May 17, 2024

Now Streaming on Discovery + || TV show!!

Published July 18, 2023, 6:20 a.m. by Monica Louis

So excited for everyone to check out this pilot!! We put a lot of work Into this.

Now Streaming on Discovery +

Magnolia Network

@magnolianetwork. #magnolianetwork

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hey guys I've got a little announcement

to make now before I get started I just

wanted to say I've been doing this

YouTube thing for a couple years now and

I've always tried to be completely

honest with you I've tried to show you

absolutely everything and what I mean I

show you everything I mean I show you


just make those boys go crazy

I've showed you me laughing I'm gonna

build a thing or two oh okay

I've showed you guys when I get hurt

you've seen me build big things


you've seen me build small things



you've seen me build big boats

and I've even built some small boats

I built things in cars


I've even blown things up



I built these chairs and I showed you

I built this sign and I showed you but

there's one big thing I built this last

year that I haven't shown you guys and

that hurts me deeply I wanted to show

you believe me I did

but for legal reasons I wasn't allowed

to you see I signed an NDA but the time

has come

for me to finally let you in on a little


I built this giant office



now before you go getting your knickers

all in a Twist and being all offended

that I built something major and didn't

tell you about it let me explain myself

the reason I didn't tell you about it is

because I was waiting until right now

you see this is a TV

I know it doesn't look like one because

I have a fancy TV that looks like a

picture when it's not a TV but see look

see it's just a TV and we're actually

gonna oh darn it I forgot how to work a


turn off

we're gonna be on the TV

Magnolia Network ever heard of her

she's this lady Joanna Gaines well

actually I think Joanna Gaines owns

Magnolia I don't think Joyner games is

Magnolia anyways there's a network

magnoli network they're on Discovery

plus and HBO Max and all that stuff

apparently they think what we do here on

YouTube could also be a cool TV show so

they partnered with us and we filmed a

pilot which is a TV way of saying we

filmed one episode and it's gonna air

and then we'll see what happens so that

pilot episode airs this Saturday and you

can watch it on your TVs

those cool box things that are different

from a computer

where you can probably watch it on a

computer now too technology anyways I'm

gonna play a little preview clip of the

TV show we made about building this

entire structure it's a good one and I

think you'll enjoy it and it would be a

huge honor to me if you took the time to

watch it this Saturday all the

information is in the clip I'm about to

play and of course I'll put more

information on where you can watch it in

the video description so hopefully you

enjoy it and who knows we'll see what

happens with this whole thing

I'm Jason Hibbs I build things

I want to inspire people kids and

grown-ups alike to think bigger

it's okay to have fun it's okay to build

nuts things it's about finding that

inner child

oh guys stop stop stop stop oh


hey his beard is way better than yours

just like way better

pack your stuff and go home Craig



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