April 27, 2024

Political Compass Maps but they are actually dank memes

Published May 17, 2023, 11:20 a.m. by Bethany

In a world of constant change, it's easy to get lost in the shuffle. With so many different political ideologies out there, it's hard to keep track of where you stand on the political spectrum. Thankfully, there's the political compass to help you out.

The political compass is a great way to see where you stand on the political spectrum. It's a simple test that only takes a few minutes, and it's completely free. After you take the test, you'll be able to see where you fall on the political compass.

If you're not familiar with the political compass, it's a two-dimensional graph that plots your political beliefs on a scale from left to right, and from libertarian to authoritarian. The further to the left you are, the more left-wing your beliefs are. The further to the right you are, the more right-wing your beliefs are. The further up you are, the more libertarian your beliefs are. The further down you are, the more authoritarian your beliefs are.

The political compass is a great way to see where you stand on the political spectrum, and it can help you find others who share your beliefs. If you're looking for a place to start your political journey, the political compass is a great place to start.

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so notice political compass stuff is a

pretty popular thing in my weird corner

of the internet I've seen a lot of

people with their like profile pictures

is their location on the compass and

we'll talk about what the compass is

exactly base gets a website that will

ask you a bunch of questions and

depending on how you answer it it's

gonna place you on one of these squares

right here that's how it classifies

certain people on the political spectrum

basically we have four corners and I

would explain it but honestly you're

gonna get the gist pretty easily by

looking at just a couple memes I really

know exactly how like accurate this is

at determining what your true beliefs

are but honestly it really doesn't

matter like the funny thing about these

things is people don't really care we're

just here to meme stuff we're just here

for the maymays I think you're gonna

totally understand this compass tuff

just by looking at this one image so we

got the top left pretty apparent what's

going on right here looking like some of

the worlds I've created in certain

videos pretty lifts pretty left's maybe

got the top right which is a similar but

but different similar but but different

it's only one quadrant away now near the

bottom left we have a world without any

borders no borders whatsoever and then

bottom right we've got basically

companies ruling everything so yeah

that's that's it that's the best way to

describe this just try to keep that in

mind here's an amazing version someone

did on draw ception it's so simple but

so perfect in just about every way

you'll notice some reoccurring themes

here as we continue on certain corners

are always gonna allude back to certain

things each sides ideal unified Korea

BAM we just have it under the North ok

supremely were happy about that top

right unified by South Korea just

anarchy takes over the whole Peninsula

and then Samsung takes over the whole

Peninsula there you go here's a video

game version of the whole thing playing

tropico playing poi for playing Animal

Crossing very peaceful playing Fallout

New Vegas and then there's like the

whole Center thing which I don't know if

if you guys have noticed but on the

internet they don't like for you to just

chill they don't like you to just chill

in the center they want you to pick a

side even if the side that they don't

agree with pick something yeah so a lot

of the outside parts don't like this

middle but then again you know that's

kind of just how it is online because in

real life this is actually the story of

it I think the

centrists are definitely winning the

battle there's a lot of them there's a

lot of them I don't know about you guys

but I have an easier time understanding

stuff when I see bare representations

and this this oh now I get it now I get

it see this this one has a that little

pat on and this has the other pattern

that we got up I don't know some other

stuff down here but yeah bears thank you

most important thing to keep in mind

when it comes to the Mimi's no one is

taking this seriously no one is actually

arguing in the comments section about

political stuff that that's don't do it

just don't do it pretty cringe bro

pretty cringe at the end of the day this

is probably more accurate right here

it's just all over the place dear top

left Oh Ben got you guys Ben got you

what you gonna do now top left cuz you

you are over in that camara cos right

there BAM

your feelings were just destroyed by

facts like I said on the Internet the

centrists are considered the baddies I

guess so sorry about that but I would be

very careful what parts of the little

compass you're making fun of cuz you

might find yourself moving over time and

you might just join the dark side hello

fellow Lib laughs oh wait a second did

he he this man just tricked he flipped

it don't trust them technically the

biggest rivalries and some of the

funniest things come out of the corners

cuz they're I guess the exact opposite

always love seeing boomer comics with a

different twist so we've got this man

chilling in the center he's doing the

regular thing haha yeah I've seen people

with this little apron on funny stuff

yeah but I don't know what this corner

is doing this corner is doing the

opposite of that I don't okay what is

that which is I'm sure what a lot of the

corners asks himself sometimes another

one for the bottom left ear haha funny

posts left likes that wait a second

that's made by oh the blue ones

oh no no haha anymore always worried a

little bit whenever I see Lego Yoda now

paid my taxes since 2003 I have not okay

Yoda you need to okay Yoda does not

believe in taxes I don't know if you

knew that man that guy is everywhere Jeb

is just everywhere he owns the compass

he is the compass I like sticking with a

certain corner for a couple jokes just

so you can get the gist you aren't

worthless your organs alone are worth

quite a bit more BAM hashtag motivation

that's some good Monday motivation arrow

there's some good one nice I like what

the rocks doing up here he's he's

showing us what's going down

boom get dunked on libs right there

Oh Doge does not like that yeah not

happy about any sort of thing tax fraud

again come on guys you got to stop with

that facts may not care about your

feelings but I do thank you that's a

different okay again with the bottom

left yeah I guess when they when they

mean themselves they like to they don't

really they're humble they're very

humble with their own side you might

have noticed a little trend here I've

really talked about a certain corner

that much and that's because gets pretty

dank over there it's uh you know I don't

know if YouTube is ready for this

YouTube will definitely come out and

slap me but here's kind of a little gist

we've got a triggered green bottom left

the other side's coming to their aid

what happened and there they are

yeah why do you always look at me force

of habit right there it usually it's

usually them get dunked on I guess and

that's the best political compass we've

seen so far and actually it might kind

of talk about more of the the different

sharing of policies and ideologies since

it's curved a little bit you know what

this is accurate Windows was ahead of

its time yeah you're something

completely different now best thing is

you got a rock like your side you got it

you just got to show if you're not

showing it not cool get out bro tell us

where you're at you'll notice that not

everyone is whoa there's a lot of

there's a lot of clear-cut ones right

here but a lot of people choose to just

kind of go you know in the middle

between two yeah this this barely counts

right there I don't even know if I mean

I guess something of a leftist it's

that's pretty that's pretty close mom

who is your favorite that's top left

asking bottom left sweetie I love you

both equally while bottom right is right

next to them oh no oh don't run away

girl oh you're not ready for this it's

you and buy a lot BAM

apparently these two have a somewhat of

a an alliance kind of I've seen this

happen more often than this actually but

then sometimes this happens more often

than this just depends on who you're

asking what's next

needing a license to make your own toast

in your home BAM yes

let's just rock it's right how it should

be once again top left asking bottom

left's if you know they're interested oh

hi honey BAM bf coming back Oh

top top left kind of sad about that is

that the bottom people get together

that's the thing like I said you got to

show where you're at you got to show

where you're at that's part of the fun

and if you're not showing where you're

at well it's like you don't even care

about barbecues or something

but even centrists care about barbecues

or something where would superheroes

line up well we've got like ant-man


Deadpool I don't know like where this

information is coming from Iron Man

being over here sounds about right

Black Panther okay then we got Batman

capped America BAM Magneto okay I don't

know if I agree with anything else

except for magneto being over in this

corner yep magneto was all about that

that life I think Iron Man's probably

pretty accurate too here's the hot sauce

compass and I just like the Taco Bell

hot sauce right here in the libertarian

right I don't know why top Tio's over on

this side I don't I don't get that but

alright and then yeah just over in this

corner mayonnaise it's it's just a

mayonnaise side it just seems like those

type of people mayonnaise a little spicy

for them honestly I just should have

started this whole video with this image

right here and I think everyone would

get it BAM pretty self-explanatory how

you view the political compass versus

how centrists view the political compass

they're looking from like the top down

and this is like that yeah it's like a

it's like a pyramid I I guess I guess

that works

oh but Ben coming back with another one

that's true that side wouldn't oh they

wouldn't like China

oh no Ben just always getting people oh

here's a hat version of it BAM Russia

again America again boom America already

Great America was never great and I like

that BAM you know what 50% off all hats

I'll just pop by and long oh that's good

you got to teach him young you got a

teaching about this early and then we'll

like get him to stand in their spots

slim in timeout put them the opposite

quadrant Oh boom eat Hot Chip uh yeah

that's that's pretty that's pretty

accurate McDonald's dang that's scary

how accurate it is charged a phone in

the middle oh yeah roads roads it does

kind of get that side oh he's not happy

Wolverine man he's been like

representing the side his whole life

with this costume being yellow - he's

really proud just don't bring up the

subject this is a neutral post feel free

to stop here at rest before journeying

to the post below yeah cuz sometimes

this stuff gets I got to take a break I

don't know why I couldn't whistle right

there it's very difficult yeah that

these are some of the best ones when you

just put one person in all the

categories every single when you manage

to reach the extreme corners of each

quadrant in less than 50 years BAM

Germany he is speed Germany

that's impressive honestly I just I just

realized that you guys are good please

show us the way I can't like I said it

doesn't really matter what side you are

on the compass it's all just funny

images and things and I don't know

that's like the thing about it and

everyone can like talk about no one I

mean at least in certain areas hopefully

you're in the right area no one's taking

it seriously it's just all about things

but anyways don't be afraid to well

don't let me know down below don't don't

tell me what you are down below doesn't

matter he really doesn't but it's fine

just have have fun okay I just hope

everyone has fun have fun thanks for

watching see you next time and big

thanks for the patreon supporters Drew's

uncle he'll talk Elfi see elijah senpai

miss Argo Luxenberg lover max eg betta

Alfonso m6 militant and koalas galovski

libre 56 Vinnie chase Tyler Beede

falling like star thing man is

incorporated by Lee public education

thanks again


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