May 19, 2024

10 More Movie Openings That Totally Trolled Audiences

Published June 18, 2023, 10:20 p.m. by Courtney

These tricksy openings got EVERYBODY.

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the worst thing that a movie's opening

sequence can be is boring it needs to

Above All Else grab the Audience by the

lapels and secure their attention for

what's about to follow but sometimes

filmmakers want to instead mess with the

audiences and they're deeply entrenched

sense of comfort so with that in mind

I'm Josh from and these

are 10 more movie openings that totally

trolled audiences number 10. Homer calls

you a sucker The Simpsons movie when The

Simpsons movie was first announced many

questioned if there needed to be one at

all I mean after all wouldn't it

basically just feel like paying top

dollar to watch four TV episodes staple

together and the film confronts this in

its opening two minutes when the Simpson

family are watching an itchy and

scratchy movie in the cinnamon Homer

eventually stands up and complains that

quote I can't believe we're paying to

see something we get on TV for free if

you ask me everybody in this theater is

a giant sucker end quote at that moment

Homer turns his leads directly towards

us the audience as he points his finger

and says especially you and then the

movie's title sequence kicks off while

it's clear from the film's opening

moments that The Simpsons movie is a

considerably Slicker more bigger budget

Affair than its TV counterpart it's

nevertheless pretty bold to insult

paying customers while they've still got

time to leave the screen and get a

refund the badine the opening mugging

Batman 1989.

even the most casual Batman fan knows

that Bruce Wayne's parents were

canonically killed when they were gunned

down in an Alleyway during a robbery

well Tim Burton exploited this fact

quite perfectly during the very first

scene of his 1989 movie after the film's

credits the opening sequence takes us to

Gotham City where her mother father and

their son are walking through Gotham's

Theater District while trying to heal a

cap eventually the father leads them

down a dark alleyway where they are

accosted by criminals and the father is

indeed robbed but rather than lead to

the deaths of the parents and the

Revelation that the young boy is Bruce

Wayne as expected the sequence ends with

the family surviving and the criminals

being attacked by none other than Batman

in the context of modern wink wink

superhero movie Easter eggs this might

seem super basic but for its time it was

incredibly effective and playfully

misleading audiences to expect a Bruce

Wayne origin story at the very beginning

of the flick now of course that fateful

Cena does finally play out much later in

the movie complete with the

controversial Revelation that Jack

Napier AKA The Joker was the Wayne's

killer all along which some fans

consider another Act of trolling in

itself but I want to know what you guys

think down in the comments actually do

you think people would have loved this

if the internet existed back then or do

you think they would have been shaking

their fist thinking oh my God that Tim

Burton's just played us number eight the

Drone fake out Evil Dead rise the

recently released Evil Dead rise kicks

off with a prologue which really is an

epilogue taking place after the events

of the main movie where three youngsters

are vacationing at a Lakeside Cabin yeah

it sounds like Evil Dead doesn't it and

in franchise fashion the sequence begins

with what appears to be a POV shot of a

demonic Force heading towards the lake

where the trio are a signature shot for

the series that Harkens back to Sam

raimi's original 1981 film but just as

the entity reaches Theresa on the dock

the perspective shifts to reveal that

the demon was actually a drone being

piled by her cousin Jessica's new

boyfriend Caleb this was an incredibly

fun way to play a tribute to the

series's iconography while also toying

with fans for a hot minute there it

seemed like writer director Lee Cronin

was going hard from the film's very

first shot but it was instead a cheeky

Fair count though of course fans didn't

have to wait too long for the Carnage to

kick off in Earnest given that the

deadite version of Jessica uses the

drone's blades to mutilate her face and

then she scalps someone just a few

minutes later number 7. the lab The

Cabin in the Woods The Cabin in the

Woods is a movie wholly concerned with

subverting every expectation the

audience has by basically messing with

them for 95 minutes and that mission

statement is made clear from the very

first scene which rather than introduce

us to the ill-fated characters heading

to the cabin takes place in a dull

office setting as two Engineers share

some mundane workplace Chit Chat the

pair eventually head into the wider

sprawling facility where they learn

vague details of a failed International

operation before the scene abruptly ends

in a freeze frame complete with the

movie's title splashed over the screen

the scene then shifts to the opening

audiences probably expected to see that

being a seemingly more typical

introduction to the film's protagonists

on the films a DVD commentary core I

adjust Whedon admitted that the opening

scene in the lab was supposed to confuse

audiences and make them think that they

sat down in the wrong screen in the

cinema moreover Whedon had to convince

lion gate that it wouldn't simply make

people leave the screen altogether which

thankfully it didn't

number six Louise's devastating past

arrival in the case of denievel news

arrival the audience isn't trolled for

the sake of comedy at all but rather

deceived in order to deepen the movie's

emotional through line and boy does it

work out in the end see this sci-fi

Masterpiece begins with a devastating

Montage depicting the birth of

protagonist Louise Banks's daughter

before leaping forward to reveal that

their daughter dies at 12 years of age

due to an incurable illness the typical

rules of cinematic language being

accepted as they are the audience quite

reasonably assumes that this is Louise's

backstory but near the end of the movie

we actually learned that it hasn't

happened yet in the timeline rather by

learning the language of the

extraterrestrials who visited Earth in

the film Louise develops in non-linear

perception of time allowing her to see

events that in a causal sense haven't

actually happened yet including the

birth and death of her daughter while on

an initial viewing Louise's opening

monologue about time and memory where

she says memory quote doesn't work how

she thought it did might seem a little

flowery and philosophical but once we

know the truth it takes on a whole other

meaning re-watching arrival the opening

scene hits in a completely different

totally ingenious way number five bad

puppets Team America World Police though

it wasn't a surprise to anyone that Team

America World Police was a political

comedy shot entirely with puppets the

opening seconds of the movie surely gave

many audience members pause to consider

just how robust said puppets might be

the story kicks off in Paris with a

super basic painted backdrop of the city

before a stereotypically French puppet

waltzes into frame more to the point the

puppet and the entire scene looks

insanely cheap but before viewers can

start heading to the lobby in pursuit of

a refund the shot pulls out to reveal

that what we're actually watching is a

puppet being puppeteered by another

considerably more articulate puppet more

to the point the shot keeps pulling back

to reveal a bustling Parisian Street

packed with many other but as matches

the value promised by the film's

uproarious trailers all the same Matt

Stone and Trey Parker really had

everyone going with those Lo-Fi initial

moments number four The Early Ghost Face

Reveal Scream 6. the marketing for

Scream 6 couldn't stop promising that

its iteration of ghost face would be

very different from the rest and so fans

got incredibly excited when the film's

pre-title sequence unfolded in a most

unexpected Mana the scene begins with

film Professor Laura crane played by the

always excellent Samara weaving being

lured into an Alleyway and killed by

Ghostface who after murdering her

immediately removes his mask to reveal

his identity that being Jess and Carvey

one of her students given that this was

the first time in the series that any

Ghostface had been unmasked prior to the

climax it seemed to suggest that scream

6 would be seriously disrupting the

series's rigid structure and apparently

unfold with the audience already well

aware of ghostface's identity the entire

time a Scream movie with the you done it

aspect Stripped Away is risky but six

movies into a series these are the sorts

of gambles that are mostly encouraged

yet this daring opening of the series's

formula turns out to be short-lived as

Jason is consequently killed by the

series's real ghost face effectively

making him a copycat footnote number

three the Kobayashi Maru Star Trek 2 the

Wrath of Khan Star Trek 2 the Wrath of

Khan kicks off with the Enterprise being

unexpectedly piloted by a new character

Lieutenant savic while Captain Kirk is

nowhere to be seen the Enterprise

receives a distressed call from a

spaceship the Kobayashi Maru but upon

entering the neutral zone to rescue it

they're attacked by Klingon Cruisers

resulting in the apparent deaths of all

major crew members including Spock fans

have finally put out their misery

however when Kirk emerges on the bridge

revealing the attack to have been a mere

training exercise to test the new

Lieutenant's ability to deal with a

Norwin scenario and although this is of

course known to even casual Trek fans

nowadays but look at the time of the

wrathicon's release if she would give

Femmes palpitations furthermore director

Nicholas Mayer reportedly had this fake

out opening included to dispel any

rumors about Spock Dying For Real later

on in the film that even if fans heard

about Spock's death they'd simply

attribute it to this opening scene

number 2. Julia dies Mission Impossible

3. the opening sequence to Mission

Impossible 3 is all so clever even if

first-time viewers won't realize

precisely how clever until they finish

watching the entire movie see the film

opens in medius res that is with a scene

from later on in the story where Ethan

Hunt's wife Julia is being held at

gunpoint by villain Owen Davion as

Davion counts down to shooting Julia in

the head and Hunt refuses to give him

what he wants the sequence appears to

end with Julia being shot dead before

promptly transitioning to the opening

credits now we as Savvy audience members

surely don't believe for a moment that

Julia has actually been shot and killed

by the villain I mean clearly the fact

that we don't even see her get shot

makes it obvious that Ethan somehow

prevents it or somebody else gets shot

instead right well not quite when we

return to this scene near the end of the

film Julia is indeed a shot dead by the

villain suggesting that director JJ

Abrams basically played a cruel prank on

the audience with what seemed like a

predictable opening but because that's

not enough Abrams goes are one level

deeper then revealing that this wasn't

in fact Julia at all but rather davian's

translator fitted with a Julia face mask

while the real Julia is indeed alive

number one the Jitterbug Mulholland

Drive audiences sitting down to watch

David Lynch's surreal Opus Mulholland

Drive for the first time probably

weren't expecting the director of blue

velvet and Lost Highway to open his new

movie with a dance Montage see the first

90 seconds of this movie are a

bewildering yet upbeat collage of

couples dancing the Jitterbug composited

against a garish purple backdrop and set

to a jazzy peppy musical scar eventually

we see protagonist Diane come into frame

before Lynch Fades to Black at which

point the movie proper begins even those

who've seen Mulholland Drive numerous

times might not fully appreciate what

this scene is showing us that being

Diane winning the Jitterbug contest

which eventually leads to her becoming

an actress a fact that she only reveals

in one of the movie's final scenes it's

the last thing anyone expected to see

kick off a dark enigmatic mystery Noir

from the mind of David freaking Lynch

that being a bright colors happy people

in smooth music but of course as ever

Lynch knew exactly what he was doing so

that's our list I want to know what you

guys think down in the comments below

let me know if you've ever been trolled

by a movie opening and if you were

gotten by this lot let me know and while

you're down there if you could please

give us a like share subscribe and head

over to for more lists

and news like this every single day even

if you don't though I've been Josh

thanks so much for watching and I'll see

you soon


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