April 29, 2024

Biology | "What's In Our Digestive System?" Explained | Human Body | Science for Kids

Published May 23, 2023, 9:20 p.m. by Naomi Charles

What's in our digestive system?

The human digestive system is a long, tube-like organ that starts at the mouth and ends at the anus. In between, there are a number of important organs, including the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. Each of these organs has a specific job to do in the digestive process.

The mouth is the first stop in the digestive system. Here, food is chewed and mixed with saliva, which contains enzymes that begin to break down the food. The chewed food then travels down the esophagus to the stomach.

The stomach is a muscular sac that stores food and begins the process of digestion. Digestion is when the food is broken down into small pieces so that the body can absorb the nutrients. The stomach also mixes the food with acids and enzymes.

After the stomach, food enters the small intestine. The small intestine is about 20 feet long and is where most of the digestion and absorption of nutrients takes place. The small intestine is divided into three sections: the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum.

The large intestine is the last stop in the digestive system. The large intestine is about 5 feet long and is where water and electrolytes are absorbed. The large intestine also contains bacteria that help break down food.

The digestive system is a complex and important part of the human body. It is responsible for breaking down food, absorbing nutrients, and eliminating waste.

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let's check out michael's digestive

system and see what's wrong first off

the mouth


all this chewing is making me dizzy

chewing is a very important step in food

digestion bobo look at how michael's

teeth are crushing the biscuit and it is

much smaller than it was

after the food is broken down into

smaller pieces

the ball of food can easily travel down

the esophagus to our stomach

this first step of food processing which

we swallow food and drinks is called


the transparent liquid is called saliva

it helps wet our food so that it's

easier to swallow we are going to be

traveling down the esophagus and get

into the stomach hang on tight whoa

that felt like being squeezed out from a


yes bobo the esophagus got muscles that

contract involuntarily to push the foot

down it also connects our mouth to the

next location the stomach


oh no

more shaking

yes the stomach muscles contract

and turn the food into even smaller


but not only that

look at the biscuit bobo

it looks like it's dissolving what's


our stomach contains hydrochloric acid

an extremely strong acid that breaks

down food chemically and kills most of

the germs that may be present in our

food the second step of food processing

in which we break down food into smaller

pieces is called digestion


what are those nixon

they look like fingers


yes bobo

we are now in a small intestine

and those finger-like projections are

called v-line

the main role of the small intestine is

to absorb the nutrients from our food

that are digested by the enzymes in our


and the stomach just before

the third step of food processing is

called absorption hold on a second

how long have we been in the small

intestine form

i thought it was meant to be the small


yes bobo the small intestine is super


it's around 7 meter long and is looped

and packed in a very confined space

look we're almost at the end

there's nothing wrong with michael's

small intestine

let's get to the next stop the large



the large intestine is a lot wider than

the small intestine great observation


the large intestine mainly absorb excess

water and produce poop

what's in the poop and why is it so


poop is mostly undigested food bacteria

and other substances that are released

by the intestines

usually it is the bacteria in the poop

that makes it smelly

an important way to ensure your

digestive system stays healthy is by

drinking plenty of water if you don't

drink enough water it will be much

harder to get your poop out and then we


not yet bobo

the poop is stored in the lower end of

the large intestine called the rectum

look at how the excess water is absorbed

from the biscuit

and it is now ready to be adjusted from

the body

the final step of foot processing which

we excrete poop from our body is called


thanks for watching want to explore more

of the human body with bobo

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