May 17, 2024

Access Your Home Network From ANYWHERE! - PiVPN Tutorial 2020!

Published June 2, 2023, 9:20 p.m. by Monica Louis

Today we're going to be showing how to access your home computers, servers, etc from anywhere in the world! This can also be used to protect your personal data in places with public WiFi!


PiVPN Website:

Raspberry Pi (Device):

Raspberry Pi 3 (Case):


OpenVPN Client:


Setting up Dynamic DNS:

Portforwarding Documentation Site:

PiVPN Github:

**Make sure you change your Pi’s default password! People can try to access your Pi since it’s port forwarded.**


Links for things mentioned in the video.


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• Snapchat: shaneajm

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- Shane Alexander (shaneajm)

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you guys what's going on it's Shane and

today I'm going to show you how to

access your home network from anywhere

in the world now you can use this for a

lot of things you can access a server

that you have on your network you can be

able to access your computer in case you

forget a file that you need for

something and it also just gives you a

way to protect yourself online when

you're out in public because you're

using your home connection to access

these websites rather than the coffee

shops connection or wherever you happen

to be it's really cool and it's really

cheap so I'm gonna show you how to set

it up to get started we're gonna need a

few things on the hardware side so first

we're gonna need a Raspberry Pi I have

the model B however any should work and

if you want the case that I have online

I'll leave a link in the description

below and then you're also going to need

an Ethernet cable now to get our pipe up

and going what we're gonna do is we're

gonna connect the power cable to a wall

socket and then we're going to take the

ethernet cable and we're going to plug

that into the Ethernet port on our PI

Ethernet just gives better reliability

and better speeds you could use Wi-Fi

but I would recommend against it just

because the connection isn't as great

but once you connect with Ethernet

you're gonna take the other side and

just plug it directly into your router

now the soft we're gonna be using on our

PI is called pi VPN it's a open-source

project and it basically just turns our

PI into a open VPN server and it makes

it super easy to set up so I'm gonna go

swap over to the computer and we're

gonna show you how to get it going to

get this setup we're gonna need a couple

of programs the first of which is the

open VPN client this is what we're gonna

be using on our desktop to connect to

our server and they also have a mobile

app as well this is how we're gonna use

it to join we're also going to need pi

VPN which is what we're gonna be running

on a Raspberry Pi to give us the VPN

server and then you're also going to

need FileZilla just to access the files

and then putty to connect to our server

I'll have links for everything down in

the description below so you don't have

to go hunting for it all the links will

be there but make sure all of these are

installed with the exception of pi VPN

because i'm gonna be showing you how to

do that right now but as long as these

three are installed on your computer we

can get started so we're gonna open up

putty and if you don't know the IP

address of your Raspberry Pi you can

just type in Raspberry Pi and it should

be able to find where it's at I know the

IP address of my server though so I'm

gonna be typing that it instead but once

you have that you want to do it

port 22 and you can just press open and

we'll get this window here I am just

going to resize it for you guys so

you're able to see a little bit better

so I'm just gonna make it a little bit

bigger and by default the normal

username it's pi and then the default

password is raspberry I've already

changed mine so I'm gonna be typing that

in instead but you'll just run that now

first what we need to do is we need to

update our server so we're going to run

sudo apt-get update and and sudo apt-get

upgrade and we'll just run that command

real quick

so as you can see mine is up to date so

what we need to do next is set a static

IP address for our Raspberry Pi that way

the Open VPN server can work and it'll

also help with port forwarding which you

will need to do anyway so to access this

file all you need to do is just type in

sudo nano ford slash et Cie ford slash

dhcp CD comm and it'll bring us to this

file so I'm gonna go all the way down to

the bottom and you'll see right here

you'll see your two interfaces wlan0 is

your wireless and then eth0 is our wired

connection now I recommend you use a

wired connection like I said so I'm

going to be setting the IP address of

the wired connection to this IP so when

I do that one six eight dot 0.74 you can

set the wireless one to whatever your

router assigned it by default but I am

specifically gonna stick with this one

for the Ethernet once you've done that

you can just close out of the file with

ctrl X you'll press Y if you've modified

it to just save the changes and you'll

press Enter now that you've done that

you need to restart your server again so

to do that you can just type in sudo

reboot and you'll get a disconnection

and we'll just wait a couple of seconds

and reconnect

so we'll right click up in the corner

and just your restart session and now

it'll say log in as we can type in PI

again and our password and now we're

reconnected I'm just going to clear the

terminal and then now we can install PI

VPN so to do that we're gonna go to the

website which is right here and we'll

just copy the installation right there

and you can just right-click into putty

and it'll paste it in and we'll press

Enter it'll run a quick update check

just to make sure everything is good

and it looks like we're up to date so

it's gonna continue with the install now

I'm just downloading all the

dependencies that PI VPN needs so we're

gonna wait for that to finish and it

looks like it's done so we can just

press Enter it'll say that names a

static IP we've already set that up so

we can just press ENTER and we can

choose an interface so I'm gonna be

using Ethernet it's already selected so

I'm just gonna press tab and do ok and

those current network settings are

correct those are the ones that we just

set up if for any reason they're not the

same as the ones you just edited in that

confiar you can just press no' and it'll

let you type it in so that is good for


I'll press ok default gateway this is

the IP address of your router if you

don't know how to find this you can just

go into command prompt and you ipconfig

/all and find your network adapter which

this one's mine and default gateway

right here that is correct too though so

we're just gonna click OK it'll ask once

again if the settings are correct and we

can just click yes we'll click ok that's

fine so it will press ok again and then

it just wants us to install unattended

upgrades since we are going to be port

forwarding this machine is open to the

public Internet so it's good to have

this on for security update so we'll

click OK and then we'll say yes for the

protocol we're gonna use UDP click OK

and then you're gonna choose the port

for your VPN 1194 is the default for

most VPN connections you can use 443 if

you have a reason to believe that

whatever Wi-Fi hotspot your going to be

going to might have this port blocked so

443 is a good alternative I'm gonna

choose a completely different port this

is just for me but I would do 1194 or

443 it's up to you it'll ask if it's

correct so that looks correct to me so

I'm gonna click yes and then it wants to

know if we're gonna do Open VPN 2.4 yes

all of our clients should be using this

so we can press yes it's more secure and

then say certificate that is a good size

we're just going to press

okay again and as you can see this is

very forward in terms of an install and

then now will it use a public IP to

connect or a DNS name so if you have a

static IP address you can use a public

IP if you do not have a static IP

address meaning your IP address changes

from day to day or at once every couple

weeks you want to use the DNS entry I'll

have a video link below showing you how

to set up a dynamic DNS for your router

so that way if for any reason your IP

address changes it'll always stay

up-to-date and you won't have any

connection issues I have a static IP so

I'm just gonna leave the public IP and

press ok now you can choose your DNS

provider Google is fine again I'm just

gonna do CloudFlare it's personal

preference for me and okay custom search

domain no and then the install is

complete it tells us what we need to run

to create our profiles so we can just

press ok and it's gonna ask for a reboot

we'll say yes and ok we'll get the error

again that's normal we'll just press ok

and then we'll wait a couple seconds and

reconnect so I'll right-click and

restart session login again and I'll

just clear the terminal again so now

that the terminal is clear we can create

our profile so to do this we can just

type in pi VPN ad and press enter now to

last for the name of the client I'm just

gonna type in Shane laptop in the last

cut along the certificate should last a

thousand and eighty days is fine I'm

just changing it personal preference

well in our password for the client and

it'll have its verify it again

and it will create the profile so I'm

gonna create one more just for my phone

just to show and I'll do Shane mobile

all day 365 days again and a password

and there we go so both are created and

now we just need to get those files to

use our VPN so I'm just gonna minimize

putty and this is where FileZilla comes

into play so I'm just gonna open up

FileZilla and it will have us connect so

our host is just gonna be the IP address

that we set for our putty which in my

case is the 0.74 username is PI and

password is the password of your user

account which should be rest buried by

default port 22 and click click connect

and then now if we go down here we

should see an OB PN's folder we're just

gonna double click on that and there are

our two configuration files that we

created I'm just going to download both

of them so I'll just highlight them and

drag them over to my desktop now we can

close out of FileZilla and then we just

need to launch the Open VPN GUI once you

launch it the first time you will get

this error message that's okay we can

just press ok and then now if we go down

into the taskbar you can see the Open

VPN icon we're just gonna right click on

it and click import file and we just

want to navigate to where it is saved in

my case my profiles are on my desktop so

I'm gonna go to my desktop and I'm just

gonna click ashame laptop file has been

imported successfully and now we're

gonna press ok before we can connect we

need to port forward to the port that we

assigned in the installation on our

router to the IP address of our PI it's

different for every router I'll have a

link in the description kind of showing

you the general idea for your router

it's a resource that just kind of pushes

it all into one don't click any of the

ads or links or any of that stuff on

that website just follow the steps based

on your router for mine though I'm gonna

go to my router

and now that I'm at my router I just

went and found the port forwarding

section it's probably gonna be an

advanced tab of your router just search

for port forwarding and then once you

get there you'll just create add a

service or create new port forward

whatever it says for your router and

you're just gonna name it whatever you

want I'm gonna name it open VPNs

tutorial just because it's their service

type tcp or UDP in this case we did UDP

for our connection so you'll click UDP

and then the server ipv4 address is

going to be the ipv4 of the server that

you set up your static IP for being the

Raspberry Pi so in my case that one will

so nine two dot one six eight dot zero

dot seven four and then your start port

is going to be the port that you set up

to use for open VPN connections by

default it was eleven ninety four or 443

unless you changed it to something else

you'll just put that pour it in and then

just click Save I've already done that

as you can see I have a connection right

here and it's pointing to my PI and then

port forwarding is enabled now that

you've done that all you have to do is

just go over to your open VPN client

right click and press connect it'll last

for the password that you created when

you were making the profile so I'm gonna

type that in it'll give you some

messages and then in a little bit we're

connected as you can see the icon goes

green and if we hover over it says we

are connected to Shane laptop and when

we were connected sets so that's

basically how to set it up I'm just

gonna show you how to do it on an iPhone

real quick in case you wanted to know

it's super easy to set up and it takes

literally like three minutes or less so

you'll plug your iPhone and your

computer make sure you have the open VPN

app installed on your phone and then

once it's plugged in you can open up

iTunes as you can see it my device shows

up in the top corner well click on it

and then we'll click on file sharing

next you'll click on Open VPN and you'll

scroll down and click Add file now

you'll navigate to where you saved your

own VPN profile in my case that's on my


shayne mobile will click open and then

will click done and as you can see on

our device it shows the profile

available for import we're just gonna

click Add and you can rename it to

whatever you want I'm just gonna rename

it real quick and you have the option to

save your private key password so you

don't have to enter it every time I'm

not gonna do that this time and we'll

just click Add you'll get a prompt

you'll just click allow and then it'll

ask for your passcode and now it is

available you just tap on the toggle

switch it'll have you enter your

password for the profile and press ok

and as you can see we are now connected

and it proves that this works what I'm

gonna do is I'm going to disconnect from

the VPN and if I go over to my web

browser as you can see I'm able to

access my proxmox server I'm on Wi-Fi so

it's a local IP address and it's pretty

normal as if I was just from home but if

I want to do it on data I go to data and

I refresh the page and it times out

nothing's loading as you can see the bar

I have no connection so I'm going to go

back into the Open VPN enable it and as

you can see I'm connected to the VPN now

if I go back to the web browser it loads

instantly and I'm able to tap on details

and everything loads nice and smooth I

can view my machine and I'm still on

data I am not connected to Wi-Fi alright

guys so that's pretty much it that's how

you can connect to your home network

from anywhere I'll leave some links down

below to the github repository if you

have any questions about the hardware

side or run into any issues and if you

have any issues you want to ask me about

you can leave a comment down below and

I'll make sure to reply to them and see

if I can help you out you know my guys

hope this video helped you I'll catch

you guys in the next one peace


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