April 26, 2024

🕑 OPTIMIZE YOUR LIFE 📈: Time Management, Productivity Hacks & Energy Budgeting for Lifters

Published May 22, 2023, 11:20 a.m. by Courtney

productivity Money -

What's the best way to manage your time and money so you can live a productive, stress-free life?

There's no one answer that fits everyone, but there are some general principles that can help you optimize your time and money management.

Here are a few tips to get you started:

1. Make a budget and stick to it.

This may seem obvious, but it's worth repeating: one of the best ways to stay on top of your finances is to create a budget and stick to it. Figure out what your regular expenses are and track your spending so you can see where your money is going. Then, make adjustments to ensure that your spending aligns with your priorities.

2. Automate your finances.

If you find it difficult to stick to a budget, consider automating your finances. There are a number of ways to do this, but one popular method is to set up automatic transfers from your checking account to your savings account. This way, you'll never have to worry about forgetting to save money.

3. Invest in yourself.

One of the best ways to improve your productivity is to invest in yourself. This could mean taking a class or learning a new skill, but it could also simply mean taking some time each day to focus on your personal development. When you invest in yourself, you're making a commitment to become the best version of yourself possible.

4. Prioritize your time.

In order to be productive, you need to prioritize your time. This means figuring out what's most important to you and making sure that you're spending your time accordingly. For example, if your goal is to get healthy, you might prioritize working out over watching TV.

5. Set boundaries.

In order to be productive, it's important to set boundaries. This means learning to say "no" to things that aren't a priority. For example, if you have a busy week ahead, you might need to say "no" to social invitations so you can focus on getting work done.

6. Simplify your life.

One of the best ways to improve your productivity is to simplify your life. This means decluttering your space and getting rid of anything that isn't absolutely necessary. When you simplify your life, you make it easier to focus on what's important.

7. Take breaks.

It's important to take breaks when you're trying to be productive. This doesn't mean taking a long vacation, but it does mean taking a few minutes each day to relax and recharge. Taking breaks will help you avoid burnout and will make it easier to focus when you're working.

8. Get enough sleep.

Getting enough sleep is essential for productivity. When you're well-rested, you're able to think more clearly and make better decisions. Make sure to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night so you can be at your best during the day.

9. Eat healthy.

What you eat has a direct impact on your productivity. When you're eating healthy foods, you have more energy and focus. Make sure to include plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in your diet so you can feel your best.

10. Exercise regularly.

Exercise is not only good for your physical health, but it's also good for your mental health. When you're feeling physically strong and healthy, you're able to focus better and be more productive. Make sure to include exercise in your daily routine so you can reap the benefits.

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hello youtube today i'm going to teach

you how to optimize your life

i have a lot of people who ask me how

it's possible for me to be releasing

that many videos on top of working 50

hours a week on top of running 20 hours

a week and having a family and hobbies

and the answer is simple there is no

secret associated with it because at the

end of the day we all have the same 24

hours but the way we use these 24 hours

makes all the difference and a key

component of the life of hyperproductive

people is that for the most part they

all have the same thing and that same

thing is a strategy whereas lazy and

non-productive people have an absence of

strategy they don't plan so if you

absolutely want to optimize your life to

become a better human you are going to

want to listen to this because i'm going

to give you very simple

and very to the point

things you can apply in your life since

i don't know if you've noticed but i'm

not an out of touch millionaire who is

on the grind set and is going to tell

you to sacrifice your sleep to become a

good drone and a good corporatist slave

instead i want you to take ownership of

your own life and since your life is

made up of hours this is what we're

going to focus on efforts on on time so

let us get started today and let's

discuss the way i manage my time and how

you can do it as well

the first we're going to do is we're

going to start looking at time for what

it is which is a resource

the most valuable resource at that

meaning that forget about money money is

nothing at the end of the day money is

the transformation of time it's the

reason why companies have that much

power it's because they can literally

use wealth to acquire and purchase the

time of humans

if you are like me this is something

that you know because you sell some of

that time it's why we call the rest of

it free time right the other portion is

rented to someone else and it's

necessary to make money there's no

problem with that but what we're going

to learn to do today is to take control

of that free time of yours because if

you're not careful that free time ain't

going to be free anymore it's going to

slip right out of your grasp since i'm

sure that you've noticed because you're

a lifter when you talk about lifting in

general to people who are not lifting

themselves what they'll tell you is oh i

don't know how you find the time i'm too

busy and sometimes they even try to flip

the script and pretend that maybe it's

because you don't work as hard as them i

always work harder than they do it's

just that in the end the truth is that

they simply don't manage their time

properly and this is why they can't find

it it is no surprise

you most likely don't make that mistake

what you could be doing is you could

work better with the time that you have

allocated to yourself we all have the

same 24 hours portion of that is going

to go towards your job towards eating

towards sleeping these are imperatives

but the rest we can do better with and

if we want to do better we have to stop

wasting time now when i say wasting time

i don't mean resting i don't see resting

and taking a break as a waste if you

just have a very long day and you spend

it on the couch with your dog for 45

minutes that's not a waste to me as long

as it's scheduled and it's something

that you budgeted for it's good and this

is when i'm going to introduce the

concept of active rest versus

procrastination active rest is good it's

what we always want time spent actively

resting is never a waste it cannot be

defined as a waste just like resting

from an exercise in the gym or

throughout the week as you recover from

the damage is not a waste and there's an

[ __ ] outside robbing his [ __ ]

engine because he has a small dick i


jesus [ __ ]

what you want however is to avoid

procrastination and the reason why you

want to avoid procrastination is because

as we all know it makes you feel bad the

reason it makes you feel bad is because

you understand that you're wasting time

you're not recovering from anything

you're just killing time as the the


expression expresses so we want to avoid

that on top of it i have found that if

you manage to always actively rest it

makes it better even for your mental

health because it feels good to recover

and to spend some time resting from

efforts it's why the sweetest holidays

are always the one that are going to

follow a very strenuous week because you

actually have something to recover from

so my entire time management theory is

based on that time is a resource we're

going to spend some time we want to

spend it as proactively and as healthily

as possible since

if you don't do it the rest of the world

will do it for you i don't know if

you've noticed but this world around you

is constantly vying for your attention

it's what i call time leeches so for

example companies social media all of

that are small things that are trying to

capture your attention aka your time

because they can turn it into money

the average human male if i were to to

actually count on the hours they spent

throughout the day if i could question

them i'll try and tell them okay do you

think you waste time they'll tell me no

and if i say okay then you should be

able to lift they'll say oh no bro i'm

too busy then you actually look at what

they do without they 45 minutes

scrolling on their phone an hour

watching series on netflix at the end of

the day they are wasting their life away

you do not want to be that guy so be

realistic look at active rest versus

procrastination and make sure that your

time your time is spent as realistically

as possible

also and this is the last advice i will

give you about that before moving to the

practical aspect of the video set strong

boundaries i know too many people who

are flimsy on their boundaries and

therefore they let the people around

them rob them of that time don't do that

an example i have to give you to show

you how much of an ass where you have to

be with your own time is when i used to

be in high school at 5 00 p.m the school

ended and i would run home so that at 5

30 shop i would be able to be in my room

to lift and this is something i did

every single day and every day my

friends at the school try to get me to

stay with them to hang out and just have

some some fun time with them and every

time i refused why because i understood

that this time i was going to actually

allocate to lifting was going to

actually work benefits in the future and

it did but if i had let these people

strong on me and bully me out of my own

time i wouldn't be there so set strong

boundaries your time is your most

precious resource and if you don't

actually protect it people are going to

take advantage of you so

how do we exactly protect it how do we

make sure we spend our hours

productively and we don't waste time the

answer is simple you have to account for

every hour and then you have to decide

what you do with them and for that you

are going to make schedules schedules

are the best thing you can do in your

life if you want to become more

productive but also less anxious because

a planned life isn't as a stress-free

life i'll always i've always observed

that people who don't have a plan are

stressed out because they're not in

control whereas if you have that anxiety

of i have to get [ __ ] done and you have

a schedule you can just pick it up and

look and the schedule tells you exactly

what you're going to do i speak from

experience i'm mr schedule

i will admit that i'm a bit neurotic and

maybe a little bit psycho-rigid so you

don't have to be as like

as ano as they say in english about that

but you still want schedules and the

reason why is it's because it's a


for me when i was in grad school the

only reason i survived these years that

were like hell is because i have

schedules with me my life was a desk

with a laptop a chair a bed and a fridge

it was my entire life and every single

day i would sit down on that desk to do

my grad school work and on that desk

there was a pile of sheets and i

remember they were pink because i used

to store them from the school because i

was broke and what i would do is i would

write down schedules on every single

sheet for every single day i knew

exactly what needed to be done for that

day and also had a sheet for the weekly

activities and this was my bread and

butter i survived that hell because of

it because every time i felt lost or i

didn't know what to do i knew that i

could always redirect my attention to

the schedule and the schedule knew

better because i knew better i

preemptively planned always plan i know

that there's a ton of people especially

in the lifting community who like to go

with the flow these people will have

sheet physics forever when you train

with your instinct and you don't have

the program to follow you are not going

to make the progress you expect same in

life if you just float freely through

life and you think that things are just

going to fall into place they won't

you're going to waste your time away and

you'll go nowhere you have to utilize

your time properly you have to plan how

you allocate your resources and the best

way for that is to make schedules and to

write them down i cannot impress that

upon you enough don't be the guy that is

going to put a plan on his iphone

because for every click for every flip

for every motion you have to make to

access that plan it gets it gets less


likewise don't make the mistake of

thinking oh i'll just i'll just remember

the plan no you won't and you already

know it the important part is having a

material copy of the plan that way you

commit to it psychologically it's a very

important action and it's always

something you can actually look at when

you're not doing that well and you need

something you can actually rest upon

it's solid it's tangible so always write

it down but writing it down does not

mean that it has to be super rigid again

you don't have to be like me i am insane

in the brain okay i plan everything i

know what i'm going to be eating in two

days i know what i'm going to be lifting

in four days i understand that the

average human is not like that any and

you don't have to be like that you have

to simply find a way to schedule for

yourself and that is going to enter


okay an issue and a promise many people

make me included is that we tend to make

pyramid schedules so it's a schedule

that is in a sense always interconnected

so if you have task one two five until

you have done task one you can't do task

three that's a big mistake because you

just created a blocker for yourself now

if you can't do task one you can't do

anything don't do that all right you

don't have to actually create an


timeline for your schedule this is

useless the only thing you need to have

is the raw activities that need to be

completed for the day you will find what

needs to be a priority as you go you

already know that you don't need to

write it down and by doing that you're

going to make sure you can always get

something done a schedule i remember

still really remember my sheets of paper

for grad school it looked like a bingo

because i would get anything i could

done and it meant that i really started

from the top i would get done everything

that i could and this is how i was hyper

productive i'm still the same today i

plan that i want to make this video i

want to train i want to take the sun i

want to go for a walk i want to read

that book but i have no other that way

throughout the day whenever there is a

pocket of time open i say okay i can do

something now what do i want to do

what can i do i look at the schedule

okay this looks good let's do that now

it's a principle i've applied to my

videos it's the reason why i can be so

prolific on the channel and i can make

so many videos and content for you guys

is because i know roughly what i want to

do and whenever there is a spot

available i do it

so also do that for yourself make it as

flexible as possible flexibility is

truly the key to productivity it's what

i firmly believe and once you have that

done you'll realize also that this

ability to pride to prioritize the

things you're most excited about will

open the door to another productivity

hack and that is building momentum by

doing things that you want if you have

again a rough schedule that is extremely

rigid where you have to start with one

well if you can't get one done you won't

get anything done at all it will stress

you out you will experience what we call

in french le stress de la page blanche

so don't do that yourself it's the

stress and anxiety you thought of facing

a blank page where you know you have to

write something but you just can't just

you just can't bring yourself to start

understand that in a journey the first

step is always the crucial the crucial

one but also the most important one so

make sure that this first step is always

easy to make and once you have built up

that momentum you will find that the

rest of the list is going to be very

easy to complete

and this also includes things that are

quote-unquote non-productive i think

that nowadays the issue is that we call

active rest non-productive even though i

disagree with that and this leads to

another hack if you can include things

that are leisure based in the list it's

going to be very easy to get them done

of course don't be an [ __ ] don't only

do the leisure activities because now

you're procrastinating the ability to

recover hinges onto your body to work

but now you have a list that is a mix of

active things and active recovery so

it's a perfect balance you can just flip

from one to one and the momentum will

always keep going you will always be

doing something productive even if you

are just resting spending time with your

loved ones that is also productive

humans will not put on earth to be

slaves and to work non-stop that is a

stupid grind-set meme that only benefits

the corporations that employ you it

doesn't benefit you and the people that

love you so always keep that in mind

allocate for the things that matter in

your life we are all different human

beings okay some people are more social

some people like to walk a ton they're

workaholics some people are going to

want to spend more time by themselves

all of these things are quirks and

personality traits that are important so

schedule for that and budget for that as

well budget for the self and not for me

for example i'm not social at all so

social gatherings are not going to be a

priority that's fine it means that i can

sacrifice that and replace it by

something else we all have that in our

life i know that you've heard it that

once you become an adult you have to

make your choice social life working

life rest or the gym that is true but

the issue is that people present it as

an extreme or you have to do you have to

pick only two because you will only be

doing that that's not true you can just

do a minimal of the rest for me lifting

time and working time is going to be

king and queen then it's spend time with

my family and then it's seeing friends i

can sacrifice seeing friends and social

gatherings because it doesn't matter

that much to me it's not a necessity to

me and just like that i plan and i

actually schedule for my own needs

we are not all the same and therefore we

are not going to schedule the same it's

just that the structure of the schedule

is important and is what must be

prevented uh prevented not prevented

more like preserved

and after that and to conclude this

video the video that is quite time

effective and optimized if you ask me

compared to my standards

i want to mention lifting in passing

because most of what i described today

again is the ability to control time

roughly but as well come to understand

if you control time globally you control

all of it since even though we didn't

really talk about work and we spoke

about your free time if you control your

free time you also control the time you

spend at hook and vice versa

that's why i think that the solution to

the people who say i don't have time to

lift is to actually take control of that

time and you will also find that it will

make it so that most of the time when

you get overworked and your ability to

actually engage with your hobbies is

damaged by the time you spend working

for money is not going to occur as much

likewise you're going to have better

nights of sleep and more productive days

because if you control the productive

day you control the night of sleep and

vice versa you will never let your

activities devour hours of sleep which

would be a terrible mistake for someone

who lives as i've already mentioned i

don't know if i've mentioned it it's the

third time i recall this video because

the audio kept [ __ ] up so just in

passing do not and i know it's something

that sometimes uh grind said gurus like

to share do not sacrifice sleep to get

more done that's idiotic preserve your

sleep i sleep seven to eight hours a

night every single night that's very


and once you figure that out you also

figure out that your ability to keep to

the schedule and to be productive also

hinges on your ability to stay energized

and the best weapon you have for that is

the gym because as we all know lifting

energizes you it either takes away or

adds energy one or the other so use that

weapon as well if you're the type that

gets hyped from the gym start your day

with lifting and then you can budget and

allocate around that

if you are the opposite and you're like

me and you are spent by the gym and you

have a job that's very cerebral where

you accumulate a ton of physical stamina

that you have to spend to be able to

sleep train at the end of the day these

are very easy guidelines but just like

that your schedule becomes much easier

to create once you have lifting at the

center of everything and it's placed you

can place the rest around it just like

you would build a house around a base

and just like this you'll find a way to

optimize your life all of the pieces of

the puzzle will fall exactly where they

belong and time management is always

easier when you have things in front of

your eyes it's the message i want to

preach today the people that waste time

and that don't know what the hours went

are also the people that are going to

wake up in five ten years with a ton of

regrets because requests i have

developed a jamaican accent for some


because there are the time that are

going to look back and say where did the

time go well the time flew by because

you can take control of it so treat your

time as jumbo's precious resource it's

like a pile of gold if you leave it

unprotect and you don't account for the

pieces of gold and the coins in it

they're going to disappear people are

going to take it from you they're going

to just fall to the side always keep an

eye on that because this is what your

life is your life is the hours that do

they make and so

this in truth concludes this video

make sure that you are in full control

at all times and that should also ensure

that you can keep lifting forever and

you don't end up like one of these

people that slowly gives up on the iron

because they somehow for some reason

can't find time or their energy runs out

this is the worst fate a lifter can

suffer and i don't want any of you guys

to suffer it but if you apply the advice

i gave you today you schedule you have

boundaries for your time and you make

sure to apply a productive approach to

the mindset of optimizing your life in

general you should be just fine

i'm going to leave you with that thank

you for watching have a good night


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