May 19, 2024

10 More Perfect Horror Movies You've Never Heard Of

Published June 18, 2023, 10:20 p.m. by Courtney

Let these magnificent nasties drill through your eyeballs and nest in your brain.

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we're back back again baby here to bring

you some more absolute gems from the

horror genre that may have escaped your

view give a check out to Alistair

Hodgins original article over on I'm Sean Ferrick for

what culture horror and here are 10 more

perfect horror movies you've never heard

of number 10. all my friends hate me

sometimes the best horror movie is the

one that keeps you guessing Until the

End far from must slashers stalking the

streets and body horror Gore in every

frame British Indie flick all my friends

hate me takes The Road Less Traveled and

sets up a psychological roller coaster

that winds the tension tight and doesn't

show its hand until the final scene

returning from volunteering abroad in a

refugee camp Pete played by by Tom

sterreton reunites his Misfit band of

University friends to celebrate his 31st

birthday on a secluded country estate

but the unwelcome presence of mysterious

local Harry Dustin demry burns shatters

the group dynamic and upends the

celebrations when everything starts

going wrong and his friends turn on him

one by one Pete becomes convinced there

is a darker plot afoot helmed by TV

director Andrew gainord statlets Flats

the film premiered at Tribeca in 2021

and despite being picked up by BFI for

distribution has largely flown under the

radar it's all limited run in the mid

and late 2022 briefly championed by

Indian Art House Cinemas but largely

Lost In The rosters of the big out of

town multiplexers and has since been

confined to the well-intentioned yet oft

ignored archives the bfi's own streaming

service number nine one Cod of the dead

as far from a conventional horror movie

as they come shinchiro UE there's one

cut of the Dead is a Japanese zomcom

that flexes stretches and breaks just

about every generic and filmic Boundary

using only a tight 90 minutes of your

time and a 20 000 pound budget the movie

sees a director and his crew face The

Rising Dead in a remote abandoned

facility that was apparently used for

Supernatural experiments during World

War II the they must face off against

zombies and each other while attempting

to capture the whole Affair in a single

take one code of the Dead uses the

device of a film within a film to

Perfection shooting on location with a

director who will literally go to any

length to bag the perfect scene

everything is low budget especially the

score and yet one quote of the Dead is

far more than the sum of its parts

rapidly settling into its own unique

filmic vocabulary and having as much fun

as it can with it it's constant pace and

perfect comedy Beats make one cut of the

Dead an easy watch no matter how many

shaky cam or amateur dramatic moments

and without giving too much away it

manages to step well outside its own

boundaries turning its brilliant effects

and acting on their heads several times

in unexpectedly creative fashion number

eight Zana is it a psychological horror

is it a war movie is it a human drama

well it's kind of all three Define

categorization Zanna folds horror tropes

and imagery into a stark portrayal of

Kosovo life while dissecting The Fallout

from the country's Infamous late 90s War

or all building to a revelatory climax a

decade after the war lumay Adriana

matoshi her nightmares are haunted by a

blood-soaked youngster while in her

Waking Life she suffers the personal and

social retribution of struggling to

conceive unable to live up to her

husband and Stepmother's desires for a

larger family lume is taken to the snake

oil healers who treat her infertility

against her will afflicted by PTSD her

struggles build and hallucinations

threatened to separate Lumi from her

reality altogether Zana has the tense

family elements of the likes of

hereditary played against extended

nightmare sequences witch doctors and

mysterious pregnancies all of which ask

us whether we want to write Events off a

social Prejudice or embrace the presence

and possibility of something more

Supernatural genre purists may be

unsatisfied with the socio-political

drama at the film's core but its

meditation and loss is uniquely dark and

frequently terrifying especially

surrounded as it is by Blood and ghosts

number seven Oculus chapter 3 the man

with the plan director Mike Flanagan may

be horror royalty these days but back in

2006 he was making low budget short

films in an effort to get Studios and

financiers to take a gamble on him in

the big leagues amongst these projects

is the Fantastic mouthful Oculus chapter

3 the man with the plan in an effort to

prove that an antique mirror known as

the lasso glass has been responsible for

a string of deaths murders and suicides

throughout the ages Tim Russell played

by Scott Graham sets up shop in a bear

room with just himself three cameras and

the mirror itself Wireless intricate

series of alarms and checks designed to

keep him present initially seemed to

work time begins to slip away from Tim

and soon he's at the mercy of whatever

lives within the mirror's reflection

originally intended as part of a longer

anthology of horror shorts telling the

tale of the film's supernatural

mcgovern-com antagonist the lasso glass

Oculus chapter 3 was instead scaled back

to a tight single room single sequence

film and boy does it ever benefit from

it Flanagan makes creative use of the

three camera three monitor setup weaving

confusion and temporal instability into

the film's fabric for only one actor and

for the most part a normal mirror far

greater than the sum of its parts Oculus

manages to be scarier than most feature

Horrors with a thousand times its budget

and ultimately helped to get feature

filmed Oculus made seven years later

number six hounds of Love issuing

tradition convention and tropes

Australian kidnap feature hounds of Love

turns what could have been a paint by

numbers piece of torture porn into a

tense and terrifying Psycho Drama that

uses its grimmest elements to develop

its characters rather than titling

viewers Loosely based upon a series of

real crimes committed by Aussie couple

David and Catherine Bernie and somewhat

curiously named after the 1985k bush

album the film sees teenager Vicky

played by Ashley Cummings abducted from

the Suburban streets after a blazing

argument with her mum chained to a bed

and force into a nightmare of violence

rape and Domination by Naughty Bogan Duo

John's Bible Stephen Curry and Evelyn

played by Emma Booth Vicky uses every

tool she has to try and survive the

ordeal and turn her murderous captors

against each other on like your

run-of-the-mill kidnap horror flick most

of the truly horrific things happen off

camera in hounds of love but somehow

this often only makes them worse the

direction is Eerie the character is

creepy and the soundtrack equal parts

intense and haunting making the most of

synthesizers and drones and yet although

it did apparently get an international

release you'd be hard-pressed to find

anyone who's seen it number five Revenge

another Twist on tradition French

language thriller trailer Revenge sets

itself up as the heir to some of the

early video nasties such as last house

on the left and I Spit on Your Grave and

yet the end result is closer to Art

House than to last house revenge is the

story of Jen played by Matilda Lutz her

revenge on a trio of Rich hunting bodies

whose rape and murder of the young

socialite doesn't quite got a plan stuck

in the middle of the desert with a gut

wound and no outside contact or a point

of Refuge Jen runs a gorilla campaign

against her attackers replete with grot

Grime blood hallucinations and some

creatively staged kills despite its rape

Revenge storyline and willingness to

flingingly depict depravity and Gore

Revenge manages to rise above its

exploitation routes and deliver

something stylish nuanced surreal and

re-watchable for all the right reasons

as a tonic to those aforementioned

nasties it offers many of the same

Thrills while centering the story on a

three-dimensional female lead whose

Plies and exploits are all the Richer

for her character development from

Sakura and trophy mistress to

self-possessed badass while the mere

fact of subtitles has limited the film's

appeal for a wider Western audience

revenge's lack of exposure has only

served to bolster its Indie sleeper

credentials number four tigers are not

afraid Mexican indie horror tigers are

not afraid is the place where city of

God meets Pan's Labyrinth where the

brutalities of reality manifest

surrounded by Supernatural Horrors and

it never shies away from an opportunity

to plunge us into the worst of a society

where human trafficking bloody murder

and orphaned children are commonplace

Estrella played by Paolo Lara a preteen

with a relatively normal life is

wrenched into orphan Hood when the local

drug cartel kidnaps her mother armed

with three pieces of wish-granting chalk

and stalked by the Specter of her mother

and many other dead Innocents she joins

up with shines Juan Roman Lopez his gang

of homeless orphans when they wage a

small and surprisingly effective war on

the cartel tigers are not afraid craft

and storytelling genius far outstrip its

financial means budgeted somewhere in

the region of one million pounds and

while the CG isn't as flashy as its big

budget contemporaries Blends it with

prosthetics and practical effects to

bring all manner of Street and

Supernatural Horrors to life the Real

Genius of the film however is how it

uses horror not as a means to deflect

from the real Terrors faced by its child

protagonists but as a fundamental

component of its narrative thrust

viscerally rendering the very real

violence of such cities stricken by the

Mexican drug war number three Mad God

horrific Majestic and dark stop-motion

acid dream Mad God submerges us in a

layer after layer of visuals that would

make David Cronenberg blow chunks

descending into a Subterranean hellscape

that never shies away from an

opportunity to one-up its own depravity

the Assassin a lone soldier in a gas

mask and a trench coat Journeys into the

underworld carried by a diving bell and

with disintegrating Maps guiding his

mysterious mission to destroy the

underworld he plows on through eons of

misery passing wretched creatures of all

shapes and sizes being torn and tortured

and made to suffer all manner of

unspeakable indignities for unknown and

almost certainly unnecessary purposes

until he becomes one himself with no

dialogue Mad God relies on its Grim

visuals and a rich and foreboding

soundscape to carry tension from

beginning to end and while almost

unbearable at times this combination

also ends up being curiously

Transcendent something like the state of

euphoria Martyrs tells us people enter

when they've endured more pain than

their system can handle a labor of love

constructed over some 30 odd years using

spare weekends Crews of volunteers and

Kickstarter money Phil tippett's

animated Odyssey is perhaps the best

stop motion ever to have hit our screens

and certainly the best horror and it

comes with a disturbing message there is

no purpose but creation and destruction

themselves number two antiviral Brandon

Cronenberg has really put his stamp on

Horror in the last few years with his

most recent picture infinity pool

finding purchase in some of the more

popular corners of the film and Cinema

Scene this year but back in 2012 he was

still Small Potatoes fighting to get out

from under his father's Shadow and

putting together his first feature on a

budget of less than 2 million pounds the

feature film in question is antiviral

starring a post X-Men pre-get-out Caleb

Landry Jones as Sid March employee of a

clinic that offers injections of

celebrities diseases to the most

obsessive fans but Sid leads something

of a double life infecting himself and

selling the disease pathogens on the

black market he makes some side money

and spends most weekends recovering in

bed but soon runs into an illness he

can't quite shake and a dark conspiracy

at the heart of it all despite debuting

a can and Cole winning the best Canadian

first feature film at Tiff antiviral

screened in only two Cinemas in the UK

are made somewhere in the region of a

hundred thousand pounds globally it's no

surprise then that nobody saw it and a

similarly woeful home media release in

the intervening years has ensured things

remain that way nevertheless antivirals

blend of psychological Thrills body

horror and good old-fashioned misery

make it essential viewing number one

psycho Gorman

dub doesn't even begin to cover psycho

Gorman but it's a good starting point

imagine if Quentin Depew and Tarantino

had made E.T on a shoestring budget then

throw it into a blender with a 1990

Saturday morning TV show and you might

get something in the ballpark of Stephen

kostanski's batched sci-fi horror psycho

Gorman played by Matthew ninever is a

genocidal Intergalactic warlord whose

name comes courtesy of a sociopathic

little girl Mimi played by Nita Halsey

Hannah and Her long-suffering brother

Luke played by Owen Meyer who dig the

alien up in the back Garden playing a

game of crazyball don't ask and

inadvertently harness the power to

control him psycho wants nothing more

than to visit Exquisite suffering upon

the Galaxy and the kids want a new

playmate wackiness ensues due to

primarily to its B-movie creds the film

has thus far seemed destined for the

shutter back shells yet psycho Gorman

Sports brilliant writing for all not

leaving a single character to melt into

the scenery but paying a specially

screwy attention to the children with

Josie Hannah in particular delivering

lines that would feel at home in Bojack

or South Park and to this Cycle's Cadre

of alien generals most of whom look fit

for the Rogues gallery of Power Rangers

Luke and Mimi's parents who are going

through something of a marital crisis

and more Gore and violence than an MMA

match in a butcher shop this is one

unsung horror you'll someday be showing

your kids that's everything for this

list this is already a sequel so who

knows but it might be a part three would

you like that let us know in the

comments below remember go check out the

original article on

don't forget to follow us on Twitter at

what culture horror you can follow

myself at Sean ferric on all the Twitter

fear as well you're all awesome and

wonderful and until I see you again look

after yourselves thanks very much


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