June 1, 2024

Staff Profile of Hans-Peter Kubis - School of Sport, Health and Exercise Sciences

Published June 3, 2023, 11:20 p.m. by Monica Louis

Dr hans-peter kubis is a Lecturer at the School of sport health and exercise sciences at bangor university.

Find out more at www.bangor.ac.uk/sport

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hello I'm Hans Peter Kubus I'm senior

lecturer in physiology at the school and

I'm teaching several modules human

physiology is one performance physiology

clinical exercise physiology so

everything's related to physiology but

also to biochemistry it's also related

to sports and exercise

I studied biological sciences in getting

in Germany and then I did my doctor

degree at in biochemistry actually in

Hannover as also in Germany and then I

continued for a habilitation degree

which is something you don't haven't

written but it is in some European

countries is quite usual to have a

degree and I did this degree in

Physiology so then I worked 14 years at

the medical school Hannover and Germany

and then suddenly I decided I wanted a

different life and I want to be at the

cosy stimulating place doing fine

research and then I came to bunga and

this is where I am and I'm happy so my

research interests are obesity and type

2 diabetes and specifically we

investigating some nutrients like sugar

and food or drinks interacting with

metabolism changing obviously body

weight gaining you might gain weight

lose weight we never know and how these

nutrients interact with some genes and

the muscles how proteins are changed in

the muscle because you eat several

specific food for a longer time so

chronic consumption of soft drinks is an

example we're working at and also we

investigating appetite regulation we are

very interested in know how you regulate

your body weight if you do exercise

whether this is different between Dean

and obese people whether they do this

the same or suddenly something changes

which might then that exercise might not

work anymore for weight loss things like


very interesting for me we have also

project investigating eating behavior

where we use mobile phone applications

than we have major major research

projects using exercise as a tool to

lose weight and we look at how this

changes metabolism and hormonal

regulation in the bodies one of the most

exciting research product is is a

project investigating how overweight


response to exercise we doing the

long-term training studies when

investigating how the hormones in the

blood respond to the exercise and how

then the appetite responds to that

whether you if you really do exercise it

on whether you're actually capable to

rules right which is not known actually

most most people know about that they

want to lose weight when they do

exercise so that there's always an

interference between mind and matter and

we want to solve this miracle a little

bit more


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