June 1, 2024

Zonya's Health Bites TV series on PBS Trailer

Published June 16, 2023, 7:20 p.m. by Monica Louis

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does it seem like you're getting busier

and busier each year and that typically

means more fast food eating and that's

not good

hi I'm Sonia Foucault's in today's show

we're going to create our own fast-food

Lane right here in our own home with

healthy grab-and-go choices and use your

crock-pot to make fast healthy dinners

like beef stroganoff first we'll have to

start today's pantry stacking lesson in

the grocery store so we can find the

healthiest granola and energy bars in

our every day fitness segment we'll make

sure we don't get too busy to fit in

exercise and get some great advice from

sherry on ways to activate the largest

muscle in your body

your tush are you ready to fight heart

disease type 2 diabetes and tackle

obesity for the entire family we've got

the weapons you need granola bars some

of the most common quick fix foods to

tuck into your coat pocket your lunchbox

or your briefcase now let me ask you

when you think of a granola bar do you

often think of hmm healthier than a

cookie well I like to think that - I'd

like to think there's more fiber than in

a cookie maybe less fat than in a cookie

maybe less sugar than it's in a cookie

remember that sodium is important for

keeping our blood pressure in good

control but also to help our bones

because the more sodium we eat in the

mark calcium we excrete it's very

important to keep sodium to a low roar

for everyone in the family what else

goes in this dish is corn and beans and

rice and of course the rice that we're

using I've already cooked up the rice

Tech's bottom 45 minutes to an hour to

boil up true brown rice and I mixed in

some wild rice that dark black rice and

the rice I buy is a buzz Motty basmati

when you're cooking it smells like

popcorn it's just fabulous so we got all

that in there we're gonna just buzz this


but always remember to put the lid on

remember the whole wheat pastry flour

and the ground flaxseed that we added

that's fiber right and we need more

fiber right and we've bumped the fiber

up so much that over a year's time of

making this change you'll add 360 grams

of fiber to your diet do you know what

that looks like that is the equivalent

of 13 cups of wheat bran added to your

diet each and every year doggy's now

that's what I call the power of just one

good habit that's right okay what's the

next thing all right so the next one is

called the triangle and this stretches

the hamstring in the frontal plane so

I'm gonna have you stand on this mat

here okay and get your feet about three

feet apart toes pointed straight ahead

arms out to a tee you're gonna turn your

right foot to the right just like that

and then you're gonna hinge at your hip

to the wall first so reach to the wall

and then go down towards your big toe

that's it and then look up towards your

left hand good

then you head back run those are just

some ideas so you can just keep doing


play some music keep your heart right up

who says you have to have special

exercise equipment like a treadmill no

problem we can get our heart rates up

keep it there for 30 minutes three times

a week and what's gonna happen is our

blood pressure is going to fall lower

than when it started at lowering it from

grocery shopping to cooking to fitness I

hope you can see there's power in just

one good habit to help your family fight

obesity heart disease and type 2

diabetes thanks for joining us i'm sonia

Foucault's and i'll have more great tips

next time on zhonya's health bites they

have done studies and they have found

that people instead of eating only beans

one time a week if they eat beans

four times a week they have a 19%


risk of heart attacks and strokes 19%

decreased chance well is that pretty




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