May 19, 2024

10 Horror Movie Reveals So Bad You Almost Walked Out

Published June 18, 2023, 10:20 p.m. by Courtney

Will Benson = Will, Ben's Son. Get it!?

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horror fans are generally an optimistic

Bunch we want to see the best in even a

terrible movie and even if it isn't

totally working it can at least be fun

to have a laugh right still a life's too

short to abide in Fury to movies when

there's so much Choice up there and to

that point the following films all hinge

themselves on reveals that were

ill-advised at best if we're being kind

the moment these dud reveals dropped it

became impossible to take what remained

of the film seriously at all so with

that in mind then I'm Andrew from what

culture and here are 10 horror movie

reveals so bad you almost walked out

number 10 Brahms is a demonic Spirit

Brahms the boy too throughout the first

boy movie it's presented the bronze is a

boy who died in a house fire 20 years

ago and whose Spirit now resides within

a porcelain doll of course the big

reveal of the movie is that bronze is

actually very real and very alive and I

spent however many years living in the

walls of his family's home that made for

a fun twist in what was admittedly a

fairly fun horror film so when Brahms

The Boy 2 rolled around there was some

mild anticipation that this could

likewise be a decent offering and then

well then we get this sequel's big twist

here the final at twist sees that there

is no adult Brahms lurking in the

shadows and instead the Brahms doll is

indeed possessed by some sort of demon

as shown when the little porcelain son

of a gun has his face smashed off and we

see his real Visage not only did this

reveal ruin the boy too but it also

managed to take a giant dump on its

predecessor nice one number nine the

Cults of thorn Halloween the curse of

Michael Myers the title of this video

could apply to numerous films in the

Halloween franchise but most fans

patients truly run out by the time the

sixth movie Halloween the curse of

Michael Myers was released after

Halloween 5 the Revenge of Michael Myers

ended with Michael being sprung from

prison by a mysterious man in Black

Halloween 6 left forward six is to

reveal that Michael was abducted by a

cult called The Cult of Thorne this cult

is also a real to be behind Michael's

compulsion to kill having given him a

curse that being the curse of Thorne

which compels him to hunt down and

murder his family members on Halloween

night this is head smackingly stupid

stuff and precisely what you get when a

horror franchise runs out of ideas but

feels weirdly obliged to explain its

Monster's Origins and yet wasn't the

beauty of the original Halloween that

Michael was an unexplained Merchant of

death by demystifying him and doing so

in such a profoundly idiotic way this

was tantamount to character

assassination poor old Michael Myers

number eight Lisa hallucinated her

Escape 47 meters down 47 meters down had

one of those late stage plot twists that

just about everybody off but if you

actually did walk out of this film you

probably regretted it afterwards so the

film it follows sisters Kate and Lisa

who end up trapped in the shark cage at

the bottom of the ocean with oxygen

supplies dwindling and sharks circling

them at the end of the movie Kate and

Lisa seemingly managed to escape and get

rescued from the water before it's

revealed that Lisa is actually

hallucinating from nitrogen Narcosis and

is indeed still at the bottom of the

deep blue sea oh and her sister died

during an earlier encounter with a great

white shark quite the bummer just as the

camera starts panning out and 47 meters

down seems Prime to end on an

infuriating down a Twist Lisa actually

is rescued by Coast Guard divers and the

film then abruptly ends writer directed

Johannes Roberts evidently knew what he

was doing here but for anyone who just

straight up turned off the movie Once

the twist was revealed they missed out

on the sort of happiest ending that

followed number seven the lipstick face

demon Insidious now there are absolutely

some brilliantly effective chilling

moments earlier in Insidious most

notably when the lipstick face demon

suddenly appears behind Josh totally out

of nowhere in the middle of a scene but

that early glimpse of the demon only

further proves the virtue of brevity in

horror because once we get a more

prolonged look at the guy he becomes

near impossible to take seriously in the

film's finale when Josh enters the

Purgatory realm known as the further to

rescue his son we get a considerably

better look at the lipstick face demon

who through repeats the exposure makes

his resemblance to Star Wars Darth Maul

ever more clear the often excellent

James 1 bizarrely shoots the whole

sequence here like a goofy funfair

haunted house which runs entirely

counter to the genuine creepiness of the

Demons fleeting earlier appearance

number six black goo mind control black

Christmas 2019

2019's black Christmas do-over didn't

exactly set high expectations from the

jump but plums such mind-only stupid

deaths by the end that became an actual

chore to finish the film there are

certainly worse ideas in update in the

sorority set slasher to confront

contemporary issues like hazing and

campus assault culture but Sofia to

Carl's movie goes wildly off the deep

end in its third act it's eventually

revealed that the murderous Frat Boys of

black Christmas are in fact being

possessed by a magic black goo which

pours out of a bust of the University's

founder Calvin Hawthorne allowing his

Spirit to take control of the boys in

order to murder Troublesome women yep

that's a thing it's a jaw-dropily stupid

Revelation that forces the movie to

collapse in on the weight of its own

silliness while also undermining

anything serious a script might be

trying to say about sexual assault

academic institutions magical black goo

really could it not just be a cult or

something except for the cult of thorn

of course number five the director is

the killer The Last Broadcast

broadcast is a mostly great found

footage film which suffered the bad luck

of being overshadowed by a certain Blair

Witch Project it also helped that the

film sensed around documentary filmmaker

David Lee investigating the murders of

several men in the New Jersey Pine

Barrens concludes with an absolute

clanger of a twist ending I know I too

can't ever say the words Pi Barons

without not thinking of that magnificent

Sopranos episode anyway The Last

Broadcast David eventually receives

footage that apparently contains the

identity of the killer of this tale and

so he employs a data retrieval expert to

reconstruct the diamond images on the

tape at this point it's revealed that

the Killer is David himself with the

perspective suddenly shifting to third

person David then kills the expert and

disposes of her body before continuing

on with the next part of his documentary

The End clearly the filmmakers here

wanting to end things with a gotchier

rug pull but between the goofiness of

this reveal and portraying the film's

own rules with a sudden change in

perspective it brought an otherwise bone

chilling horror film to an utter dud of

a climax number four It's Supernatural

after all the last exorcism The Last

Exorcism is a really really solid found

footage movie if you can forgive its

overex shambles of a final 10 minutes

the movie revolves around down and out

Minister cut Marcus who lets a

documentary crew film what will be his

final exorcism on a young girl named

Nell Switzer now's father believes her

to be possessed by the devil having

allegedly slaughtered livestock and

miraculously Fallen pregnant but near

the end of the story Marcus realizes

Nell isn't possessed at all rather she's

embarrassed about getting pregnant after

sleeping with a local boy but because

the film apparently can't end there

there's one final twist the boy in

question is gay and hasn't had sex with

him now Marcus promptly returns to the

Suites of Farmhouse to find an occult

ritual taking place with Nell birthing a

demonic entity in the final scene Marcus

runs towards the ritual with a cross his

dwindling Faith restored while the

filmmakers are all killed off by the

family in the chaos the more restrained

ending that now really was just a woman

struggling to come to terms with her

repressed sexuality were then made for a

far more interesting and unexpected

finale while the actual reveal ends up

feeling like something the studio

forcibly stapled on at the end number

three the CGI Darkness Monster House on

Haunted Hill in 1999 1999 House on

Haunted Hill remake has a solid cast and

some genuinely excellent production

Elements which apparently left nothing

for the climax as the film settles for

an abject eyesore of a final monster the

ending sees the remaining characters

fleeing from a shape-shifting creature

comprised of all the spirits in the

house not a bad idea in theory yet the

VFX based end result is ultimately

horrifying in all the wrong ways

anamorphous ditch or blob that's not in

any way scary the creature's final form

shoots for abstract but feels more

sci-fi than anything even except in the

film's age critics and audience alike

dinged it for his god-awful VFX at the

time of its release and they were

absolutely right to do so for a movie

that otherwise had a keen sense of style

and atmosphere this bro all of how

Southern haunted hell's Moody momentum

slamming to a dead stop number two will

Benson I Still Know What You Did Last

Summer I still know what he did last

summer it's a fun enough popcorn slash a

sequel even if it is clearly a low

effort cash in on the original film

surprise box of his success but that

final twist yeah it sure is something

else right near the end of this sequel

Julie's friend will Benson reveals

himself to be the secret second

antagonist of the piece well to the

point he's the son of Ben Willis the

fisherman who stole Julian a friend

throughout both films by this point to

hammer this home for the cheap seats

will point out to Julie that he

playfully hid the truth in plain sight

given that will Benson also means well


I see what you did there

except it is the campy shloki cult

classic it's been reclaimed as today I

still know what he did last summer it is

a fun movie if you don't take it too

seriously but considering how

straight-faced the film actually plays

this reveal it's one reveal which leaves

most of us groaning on an initial

viewing number one spider Pennywise it's

1990. to be specific this particular

reveal had many changing their Channel

rather than walking out of the movie

theater per se you know what would be

made for TV rather than for the big

screen Tim Curry gives a mesmerizing

performance in the 1998 miniseries as

Pennywise the Dancing Clown don't get

that wrong but the entire thing falls

apart when he dips out ahead of the

finale and is replaced with this

monstrosity anyone who's read Stephen

King's Epic Novel will be aware that

Pennywise takes the form of a gigantic

spider for its final battle with the

losers Club a concept which was

ultimately too ambitious for this 12

million adaptation to support the spider

looks awful to be kind a janky practical

effect which lacks Menace and feels more

at home in a low ramp B movie than a

serious-minded horror film King himself

perhaps put it best but he described a

large animatronic spider prop as three

Chevy headlights on the bottom of a

wheelbarrow despite costing 200 thousand

dollars four months of production time

the prop ends it on an unintentionally

comical note which could be further from

the genuinely terrifying Menace of

Corey's performance up to that point

I'll repeat viewings you're just better

off turning the movie off 10 minutes

before the end so that's our 10 horror

movie reveals so bad year almost walked

out be sure to like subscribe comment

share turn those notification bells on

and comment give us a follow on Twitter

at welcome there you can find myself at

Coach's life Peg but most importantly be

sure to have the best possible day

whether you do something or whether you

do it absolutely nothing I hope it goes

well for you and if things aren't going

so well I hope they turn around as soon

as possible I'm Andrew path from what

culture horror and I'll catch you down

the road


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