April 26, 2024

BECOME THE PERFECT STUDENT 📚 how to stay organized| study habits |self discipline| cute accessories

Published May 28, 2023, 5:20 p.m. by Jerald Waisoki

The life of a student is often hectic and chaotic, with a lot of different things vying for their attention. Staying productive can be a challenge, but it is possible with the right approach. Here are some tips on how to become the perfect student and make the most of your time.

One of the most important things for students is to develop good study habits. This means setting aside time each day to focus on your studies and not letting other things get in the way. Make sure you have a quiet place to work where you won’t be distracted and can really focus on what you’re doing.

It’s also important to be organized in your studies. This means having a plan and knowing what you need to do each day. Having a schedule or to-do list can help you stay on track and make sure you’re making progress.

In addition to good study habits and organization, another key to productivity is self-discipline. This means being able to stick to your plan and not letting yourself get sidetracked. It can be difficult to stay focused and motivated, but it’s important to push through when things get tough.

Finally, one of the best ways to boost your productivity is to have cute accessories by your side! Whether it’s a stylish planner or some fun desk supplies, having things that make you happy and motivated can make all the difference. So make sure your study space is decorated with things that inspire you to stay on track.

By following these tips, you can become the perfect student and make the most of your time. With a little effort and some cute accessories, you can be well on your way to achieving all your academic goals.

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I'm gonna be giving you guys the

one-on-one on how to be the perfect



I'm getting a lot of questions on how I

stay so focused how to get motivated

during exam season overall you guys have

just been asking for a lot of tips and

advice on how to achieve these things as

someone who has been a student with like

a 4.0 to a 2.5


I have learned it all basically I want

to be your big sister when it comes to

everything School related I kind of wish

I had someone like this in my first

years of college that would just tell me

that things can be a lot easier if you

let it be so that being said let's get

into today's video pound it

also subscribe


before anything I want to share some big

sister advice there's a lot of pressure

going into college or university that

you have to know exactly what you want

to do for the rest of your life which I

feel like is almost impossible at such a

young age there are a lot of societal

pressures big word for me at least when

it comes to college I feel like we have

to live up to the standards of

graduating in four years sticking to one

major and this is my personal advice it

may not be applicable to everyone

because we're all in different life

circumstances choose a route that you

have some sort of like interest and

passion in or better yet try new things

passions hobbies to figure out what it

is you'd be interested in pursuing I've

come across so many people who change

their major halfway through which is not

a problem you know you learn from the

experience it's currently me


you don't always have to live up to the

standards you need to go at your own

pace may need to take longer to graduate

that's completely fine okay now we can

get into the video

step one to becoming the most idealistic

the perfect student course is going to

be organization without having some

sense of organization for your life I

feel like nothing else will fall into

place with us being in school this

applies 10 times more so that's where

notion comes into play I used to be into

physically finding stuff with like a

planner I always still use a lot of my

journals I just find that having my

things planned out digitally works so

much better because most of the times we

already have something on hand I'm going

to show you guys how I organize

everything on notion and as well do it

with you guys because I have yet to

start planning on the month of February

first we're going to start by deleting

all the old stuff from the month of

January and brighten clean weekly to-do

list I will link the tutorial I watched

below if you'd like to replicate this

entire notion page that I have here

there I also learned how to add gifs and

cute notion covers that help personalize

the space I also believe that once you

learn all the ways that you can use

emotion in your everyday life it really

becomes more valuable and fun to work


I like to be extra and I like to have

two other Pages dedicated to two

separate to-do lists I have this page

that originally was just to like

organize my school schedule but I ended

up putting this updated to-do list and

it resets every week so like I just end

up deleting whatever it was from the

previous week and each class is there

also I feel like my forehead is just

shining through today and then we have

my everyday to-do list and the reason

why I have this is just to see exactly

what I have to do that day just because

I forget things very easily because I'm

really forgetful and I used to forget

Simon due dates I find that it helps to

actually see the assignment with its due

date sat in front of me luckily our

school system already has a calendar and

like a to-do list that updates every

week if you've been struggling to meet

your due dates it might help to have a

Google Calendar or a physical one so

that every time you get an assignment

you can put it in there it's set right

in front of you like you're constantly

being reminded about it so you do not

have an excuse now to forget get an

assignment you guys know organization

has been one of my biggest struggles I

feel like I have come a long way since

last year even though that was only like

a month ago

there is literally nothing that

interesting about school without having

cute accessories I look forward to

Bringing showing off you guys know me I

love having like cute decorations

obviously when it comes to school I want

to have the cutest backpack the cutest

pencil case I find them usually on like

AliExpress Kimu you will literally find

affordable options there and they're

cuter that's where I got my backpack

from and this backpack has got a good

amount of compliments already this one's

just like a cream backpack it was I

think less than twenty dollars so I will

find a link for this it literally has

three openings the big opening that also

has like a little a laptop slot and then

it has another opening the last opening

which is like a little mini one which is

perfect for like your little chapstick

oh here here's my kitchen and then of

course we have a pencil case this one

comes in different colors here I have my

pencil here are my highlighters and this

pouch I just have like other stuff I

didn't even know I don't know what can

we use this one


so get a pencil case because people will

think you're smart for some reason of

course we have my lovely headphones

these ones are by Bose they go on the

head really nicely the color is just

stunning I feel like a lot of college

students at least own a pair of

headphones because it gives the Peace of

being in their own world no one has to

bother them if they really don't want

people to talk to them you guys know I

do have an iPad you can also rent a

Macbook from the school I don't know if

it's specifically a Macbook but like a

laptop if your school has that option

they might have an iPad as an option as

well if that's like something you'd like

but I have the iPad I want to say it's

like or fifth generation Pro

recently I just picked up the magic

keyboard which has served me a lot that

served me a lot I've already written all

my notes through the iPad I take my iPad

only to school now like I don't take my

laptop it's a lot heavier I also have

this cute little pencil case for my my

um my iPad pencil what are these called

this case I've got also compliments on

it just attracts the eye you just feel

like you're actually writing with a

pencil brings you back to elementary

school which I feel like we all wish we

could go back there if you're anything

like me you may have heavily decorated

your iPad so that's what I did look at

that she is beautiful it's a cute

accessory increase your productivity

make school a little bit easier

sometimes they are worth it

ow I really have a scissors

oh my God this is way bigger than I

thought it was gonna be

oh my God


that sounds beautiful


your heart's a little crooked that's a

really good apple I'm literally Picasso


I already talked a lot about

organization and how important that is

but under that follows systems and

discipline the things that you have set

in place that work best for you a lot of

you guys have mentioned you struggle

with being able to focus and a lot of

people attribute that difficulty to

their environment that they are in you

find that you are someone that falls

into this category it might be best that

when you are choosing to get assignments

done and study maybe get out of the

house go to a coffee shop maybe to the

library also find yourself slacking to

get things done often going straight to

the school library after last literally

forces you to get it done because like

what's the point of going to the library

otherwise you have like study rooms here

and these little private boxes most of

the time these rooms are being used this

is like a score because I've never been

able to get into one of these being in a

setting with other people that are also

aiming to achieve the same goals

motivates me to be in the same mind

space as everyone else also you guys see

I'm sitting at my desk right now one

thing I like to do is I always clean my

desk before I start work


this gives me a more clear mind going

into working I don't have any

distractions in front of me even though

this guy right here is really

distracting I also put my phone on it do

not disturb whenever I'm studying or

what I'll do is I'll just put it in a

different room I know a lot of you guys

said that you get distracted by your

phone this is something that you're

gonna have to push for yourselves limit

the amount of time you're using your

phone that starts with you reaching for

your phone the first thing in the

morning I've noticed a huge difference

in my day when I start the morning off

at getting a few tasks done versus when

I wake up and allow myself to scroll my

phone within the first hour of waking up

the difference in productivity awareness

mental health is so significant one of

the things that I've noticed is I can go

a few hours without having to reach for

my phone which is something that I would

struggle with when studying I do want to

talk about this a lot more in a future

video so I know I won't go too in depth

about this but essentially stay off your

phone I encourage you to try this

tomorrow morning for the first one to

two hours and see how much of a

difference it'll make that does bring me

to taking breaks taking breaks for me is

actually really important when it comes

to my study sessions what I like to do

is I like to go for as long as I can and

then once I've reached my limit where I

can tell my focus has just completely

gone down I will take a break in that

time I'll kind of just do a task that

doesn't work my mind as much sometimes

I'll edit like a thumbnail watch a

productive YouTube video I think that's

really important in order to actually

study effectively understand everything

that you're reading about hold up I've

heard a lot of hype about the Pomodoro

time management technique I decided to

try it out myself and see what all the

hype is about


I use the life at spaces browser to

start my work session this is my first

time using it so I'm not entirely

familiar with it yet I got to play

around with all the different spaces and

use the Pomodoro Timer this feature is a

set timer that follows the Pomodoro

Technique the initial timer is set to 20

minutes and once that time is up it

follows with a five minute timer for a

short break under the technique you

follow this three times after that time

you take a longer break that is supposed

to be 30 minutes personally I still like

the method that I use I just found

myself using the break times to finish

the test that I had already started or

just edit my videos which is still

considered work overall we still had a

productive work session and got to cross

everything off our to-do list it is

shown to be highly effective as it helps

you effectively manage your time and

work on a task without distractions

another thing that I'm going to Advocate

to you guys is that you start using

grammarly if you are not using grammarly

I think you're just making your life a

lot more difficult especially as a

student I'm currently writing an essay

and I have three grammatical errors that

can be reviewed literally all I do is go

in here and change every single one of

them I have been using them so much on

all of my assignments essays a lot of

discussions and I think this has saved

me so much time also you're probably

gonna get a better letter grade on

whatever assignment that is because it's

written properly another thing that I

like to do is use a split screen on my

computer or my iPad I will have my doc

app open on one side and then on the

left side I'll have my textbook open so

I can effectively take notes and it goes

by a lot faster I think this is a game

changer personally let's quickly talk

discipline because I think we all like a

little bit of it the reason why I wanted

to talk discipline is because a lot of

you guys always ask how am I so

motivated this past semester I have

stuck to being more disciplined and like

motivated the definition of motivation


but discipline the practice of training

people to obey rules using punishment to

correct Disobedience that's not really

how I think of it I see it as needing to

stay consistent in order to prevent

future problems and basically to get

where I want to be in life I think this

plan is going to look something like

consistently turning in your work on

time without allowing yourself to

procrastinate that assignment not

leaving all of your studying to the last

minute so maybe weeks before you'll

study on every Monday before the exam

one of my goals this semester is to have

all A's and B's in my class and in order

for that to happen I have to be

disciplined I can't rely on motivations

I think that can only get you so far

what happens when the thing that you are

motivated by is no longer there are you

just no longer motivated aiming to be

disciplined rather than just relying on

motivation just builds you up as a

better student which in the long run

will help you with your future career

I just threw on a little bit of makeup

right now I kind of want to get

something to eat like I'm so hungry

something that I've yet to talk about in

this video but I feel like is probably

one of the most important things is

having a healthy balance when it comes

to school and your personal life

last school semester I talked a lot

about burnout and that's because I was

constantly burnt out


time I did not know how to balance

everything on my plate at once instead I

was just like I don't regret any of that

I think if anything it has taught me how

I can do that now to not take everything

all on at once as students it's so easy

to just put school at the top of our

priority list in college you have so

much free time you learn about yourself

try new things this semester I am

putting myself first knowing when to say

no to things and not letting myself get

to the point where I feel like I have

just exhausted myself to the max I'm

doing this by setting healthy boundaries

I am not going to let school take up

more than 50 of my life I would like to

think about it is I will allow school to

take up at least 35 of my life like 20

to 30 it goes to my own passions hobby

personal goals and the rest should go to

time spent with family friends for

yourself self-care another thing is that

time should go to your physical and

mental health I hate to say that there

was a point where I would go like

halfway through the day without eating

because I would spend my entire morning

and afternoon it just study and doing

homework you shouldn't be neglecting

your appetite set time in the morning to

have some breakfast read a book every

day you should do something for yourself

it might make it easier to set time

blocks for your days and weeks maybe on

like a Saturday you will always go get

some groceries so you have food for the

next week

as students our time can be limited and

we can forget about taking care of our

basic needs I will be doing a future

video on what I eat in a week as a busy

college student but for now I thought

I'd give you some ideas for your next

grocery haul




broth doesn't really have much flavor to

it I also have not ate broccoli in a

long time we are eating a tree today

with ranch because otherwise it

literally just tastes like grass oddly

enough these are like quite satisfying

to eat I don't know what it is it's just

a crunch I just made this little pasta

it looks a lot fancier than it really is

because it's just Parmesan cheese and

some chili powder but I do have some

leftover salmon that doesn't look as

appetizing but I'm gonna throw it in

here to add some protein if you just

need like a quick meal like to fill you

up this is gonna be it I could eat pasta

midday and then kind of just be like

full for the rest of the day also pasta

is cheaper it's gonna be like two to

even like four dollars if you do want to

go healthy there's whole grain options

even though I hated that as a kid my dad

would make me eat it all the time maybe

one time out of the month you go like

get your nails done and have a little

girl's day this is just a reminder that

not everything has to be about school

nor does it have to be about anything

else that you are currently just

focusing on I would feel this way even

when it came to you tube I was just

putting all of my eggs in that basket

and focusing all my time on it and at

the end of the day I'd be like I haven't

seen my friends in like two weeks you

need that support system you need that

love and care whether it's going out

with friends or staying in and watching

a movie go to the gym go on a date you

already need to go on a date you have to

let yourself have some fun and also find

time to be at peace because school's so

stressful remember you don't have to say

yes to every social event saying no is

probably going to be your best bet

sometimes that does remind me I'm

supposed to be somewhere right now that

is the end of today's video I hope you

guys enjoyed me talking a lot about how

to succeed as a school student school

can be a struggle but I truly believe

that if you do it the right way it can

be fun and there's so much to learn from

it I hope you guys have a beautiful day

I would love for you guys to subscribe

to my channel if you enjoy this type of

content hugs and kisses




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