May 10, 2024

Art Attack - Series 15, Episode 14 (2002)

Published June 2, 2023, 6:20 a.m. by Monica Louis

For your enjoyment, another full episode of Art Attack, with Neil Buchanan and The Head. Today, Neil makes 'stuffed sculptures' from newspaper, paints sepia pictures with dirty water and conjures up an amazing marble maze. Bodiam Castle in Sussex is the setting for today's Big Art Attack. First shown 6 December 2002.

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this is not a time

this is an art attack this is art attack


ah hello there good to see you again hey

what do you think of sculpture well

stuff it I say hey no I'm not being rude

I mean stuff it like this stuffed

sculpture look at that looks brilliant

hanging on walls or just simply hanging

around and they're very easy to make go

another look at this take a double page

spread from the big newspaper and just

draw your sculpture design onto it now

you can do any design you like person an

animal I'm going to do the lion but the

main like that and just do the basic

design at this stage you don't need too

much detail in just face in there just

make it big bold unfunny very cartoon

like yeah just finish off there like

that and there is a line and when you're

happy with your design cut it out so

that you have something that looks like

this and you can add some more detail on

to it at this stage if you want then

draw around this on to another sheet of

newspaper and cut that out so you have

two identical shaped pieces and then

just put one on top of the other like

that so that they line up neatly then

take a stapler and be careful your

fingers on this very carefully staple

the two pieces together I that all the

way around the edges now you need to do

this quite carefully I'm just doing it

really quickly to show you here all the

way around about two-thirds away around

the edges like this don't forget to mind

your fingers and when you've got about

two-thirds of the way around remember to

stop like that and when you've done that

it's time to stuff your sculpture now

for this you need to lightly Scrooge off

bits of newspaper and stuff them inside

the sculpture like that through the

opening that you've left I'll do another

one that's okay yeah see that it's a

good idea to just poke some of these

bits down with a ruler into the awkward

areas if you need to and remember try

not to be too rough or you'll tear the

stapled edges keep going and when your

sculpture is padded enough it should be

a bit like a nice soft pillow and don't

forget to staple up a gap so that it's

stapled all the way around now that your

sculpture is fully stuffed out it's

ready to paint and it's best to use

acrylic paint or you could use poster

paint for this mixed with a little bit

of PVA so that the paint won't cry I'm

going to start with a nice bright yellow

there we go just slop it on as a base

color how about a nice rich brown for

the mane a nice bright pink for inside

the mouth there and when you finish

painting it all you can add in some

detail with black pen and there it is

your stuffed sculpture good isn't it and

you know you can do all sorts of designs

how about some Christmas decorations

here's a stuffed Santa or how about this

you can even lie down on the big sheet

of newspaper get someone to draw around

you and then stop it what do you mean

he's better-looking than me and you know

you can even make some Halloween

decorations like this ghost sculpture

try it yourself stuffed

sculptures keep smiling

oh what a really good idea stuff

sculptures hello yes it's me again

overhead now if you want to make one for


just remember to leave a third of your

sculpture on stake

so you can stuff it then when it's nice

and plump you can staple the rest up so

that it's ready to paint and don't worry

if you didn't catch all of that because

you can check out the art attack website

for fact sheets on this fantastic milk

and all the others in the show oh yes



not strange

tract ah yep this gives me an idea big

heart attack


oh what a monstrous heart attack and

that picture reminds me of my maths

teacher mrs. Lavelle you want to see a

picture of her she was an old dragon -

sorry mrs. what a help


hey I bet you've seen this before look

at this horrible isn't it the dirty

water after you've been painting every

seems to go a murky sludge brown color

down the drain

no way it's perfect for creating

old-fashioned looking sepia pictures

watch this if you just draw a picture of

anything you like in pencil and this

technique worked well for landscapes

portraits of people animals and outdoor

scenes then make sure your dirty water

is really murky Brown you can add in

some more paint to make it Brown if you

like and darker and then just simply

paint it a crusher picture in a rough

oval shape that is slop it on and just

get a sort of rough oval you'll need to

be neat or anything see this and it

gives it a sort of misty sepia color a

sort of light murky Brown

just slop it on again and then just

leave it to dry shouldn't take too long

in here cuz all these lights really hot

when it is dry just paint the background

layer in a medium shade of sepia brown

so you want your dirty water darker so

just add more Brown into it and if you

haven't got brown just try mixing some

red and green with a tiny bit of black

just to make it darker and then paint it

onto your background so here we go

slightly darker and just following the

shapes that will drawn

that won't smudge the first layer is dry

it's just a case of picking out all

those bits of your picture that are sort

of a medium shade

and again just a little bit the detail

this medium shade stuff

shadow down there think and again when

you've done that just leave it to dry

and when that's dry you need a darker

brown for the foreground and again just

mix more paint with less water this time

put lots of paint in there make it nice

and dark a nice rich brown now it's gone

from light dirty brown so sort of rich

brown and then just paint it on your

foreground bits and this shouldn't be

Asrani this time that was more paper and

you can hint at a few bit of detail at

the stage not too much though

and then when you've done that leave

that one to dry and the idea then is to

pick out some detail with even darker

Brown or even a brown felt tip pen that

it really is to create a picture using

different shades of brown instead of

colors so we go and there's hardly any

water on the brush now at all mostly


when you're finished you should have an

old-fashioned sepia picture which looks

like it has faded around the edges

thanks to your dirty water try it

yourself create a sepia picture with

misty edges using dirty water

just taking a look some of the art

attacks that you've sent in I'm

speechless that's so good

take a look at this Josh's country scene

has been done with poster paint dabbed

onto paper

the goals of the Browns give a real

autumnal field only and Andrews portrait

has been done brilliantly with acrylics

I love your choice of unusual colors

spooky Ashley is into over different

strips of colored papers through sugar

paper to create this interesting art

attack and Michael's picture here has

been made with watered-down poster paint

I really like the way the zigzag becomes

less defined the feather as it gets oil

pastels have been used for this picture

Bevin's potted palm a nice our material

at and here's an interesting design from

Charlotte look at this amaze hey

Charlotte I bet you lost you soft design

in that one I I worked out my maze

design and pencil first I've

internalized into hedges and culled form

in lastly I finished it over a black pen

yep great art attacks Hey

and that mazes give me an idea you know

watch this first you need to get hold of

some self hardening tray now you can buy

this from most art shops or toy shops or

big news agents and stationers and you

need to take a big ball about this size

and roll is how flat onto an old tray or

board now you need the clay to be about

one centimeter thick nice and thick when

you've done that you need to design a

maze now take a paintbrush or pencil and

use the end to draw the design into the

clay and an easy way to do a maze is to

start with a star point I'll put that in

there like that and then just do a

finish point down here and then just

draw a wiggly line between the two so

that it cares here and there but don't

make any of the curves too tight you'll

see why later and this will be your path

through the maze I think around here

like that up there

just wiggle away and round we come down

there and then up there round like that

curved round there and into the finish

now to make the decoy path just draw

some lines coming off that first line so

that they go into other areas now again

don't make any of the curves too tight

so I'll take that on up there and round

like that and let's run off of there and

just wrap it round like that and don't

let any of the lines go too near each

other and in fact you could always work

your maze out first on some paper and

then copy it onto the clay when you've

done the holidays and you need to dig

the channels out along all of these

pathways now it's best to do a small

section at a time and cover the rest of

the clay with cling film so that it

doesn't dry out so just do that top it

there now to dig the channels out use

the handle of a plastic spoon and trick

here is to make a channel that is deep

enough from marble or a bead to sit in

we're not so deep as you go through to

the bottom it's going on there like that

and round there and I just dig along the

pathways take your time and as you dig

you'll be scraping out bits of the clay

and you can just put those back on here

main block and use it for something else

later on and it's a good idea just to

keep checking as you go the width of

your channel with a marble now I've got

a bead here I'm going to use a bead so

that's a good width there see that in

there it's good with okay and your

marble or bead should be able to roll

about freely but not fall out and when

you've dug out it little away along the

pathway use your finger to smooth it out

and again it's a good idea to maybe use

a little bit of water just just wet your

finger and then it goes and it helps

soften the clay and makes it easier to

smooth the edges and just keep digging

like this all the way along the path to

smooth them out with your finger it

takes a while and when you do go into a

different section just move the cling

film to cover the rest and when you've

done the whole thing leave it on the

board to dry hard overnight and you

should end up with something that looks

like this look at that a clay maze that

has gone hard with a start and a finish

a lot of pathways in between that your

marble or bead should be able to roll

about in perfect then you can paint your

maze use a poster or acrylic paint so

you can paint it a real hedge maze color

like dark green in the pathways look at

that a lighter green on the surface I've

even painted the start and finish in

bright colors so that they stand out now

to give it this shiny effect when the

paint is dry you cover the whole thing

in PVA glue it looks messy to start with

but it gives it this real professional

shiny finish

and you can do any design color you like

how about this round one look at that

there are all the pathways around or how

about doing a cobweb one okay there's a

cobweb design and the great thing is

they're brilliant for playing races with

yourself just time yourself from start

to finish

so off you go now if you've got an hour

to spare you can watch me doing this

because it keeps falling out every time

I do it I'm not so good at it but

challenge yourself and don't forget you

can check out the website for fact

sheets on this and all the other

artifacts in the show try it yourself an

amazing marble maze and I'll see you met

next time

- rawr


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