April 27, 2024

Meet Amanda Dorner - MSc student of Molecular Nutrition and Food Technology at Aarhus University

Published May 20, 2023, 5:20 p.m. by Naomi Charles

When it comes to nutrition and food technology, Amanda Dorner is a name you should know. The MSc student of molecular nutrition and food technology at Aarhus University is passionate about her field and is always looking for new ways to improve the quality of food and nutrition.

Dorner’s research focuses on how to make food more nutritious and how to make sure that the nutrients in food are more bioavailable. In other words, she is looking for ways to make sure that the nutrients in food are more easily absorbed by the body.

One of the ways she is doing this is by looking at how different processing methods affect the nutritional quality of food. For example, she is looking at how different cooking methods affect the nutrient content of food.

Another area of Dorner’s research is looking at how to add more vitamins and minerals to food. She is also looking at how to add more antioxidants to food. Antioxidants are important because they help to protect the body from damage caused by free radicals.

Dorner is also interested in how to make food more sustainable. She is looking at how to reduce the amount of food waste and how to make sure that food is produced in a way that is environmentally friendly.

If you are interested in learning more about nutrition and food technology, then you should definitely check out Amanda Dorner’s research. She is definitely a name to watch in the field of nutrition and food technology.

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my research objective

is green kale with major interest in

favorable composition of kale

and its secondary plant metabolites

my name is amanda dorner and i'm a

master's student in molecular nutrition

and food technology at ohio's university


i became really interested in studying

nutrition at very young

age when i realized that food is more

than men's daily need and satisfaction

around 40 diabetes patients are involved

in the clinical trial

and instructed to consume freeze-dried

green kale powder

in form of a bar

after three-month intervention period

the changes in blood sugar regulation

are to be observed

i think working with people with

different scientific and professional


helps me upgrade my knowledge eases me

overcome research

challenges and gives me priceless



what really interests me the most is the

research part

i just love to sit quiet and analyze the


of our project and related literature

hopefully i'll be the first author of

the paper

we will be submitting on the green kale


the education and research experience

gained through my master's program

and thesis work helped me build up my

research skills

and critical view of science as such

also this project helped me determine

the primary focus

of my future career on helping people

who also need treatment

in addition to proper nutrition


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