April 28, 2024

How to Write a SCIENCE Resume // Career Series

Published May 19, 2023, 6:20 a.m. by Monica Louis

Are you a recent graduate with a degree in science? Perhaps you're looking to change careers and want to use your science background in a new industry. Whatever your situation, if you're looking for a job in science, you're going to need a strong resume.

Just like with any other career, when it comes to writing a science resume, there are certain dos and don'ts that you'll need to follow. In this article, we'll give you some tips on how to write a science resume that will help you land the job you're after.

When it comes to the format of your resume, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. However, there are some general guidelines that you should follow. First, your resume should be clear and concise. It should be free of any grammar or punctuation errors, and it should be easy to read.

When it comes to the content of your resume, you'll need to include information about your education, work experience, and skills. Be sure to list any relevant coursework, research experience, or internships that you have. If you have any publications, presentations, or awards, be sure to list them as well.

In terms of your work experience, be sure to list any relevant jobs that you've held in the past. If you don't have any direct work experience in science, that's okay. You can still list jobs that are related to science, such as working in a laboratory or teaching.

Finally, when it comes to your skills, be sure to list any skills that are relevant to the job you're applying for. These might include things like data analysis, laboratory skills, or computer programming.

By following these tips, you can write a science resume that will help you land the job you're after. Just remember to keep it clear, concise, and error-free, and you'll be on your way to impressing potential employers.

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hey everyone and welcome back to my



today we are looking at how to build a

science resume if you are in

environmental science ecology biology

and how to basically use that resume to

get your first job or to move up in your

field if you've already been in the

workforce for a while I know what this

is like firsthand there are a lot of

things that are really unique to writing

a science resume as opposed to a resume

in a different field you guys watch to

the end of this video I will give you

five tips on what I personally did to

make my resume go to the top of the list

I'm a wildlife biologist that has worked

a wide variety of jobs over the around 6

years that I've been in the working

world and I've also helped hire

biologists so I'm familiar with what

everyone did wrong and then whatever we

did right and what things stood out when

I was looking at resumes myself as a

hiring manager I'll actually show you

guys what my resume looks like and then

I'll get into the tips so basically I am

using any resume format that you want to

use is fine just make sure it's

professional streamlined and doesn't

have too many distracting features you

might see there's not a picture on my

resume that depends on the country so

this is a resume that's made for North

American hiring managers so this could

vary so the first thing I include in my

resume is an education section with the

education section most people especially

starting off wanna include that first

unless there's some crazy experience you

want to really highlight on the front I

recommend starting with education

section first so you can see that I have

the school that I went to I included my

thesis and the name of my thesis I only

include this though if it's relevant to

the job that I'm applying for otherwise

I just leave it out you might notice

that I don't have my GPA on here so that

is done on purpose because my GPA wasn't

very good if you have a good GPA throw

it in there I have the title of what I

was in that job the employer and then

the city that I was in so basically I

have one sentence that's summing up like

the thesis of this work and then I go

through bullet points and I pick out a

few of the key experiences that I had at

that job and I even included an example

of some of them too so when you write

these bullet points you want to make

sure that these experiences are

measurable very specific

if you learn some weird program that's

never used in any other job it's not

really that important to list it it's

more important to list your key

learnings and how they might be relevant

to the job that you're applying for keep

going down here a bit this is a bit of a

different type of job I always try to

make sure the very first bullet or first

sentence is like that summary sentence

so I have served as chief environmental

inspector on pipeline construction

projects across Western Canada that kind

of introduces the job and then I jump

into a few more bullet points that say

basically what I did that job and the

cut types of achievements I did the type

of work that I'm familiar with as we

start going down to the older jobs might

notice I include less bullet points for

the older jobs and that's just because

there are a little bit less

responsibilities and like less exciting

and glamorous as my newer ones so I just

keep it to one bullet point or maybe two

bullet points for the older ones and

that's including the volunteer work and

then you can see kind of an example of

what how I laid out my internships so

here are my two internships the very

first one I was really proud of so I

included three bullet points on this one

and I explained all the things I

achieved in that job and then my last

one says like my oldest piece of

experience I only have two bullet points

and I keep it pretty simple

I don't include any hobbies section or

like interests sometimes I do include a

section at the end that includes the

training that I was doing so you can

also choose to list your certifications

when you got them and when they expire

too if jobs are looking for

certifications like first-aid and things

like that when I first start in this

field it did look a lot different

there's a lot less on there as the years

have gone on I've removed like

minimum-wage jobs that weren't related

to wildlife biology like at the

beginning I did include all of like my

fast food my retail experience okay if

you guys watched a in this video I will

give you five tips on what I did to get

my resume to the top of the pile for

hiring managers in this field and now I

want to introduce my first sponsor I'm

really excited about it so the reason

why I picked PDF element to sponsor this

video is because they were the best

option for PDF hang out files such as

resumes and also editing pdfs adding

signatures and all the things that you

can't do with the free version of Adobe

so PDF Elements 7 is an all-in-one smart

PDF editor and that offers the easiest

way to create edit convert annotate

ensign PDF documents on both Windows and

Mac and it's a really simple program

that's going to maximize your efficiency

when preparing documents so this is how

easy it is to edit the document itself

within PDF element 7 in order to make

quick changes to your resume without

having to go through Microsoft Word so

basically this is PDF experience

simplified there's not all these

complicated functions and weird tools

it's really simple to use intuitive

going to keep the same font and

formatting of the PDF so you can't even

tell that a PDF has been edited you're

also able to add in images new

paragraphs objects and pages into the

PDF itself it has some advanced

functions such as the ability to

transform a scanned PDF or even an image

based PDF into actual text that you are

able to edit in order to celebrate my

very first sponsored video they're gonna

be giving my viewers a 70% off of the

software I have a link down in the

pinned comment below and the description

box that shows how to get the software

so Thank You PDF element for sponsoring

this video so these are the five tips

that I have if you are trying to get

your resume to stand out in the crowd of

hundreds of different resumes use action

words that are strong for your bullet

point descriptions and so what I mean by

that is for example if you're a cashier

you don't say ran the cashier station

like that's not a very strong action

word when I say action word I'm

referring to the verb that's the

beginning like ran so what you want to

do is use words like manage the point of

service station for a busy restaurant so

something like that is going to really

sound a lot more impressive I'm actually

have an example of action words that you

can use in your resume I will include in

the description box below that will help

give you some ideas like managed

coordinated to lead worth like that are

really powerful to use tip number two is

to keep your resume to one to two pages

and the reason for that being that

hiring managers don't have a lot of time

to look through resumes so you want

things to impress right away like I

think I've seen studies that only about

ten seconds are spent sometimes

some resumes don't quote me on that so

you really need to impress right away

and you can't have like a long lengthy

resume for just a job application and

that leads me in to tip number three and

that is to have a master resume that

you're able to edit and take things out

when not relevant so you can tailor it

to the job description itself so you may

notice that my resume I showed you guys

those three pages and that's because

it's my master resume so it has way more

bullet points than I normally would use

for a job application so I've included

everything I've done in these jobs and

so then when I look and see oh is it

more of like a management job is it more

of a field job is a more writing job

I'll actually erase some of the bullet

points that aren't relevant for the job

I'm applying to but you don't have to

rewrite a resume every single time in

order to tailor it to the job you kind

of just delete the bullet points that

aren't relevant so then that will bring

it down to one to two pages when you

apply and that makes it so much easier

when you're sending out like 100

applications and you need to tailor each

one to the job description itself which

leads me into point four tailor your

resume to the job description and what I

mean by that isn't even necessarily just

make sure it's relevant to the job you

literally need to use words from the job

description in your resume so there are

a lot of automatic filtering systems

that when you apply no one will even

ever see your resume if you don't hit

enough of those keywords from the job

description into the job application

software that you're using so say the

job description has a word that's

coordinating field crews use the word

coordinating field crews in your

experience if you have done that just

use that wording because that's going to

help subconsciously and just through the

software make your resume match the type

of people that they're looking for don't

straight up copy the drop description

but try to use as many words as you can

that are quite similar in order to pass

those automatic filtering software's and

five have someone look over your job

application personally I hate typos if I

see a resume with a typo it's out the

door because if I can't trust that this

really important document this resume

you can't even proofread right you're

probably not gonna be able to proofread

like future reports that I'd have you to

write typos

be really hard to catch sometimes if

it's just you reading your resume so

please get some inter proofread or use

spellcheck really really carefully in

order to make sure that no type of slow

third please because nothing makes me

sadder than a resume I love but it's

just filled with typos you know I can't

trust that person to produce meaningful

work when I hire them if you guys want

to see more videos like this check out

my career series which I'll link to

above in the description box below and

make sure you subscribe to my channel if

you want to see more videos about how to

become a professional in the world of

environmental science so thank you guys

for watching this video and I will see

you next time



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