the scenes being able to share

your art process being able to share

yourself as an artist and just being

able to teach other artists or humans

out there but if you are not a person

who really enjoys making videos I still

think that there is still some value in

sharing your art online even if it's on

Instagram or whatever social media

platform of your choice I just think in

general it's a good idea to just get

started in it I don't think being a

social media personality or brand is

going to be the end-all be-all solution

to having an AI proof art job it is just

again one of the other options that has

a certain requirement that will depend

on if you are willing to deal with that

or not and some artists are willing to

others are not and if you are not

willing to deal with that you do not

have to be a social media artist Brand

person whatsoever anyway I hope this

video provided some more options for

anybody who watched my previous video

and was like okay well if these jobs are

being taken then what is they're

available here are some of the jobs that

I do think will be available but again I

just think the barrier to entry might

take a little bit more time to get to

but I also do feel like these roles at

the end of the day were more like jobs

that actual people wanted to strive to

get to in the first place I feel like a

lot of the jobs I listed in the other

video were more of like stepping stone

types of jobs but these are the more

like somewhat end goal types of jobs

that I feel like I hear artists aspire

to become so hopefully just listing

these jobs can at least give you more of

a light at the end of the tunnel to

realize that hey even though I am this

right now at least this job that I want

at the end of the day will still will

probably be more likely to happen thank

you for watching this video if you

haven't already please check out my

previous video on AI art for any

information that I did not share in this

video and I will see you all in the next

one so peace out and stay whose




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