April 28, 2024

Highest Paying Jobs For Education Majors! (Top 10 Jobs)

Published May 14, 2023, 6:20 a.m. by Monica Louis

As an education major, you have a lot of options when it comes to finding a high-paying job. Here are 10 of the best jobs for education majors, based on average salary:

1. Elementary School teacher

As an elementary school teacher, you will be responsible for teaching students in grades K-5. The average salary for this position is $53,000.

2. Middle School teacher

As a middle school teacher, you will be responsible for teaching students in grades 6-8. The average salary for this position is $55,000.

3. High School teacher

As a high school teacher, you will be responsible for teaching students in grades 9-12. The average salary for this position is $57,000.

4. Special education teacher

As a special education teacher, you will be responsible for teaching students with special needs. The average salary for this position is $58,000.

5. Guidance Counselor

As a guidance counselor, you will be responsible for helping students choose their courses and plan their careers. The average salary for this position is $60,000.

6. School principal

As a school principal, you will be responsible for the overall operation of a school. The average salary for this position is $87,000.

7. college professor

As a college professor, you will be responsible for teaching students at the collegiate level. The average salary for this position is $90,000.

8. education Administrator

As an education administrator, you will be responsible for overseeing the operations of a school or district. The average salary for this position is $92,000.

9. Superintendent

As a superintendent, you will be responsible for the overall operation of a school district. The average salary for this position is $120,000.

10. education Consultant

As an education consultant, you will be responsible for providing advice to schools and districts on educational matters. The average salary for this position is $130,000.

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hey guys how's it going it's Calvin Rabb

and a special welcome to all my

education majors so in this video I'm

gonna go over the top ten highest paying

jobs for education majors and I am gonna

go from lowest to highest paying but I

encourage you not to go to number one

right away because I want you to listen

to all the ones in between because

somewhere in here you may find something

that piques your interest that you may

want to look a bit more into because

remember salary isn't the most important

thing so without further ado let's jump

into these ten and let's start talking

about the highest paying jobs for

education majors and if you're new here

my name is Calvin Rob I make video is

all about personal finance and the job

market so if you're interested anything

like that I would love it if you would

subscribe coming in at number ten is a

training manager making over sixty six

thousand dollars per year so a training

manager as the name kind of suggests is

gonna be someone that is in charge of

training the employees of a specific

company or maybe you work for a

third-party company that trains

employees and you're gonna be doing so

much more than just training them some

particular skill you may also be doing

some research into that company to

seeing what skills do these employees

lack that would help them or more so

help the company altogether make it run

more efficiently so you will be doing

some research there and then also using

your education skills to teach them

those skills in such a way that allows

them to kind of put their best foot

forward and get the most work done and

learn it in an efficient way so Training

Manager may be something that you want

to look into number nine is an

after-school program director and this

person is gonna be making over seventy

six thousand dollars per year so it is

kind of in the name what you're gonna be

doing here but you're gonna be coming up

with different programs for students

that are in the after-school program so

this will be looking at you know what do

you think these kids need to learn but

also taking to consideration what they

like you know what do they enjoy coming

up with different programs for different

personalities or different people or

different kids like different things and

trying to make it as enjoying as

possible you know back when I was in

grade school I knew a lot of the

after-school program

directors and different people that

worked in the program know really cool

people and their whole goal you know was

helping these kids have as much fun as

they can while learning important

concepts and you are gonna be just

taking a consideration you are gonna

have to do a lot of you know dealing

with different personalities and

different conflicts and everything's

like that you know not all kids will

necessarily get along but it can be a

very rewarding job and you will play a

very important role in these kids lives

job number eight is that of a lobbyist

and here a lobbyist will be making base

average salary over seventy eight

thousand dollars and all these salaries

for most part are gonna be base average

salary without any benefits or anything

like that so a lobbyist what you're

doing here is you're likely gonna be

working for a company sometimes they're

public sometimes they're private and you

are gonna be working to try and get

legislation passed that is in favor of

that company so you're gonna be speaking

with different elected officials

different groups and different people

who have political power that are making

decisions that affect that company and

you are gonna be arguing on behalf of

that company to try and get legislation

passed that does help them you know you

are lobbying for that specific company

coming in number seven is a standardized

test developer making over 83,000

dollars base average salary per year now

this one is in the name what you're

gonna be doing but you are gonna be

developing and creating these

standardized tests you know a students

always think oh they just pop out of

thin air no they don't they are created

by teams of these test developers that

take into consideration you know looking

at the curriculum what skills do these

students have what should they have and

how can we test that in such a way that

it's fair across the table and they will

take in just there's a lot of different

like psychological elements that go in

here and from your education courses

you've probably made a lot of different

course and different programs and

different programs that are out there

that you've probably created yourself

and that's really what you would be

doing here now this is an interesting

position and then I don't know what it's

going to do in the future

because a lot of schools are starting to

drop those big standardized tests you


SAT and a CT for instance I go to UCLA

and UCLA in fact I think most of if not

the entire UC system UCLA was one of the

first ones to do it but they dropped a

CT and SAT from their admissions

requirements in that you know usually

when you apply when I applied the first

time I had to go and send them my SAT

scores and things like that but they're

not dropping that so it's interesting to

see where this is gonna go how it's

gonna affect college admissions and it's

an interesting thing that I'm excited to

see what happens coming in at number six

is an academic dean and making over

eighty five thousand dollars per year

base average salary so an academic dean

and I'm sure if you've gone through any

type of school whether it be K through

12 or even you went to university or

anything like that then you've probably

at least seen or understood the job of

an academic dean but they are in charge

of all things academics so they are in

charge of the budget you know seeing

which department needs more money you

know is this underfunded how much money

do they have how much do they need to

actually run they'll be in charge of

enforcing of course the rules and

dealing with any academic issues at

their particular education institution

and it's a very important job it's a

very prestigious one especially at UCLA

you know the academic dean is very

important because you are in charge of

academics and at an academic institution

if you're in charge of academics you're

in charge of the core purpose of why

kids are there so being an active

academic dean is something that is

pretty prestigious and it is a very

important position and there's a lot

that goes into it you're gonna have to

make a lot of different decisions about

the future of academics and you're gonna

be looking at the school's plan and

seeing are we in line with that coming

at number five is an assistant principal

making over eighty six thousand dollars

per year so an assistant principal is

gonna take on a lot of the duties and

look a lot like a principal in the

actions that this person is gonna do but

mainly an assistant principal is going

to be in charge of really just enforcing

the rules and guidelines and not only

will they be in charge of enforcing them

but they'll also be creating these

different rules you know talking to

different board members

and in kind of connection with the

principle coming up with different rules

that they believe are best for that

particular academic institution and

making sure that everything is carried

out properly you know making sure that

the mission of that school is carried

out in such a way that it is in in line

with its overall mission coming in at

number four and after saying assistant

principal your mind probably went to at

some point he's probably gonna say

principal and you are right because

we're gonna say right now so number four

is principal and we break through that

hundred thousand dollar barrier with an

average salary average base salary of

now a hundred and six thousand dollars

so a principal at a very high level is

just the head of the administrative team

at a certain school and they are being

in charge of the administrative team

means that you juggle a lot of different

balls here you know you are gonna be in

charge of overseeing not only you know

making sure all the rules are being

brought out or not just making sure the

rules are enforced but you're gonna be

in charge of all the different parts of

the academic institution you know all

the different areas of study whether it

be you know back in grade school of

history and math and the same thing can

go for larger institutions but you are

now in charge of everything making

things making sure things like sports

are running smoothly and a lot of times

you're gonna be just dealing with

different fires you know dealing with

different issues that come up and

oftentimes you are the final say so you

have to be a very good business person

and very good critical thinker someone

that is very patient and understanding

but you can get a lot of different

personalities clashing at school and the

job can sometimes be a lot of a big

headache but you are playing an

unbelievably important role in so many

lives it's very rewarding and you just

grow a very close relationship with that

school and often times when I've ever

have professors leave they're always

quite emotional about it because you get

very you're so close with that school

and I always I've had the good fortune

of having a lot of great principals in

my time and they've all been very very

interesting and very fascinating and

smart people coming out number three is

gonna be a school superintendent and

this is gonna be making about a hundred

and eighteen thousand dollars base

average salary and one thing that I do

want to mention

I haven't been mentioning for the past

few is when I talked about assistant

principal principal and now School

Superintendent often times more than a

bachelor's degree is required so

sometimes you'll see a few instances

where they made you have a bachelor's

degree but for the most part most of

them go and get master's degree so with

a lot of these jobs you're going to look

at is it accessible from a bachelors

perspective or do I have to go in

further my studies and get a kind of a

higher degree so you're gonna look into

that often times even if it's open to

just bachelors you may need to get a

masters in order to make yourself

competitive because there's not

oftentimes a ton of these jobs but let

me get back to the school superintendent

so a school superintendent is going to

be in charge of a particular School

District so principal is more so of a

school now you're in charge of an entire

district and now you're in charge of

making sure the schools are all running

efficiently you know there will be

different issues that come up at

different schools and you got to make

sure that those are all settled and kind

of handled properly you're also gonna be

dealing a lot with finances so whenever

I read like in the paper about school

superintendents or different things that

they're discussing it's oftentimes about

money and that's just because they are

very much so in charge of where that

money goes how it's gonna be spent and

that is oftentimes a tough issue for a

lot of people so this is definitely

something that your education agree

would help with you know you gotta work

with a lot of people and you got to

understand the basics of what goes into

proper education come in at number 2 is

a recreation director and they're gonna

be making over a hundred and twenty-one

thousand dollars per year so a

recreation director what they'll do is

it's also kind of the name but you

always be working for like a big park or

big organization sometimes public

sometimes private and you're gonna be

coming up with different activities that

they could do you know planning and

implementing different recreational

activities for that particular park and

just kind of organizing where the money

will go where it's going to be spent

you'll be dealing with a lot of hiring

and subsequently firing of different

people and just making sure that

everything runs smoothly and just making

sure that there are programs and plans

in place that all the times

working properly and that it's what the

people want meaning you know maybe

you're working for or in a specific

community and they want this particular

thing you got to kind of juggle that

take that into consideration when making

the budget where things are gonna go and

just make sure that everyone is kind of

enjoying themselves and as many people

are happy as possible and sometimes if

you're working at a park you may got to

deal with different sports leagues

coming in and it's a pretty big job and

there's a lot of different things that

you got to consider and a lot of moving

parts number one is a chief academic

officer and this person will be making

over a hundred and thirty three thousand

dollars base average salary so what this

person is gonna be doing is they're

gonna be in charge of all things

academics at the particular institution

that they worked at so maybe they're on

the board of directors at a particular

college or maybe they're in charge of a

certain K through 12 school you know

this can go up through all the ranks of

education but what you're gonna be doing

here is you're in charge of all things

academics so you're gonna be spending a

lot of time on the curriculum you know

every single year looking back and being

critical in the curriculum seeing you

know what went well what didn't go so

well in making changes tweaking it there

you know maybe there are different

additions to the curriculum that you

know this specific major now has to have

this specific skill and if there are big

fundamental changes you know like when

Common Core really shook things up then

this is something that a chief academic

officer would definitely have to take

into consideration and they also gonna

work on planning different curriculums

and courses in such a way that they see

it fitting the particular job market or

the mission of the school and there's a

lot that goes in here but you are in

charge of what these students learn so

you are one of the most important people

in all of academics and because of that

it is a pretty high paying job as well

all right so that will wrap it up those

are the ten highest paying jobs that I

see for education majors but I now want

to hear from you you know

is there a job that I missed or was a

salary really off in this you know I

tried to do as much research as possible

but if there's something that I miss

then I would love it if you just let me

know in the comments below

you know maybe adding on if there's

different education requirements you

know I know for chief academic

officer I know most of them and

sometimes just required that you have to

have a master's degree of some sort so I

didn't add that but I just thought I'd

add it right now

you know or there are more jobs open to

maybe just a bachelor's degree in

education and there's a lot here I think

there are so many more jobs within

academics that people don't really

realize you know when people think of an

education major oftentimes they'll just

jump to oh they want to be a teacher and

that's often times that can be true you

know a lot of people that I know that

are education majors are actually now

becoming teachers but for the most part

like there are so many other jobs that

you can get within academics and in

general and in the world at large

because education you learn how to teach

people and that is something that

everyone needs in every facet of

business and life all together you know

we don't improve unless we are learning

and part of learning is the teaching

aspect so it's very important and I

would just love to talk about all this

in the comments down below with you guys

so but all together that will wrap it up

thank you so much for watching

I truly appreciate it and if you are new

here my name is Calvin Robb here I make

videos all about personal finance and

the job market so if you're interested

in that at all I would love it if you

would subscribe hit that little

subscribe button down there and I'd also

love it if you'd like this video because

if you do that then I know that people

are interested in this topic and I'll

make more videos just about this so all

in all thank you so much for watching

I truly appreciate it and as always my

name is Calvin brab and I'll see you

soon hey you made it to the end of the

video congratulations

so I'm gonna move to the corner of your

screen here if you look in the upper

left hand corner you were gonna see my

most recent video and if you look in the

lower left-hand corner you were gonna

see a video that YouTube and I each

think that you would like and if you

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here and subscribe as always my name is

Calvin Rabb and I'll see you soon


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