May 12, 2024

tier ranking every book to tv show adaptation i've seen 📺

Published June 21, 2023, 11:20 p.m. by Courtney

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it was detrimental to me personally every time  I watch it I feel like I'm being stabbed in my  

eyes hello everyone welcome so I know it's been  a little bit I have had to take a bit of a break  

because of some stuff going on in my personal life  and so I have not been able to be online like at  

all for quite some time now like over a month it's  been a minute since I've sat down to film anything  

and I just feel weird even having makeup on right  now because I've just been gremlining for the past  

month but I am back I am here with a new video  for you all today and I'm really excited because  

today we are going to be doing one of my favorite  things which is tier ranking I love a good tier  

ranking and we are specifically going to be tier  ranking book to TV adaptations I did a video like  

this a couple of years ago tier ranking book to  movie adaptations and I think I also had a few  

book to TV adaptations in there as well but in the  past few years there have been a lot of new book  

to TV adaptations that have come out I think it's  gotten more popular than book to movie adaptations  

not necessarily more popular but there are a  lot more TV adaptations than there used to be  

which is extremely exciting because it means that  I can make a video specific to TV adaptations and  

rank all of the ones that I've seen because there  are some recent ones that came out that a lot of  

people have been asking my opinion on and I  haven't had a place to talk about them yet so  

I think this will be the perfect place to do that  I've been watching a lot of TV lately because I've  

been stuck at home and I've wanted to do something  kind of more passive I haven't had any energy to  

read I haven't read a book in like over a month  I just finished succession which was fantastic  

literally one of my new favorite shows of all time  that show is excellent so I've just been thinking  

a lot about TV which is kind of what inspired me  to do this video today I've also had TV shows on  

my mind a lot recently because my new journal the  Clockwork reader film and TV Journal is coming out  

at the end of this month June 27th it's being  released which is so so soon it's really caught  

up to me and I I can't believe it's already  almost here so if you would like to pre-order  

the journal the link is in the description box  again it comes out June 27th it's a journal to  

track all of the movies and shows that you watch  you can get creative with it and do do like some  

collaging and artistic stuff in here or you can  just record everything that you watch whatever you  

decide to do I'm very very excited about this I  just got my author copies recently so I have like  

a ton of them now just sitting in my room which  is really exciting so yes if you would like to  

support me and buy a copy of the journal the link  is in the description box once again now really  

quickly before we get into the tier ranking I want  to thank today's sponsor which is native Native is  

a brand that I've worked with in the past and they  are my absolute favorite deodorant brand I quite  

literally will not use a different deodorant I got  three of the scents this time I got the unscented  

one the aloe and green tea which is a new one that  I tried and the cucumber and mint I'm personally  

very sensitive to Smells which is why I really  like the unscented one I use everything pretty  

much unscented all of my skincare products are  always unscented but I do like some scents and  

these specifically I do really enjoy I love the  aloe and Green Tea Scent it's very refreshing it's  

very mild which I appreciate as is the cucumber  and mint this is actually my favorite one and the  

one I always go back to and I personally really  like using native because they're vegan and  

cruelty free their deodorants are aluminum and  paraben free which are all really important to  

me they're made with clean and simple ingredients  like coconut oil and Shea Butter they even have a  

line made exclusively for sensitive skin which  are the ones that I personally chose they're  

very smooth they're not sticky at all and they  offer 72 hour odor protection which is great when  

um you're like me and you're an anxious sweaty  girl um so yeah definitely highly recommend use  

using native deodorant if you would like to try  them out use my link and code Clockwork 3 to get  

20 off your first purchase at Native this offer is  available site-wide but only for a limited time so  

stock up and save so again thank you to Native for  sponsoring today's video but without any further  

Ado let's get into tier ranking all of the book  to TV adaptations I have seen okay so here we go  

this is my tier list as you can see there are far  fewer tiers than I usually have I usually have a  

ton of Tears because I like separating things out  I feel like there's a lot of nuance even when I  

rank things and we're really simplifying it here  I like having the Nuance of having lots of Tears  

also partially because I have not seen that  many book to show adaptations there are quite  

a few it's just I haven't read all of the books  for a lot of them so that's why this list can't  

be as long as the movie adaptation one that I've  made so we're going with like a smaller list but  

I feel like it's still a good pool I have a lot  to say about most of these so the qualifications  

for this were that I have to have watched the  entire show and also read the entire book slash  

book series except there's just like two caveats  in here there's one where I have not read the  

book and when we get to it I'll explain why I'm  deciding to put it on this list and another one  

where the show is technically not based on one  specific book but just like a series so it's kind  

of like a spin-off type of thing so those are the  only two that are not as you know just a direct  

adaptation or the one where I haven't read the  book but besides that I've read the book for all  

of these and I've watched pretty much the entire  show for all of them I gave up on a couple of them  

because like I didn't like them but besides that  it's fine anyway long-winded explanation aside  

let's get into the tears so first on the top  tier the god tier we have better than the book  

self-explanatory then we have book handshake show  so basically the book and the show are equally  

as good in my opinion then we have you don't need  to read the book this one I specifically made for  

um a couple of the ones on this list that I didn't  really love the book but I did enjoy the show so  

I don't think they're better than the book per se  like some of the god tier ones but I still liked  

them more than the book and they were enjoyable  shows for the most part even if I didn't love the  

swords material if that makes sense next we have  read the book these are shows that are typically  

from some of my favorite books where I feel  like they just didn't do the book justice so  

it's basically like the book the book letter  and then we have criminal offensive side eye  

which again self-explanatory put it in jail  I hated this show it was awful alright so I  

did not put these in any order so it's kind of  random first up we have Bridgerton season two  

I'm specifically choosing season two because the  second book The Anthony Bridgerton book is the  

only book I've read in that Series so we're just  doing this based off of season two specifically  

and this is just easily going in better than the  book because it is so clearly better than the  

book I don't think anyone is surprised but I don't  think you're gonna be surpris Ed surprised by like  

most of these placements except for the ones that  you've never heard me talk about before I didn't  

I didn't Bridgerton book rarely get through  it I really just finished it out of spite  

but I love the show it is such a comfort show  for me I've rewatched season two so many times  

I am obsessed it's an embarrassing level of  obsession it's truly so bad but I do really  

really love season two so that's going in better  than the book because it's infinitely better than  

the book and it's just like one of my favorite  seasons of a show in general okay next up We  

Have a Heart Stopper which I did a reaction  to for the first two episodes I think on my  

channel and season two comes out in like August  I think so very very soon at this point but I  

loved heartstopper I loved the graphic apples  I read all of them right before the show came  

out because I wanted to be prepared for it it's  so heartwarming and cute and just purely joyful  

um so this is going to go in book handshake show  because I think it's equally as good as the books  

I think the books do certain things better but I  think there's certain things about the adaptation  

that are more appealing as well I just really  love it it's made me cry and I've rewatched it  

so many times it's just such a wholesome show and  they did a fantastic job adapting it it just feels  

exactly like the books which is all you could  ever ask of from an adaptation so yeah that's  

going there okay next up we have a series of  unfortunate events I'm gonna put this in the book  

show tier the second tier as well because I think  this is a fantastic adaptation it's been a while  

since I've seen it I would say Heart Stopper is  definitely better in terms of an adaptation but I  

still loved the show it was so enjoyable to watch  and I felt like it also very much understood the  

source material I read the Series of Unfortunate  Events books as an adult actually I read them  

maybe like four years ago or something for the  first time they're so sad and disturbing in so  

many ways um but just such a unique series and I  feel like the show did a great job of translating  

the atmosphere that the books had onto the screen  so yeah that one's going in the second tier for  

sure okay next up we have conversations with  friends this one is easily going in read the  

book because I hated the show I couldn't finish  the show I don't know how many episodes it was  

but I think I only watched like five of them it's  five or six of them maybe and I just couldn't keep  

going I got so so bored and I actually really  loved the book surprisingly because I didn't  

think I was going to like it I haven't liked Sally  Rooney's other books um so I did not think I was  

gonna like this book but I really really loved the  book and I feel like the adaptation just it just  

didn't work I feel like there were certain nuances  in that book that just do not translate on screen  

and I don't know if it was just that or if it was  the direction or the uh screenplay or whatever it  

was but something about this didn't work it didn't  work I don't think anyone liked this I meant to  

rank normal people right after that so we're gonna  go to normal people next normal people on the  

other hand I'm gonna put in you don't need to read  the book I know you're all gonna get mad at me for  

every normal people stand I like the show better  personally I think it works as a show better than  

it does as a book I feel like something about it  felt more emotional to me when I was watching it  

rather than reading it but I felt the opposite  way about conversations with friends and I cannot  

explain why I don't know what it is I don't know  how to articulate it but for some reason that's  

just how I felt normal people worked as a show  it's still not my favorite show I've ever seen  

but I do like it more than I liked the book but  I'd read the book first and then watched it and  

I was surprised to see how much more I actually  enjoyed the show so yeah that's where I'm putting  

those too okay next up we have Emma um this  is a BBC mini series I ranked this in my movie  

adaptation tier ranking as well I think so some  of these are repeats but I just wanted to include  

them anyway because like I said they're not that  many I think it's like six episodes or something  

like that maybe four I don't remember it's like  not super long but I love this adaptation this  

is one of my favorite Jane Austen adaptations and  I feel like most people don't talk about it and  

nobody has seen it I know a lot of people like the  new Emma movie I've seen it I thought it was okay  

definitely not the worst during Austin adaptation  I've seen but not my favorite by far um this Emma  

adaptation is the superior adaptation so I'm gonna  put this in book handshake show I don't know what  

to call that tier so I'm just calling it that but  anyway it's really well made um it's definitely a  

bit older and it has that like BBC look but I  grew up watching Doctor Who and a lot of other  

BBC shows so I'm used to that like older style  and look to them and I really really love it I  

feel like it really understands the story again  and it's just a well-made adaptation do I think  

it's as good as the book no but it does belong in  this tier for sure so highly recommend it if you  

haven't watched it okay so next up we have Game of  Thrones so this is the one show on this list where  

I have not read the book but I decided to include  it anyway because I Tried reading the first book a  

long time ago and I could not get through it and I  just know I'm never going to read it I feel like I  

got enough out of what I did read to know that I  wouldn't like it I've seen it so many times like  

I've seen all of Game of Thrones except the final  season like at least four times I've rewatched it  

many times I went through a phase where I was  just like obsessively watching this show it was  

a bad time we don't need to talk about it but  I feel like I just I know enough about it and  

from what I read from that first book I you know  I I got a feel for it so that's why I'm leaving  

it on here also because it's just such a popular  popular show and everyone has pretty much seen it  

so I wanted to talk about it anyway because I  have no other place to talk about it so we're  

talking about it here it's fine these are my rules  you don't have to follow the same rules but Game  

of Thrones barring that last season which I feel  like I dislike for different reasons than a lot  

of people because most people are really mad about  that ending which I will not spoil in case you've  

never seen it but a lot of people are really  mad about that ending because of like certain  

things that happen to certain characters I am not  mad about what happened to certain characters I  

personally think that everything that happened  for the most part to most of those characters  

is exactly what should have happened the problem  is that it was just so unbelievably rushed and  

poorly written that we didn't earn what happened  to each character if that makes sense and I know  

other people definitely also feel this way but I  feel like a good majority of people get very upset  

about would happen to a very specific character  who I will not name but I think that that's  

exactly what should have happened to them and  that was exactly what was always going to happen  

to them and where they were always going to end  up because it was obvious from the beginning and  

it did not ruin their character whatsoever what  ruined everything was how rushed everything was  

that was the problem and it absolutely destroyed  that last season which was so tragic because I  

loved so much of the rest of the show I also have  so many problems with that show I do not know how  

to explain how I feel about Game of Thrones I love  it and I also really deeply hate it and I wouldn't  

really ever recommend it to people but like I'd  have to really personally know you and then I  

could recommend it to you but a part of me deeply  loves that show and certain things about it so  

yeah anyway long-winded rant about Game of Thrones  over um I'm gonna put this in you don't need to  

read the book I know I've only read like maybe  50 pages of the first book and that's definitely  

not enough to judge the first book compared to the  first season or whatever but I don't care because  

again these are my rules this is my channel  Channel this is my video so I am judging it based  

off of just those 50 pages this is not to say that  I think that George RR Martin is not a good writer  

I don't know I would have to actually read the  entire book but I just do not see myself ever  

committing to actually reading the entirety of the  Game of Thrones series maybe if he ever finishes  

it then I'll read it but even then I don't think  that I will I also need to go on a mini rant here  

really quickly because this is very important to  me and something that I use as a metric to judge  

people on um and that is specifically people's  opinion on Sansa Stark because Sansa Stark is my  

favorite character in all of Game of Thrones and  anybody who hates her like the people who truly  

truly hate Sansa you're just a misogynist I cannot  stand people who hate Sansa Stark because she's  

my favorite character and she's the best character  and the smartest character in that entire show but  

anyway that's my Game of Thrones rant over okay  next up we have rings of power so this is the  

other show on here that had like a little bit of a  caveat the rings of power is adapted from like the  

Lord of the Rings UNIF verse so it's not based off  a specific book there are elements in it that are  

from the silmarillion if you've read that which  I've read like excerpts of before but I've never  

read the entire thing so it's just based off of  like lore from The Lord of the Rings series and  

I've only read the first Lord of the Rings book in  The Hobbit so I'm counting that as having read it  

and watching the show because I feel like there's  no specific book you know so we're just gonna go  

with it anyway but this show was a mess I'm gonna  put it in read the book I wanted to like this so  

badly like so so badly because I love Lord of  the Rings those movies are some of my all-time  

favorite movies I rewatch them constantly and I  really wanted to like this and I really liked so  

much of the cast I feel like they honestly did  a really good job in terms of acting as well and  

there was such a high budget for this show like  there was no reason for it to be as boring as it  

was but it was unfortunately so deeply boring I  almost didn't finish it which is really sad I did  

because it's Lord of the Rings and I had to push  myself through but it was not fun I need TV to  

go go back to making really great fantasy shows  like high fantasy shows that's what was so fun  

about Game of Thrones I feel like we need more  High fantasy shows and we really really don't  

get a lot of them and I feel like there's like  a little bit of a Resurgence of it I feel like  

we are starting to kind of get some stuff with  rings of Power House of the dragon and Shadow  

and Bone which we'll get to too but I want more  High fantasy shows like Well Done High fantasy  

shows because this one had all the potential  that it did not reach it unfortunately and I  

was really rooting for it and also picky but like  the elves looked so odd their hair just made no  

sense and they just did not look like elves they  looked like they had Instagram face that was the  

problem you know how people talk about how certain  actors don't have like a face that works in like a  

period drama because they look too modern that's  how I felt about so many of the elves they just  

did not work especially elrond like he just did  not look like an elf he looked like he knew what  

Instagram was so yeah anyway that was a very big  disappointment for me personally in the last year  

um because I was so looking forward to that show  and it just I did not live up to my expectations  

okay next up we have Daisy Jones and the six and  this is the one I've been waiting to talk about  

because this is the one that people have been  asking me about ever since it came out because  

if you know me at all you know Daisy Jones and  the six is one of my favorite books of all time  

I love that book I've read it multiple times  and I think about it constantly still and the  

show came out and I was so excited about it  okay I was so so thrilled to watch this show  

and I did not love it and I'm really sad to say  that I feel like it unfortunately gets worse as  

it goes on I liked it a lot more at the beginning  I had no problems at first at first I could like  

tell they were changing things but it wasn't  that big of a deal and then it wasn't until  

the end until we specifically get to that scene  with Camilla and Daisy if you've watched it or  

read the book you know what I'm talking about  actually if you've read the book you don't know  

what I'm talking about because they changed  everything completely and that's the problem  

there's a confrontation between Camilla and Daisy  again without spoiling anything that in the book  

is one of the greatest scenes in the entire book  it is so emotional it's pivotal in that it gives  

you your understanding of these characters of  Daisy Jones as a person and Camilla and their  

relationship specifically and how this is not  a story about two girls fighting over some guy  

but the show the show stripped it of all of that  the show turned it into the two of them pretty  

much just fighting over Billy and it lost so much  of the nuance and so much of the depth that was  

in the book so much of the essential parts of the  story oh my God like I was so mad after I watched  

that last episode I could not stop talking about  it and complaining about it to my friends who are  

also watching who've also read the book and I  was just so unbelievably frustrated and mad and  

angry and disappointed because I wanted to love it  because I do really like certain things about it a  

lot of the casting was really well done it was  filmed well and written well for the most part  

um the cinematography was nice A lot of it looked  like Daisy Jones but it didn't feel like Daisy  

Jones in terms of the characters themselves like  the heart of it wasn't there I did enjoy a lot of  

the music there are a couple songs that I really  love I really love um honeycomb and I really like  

the river the river is my favorite one probably  I'm still a little bit bitter I'm not gonna lie  

so this is easily gonna go in read the book it's  definitely not as good as the book I would never  

watch the show again and I personally wouldn't  really recommend it to anyone it's just a show  

to watch in general like if you want this story  read the book it's so much more worth it it's  

not nearly as good as the original book yeah I'm  still very sad very very sad about that next up  

we have 13 Reasons Why which is another one I  have talked about in my tier ranking my other  

tier ranking video my movie One easily criminal  offensive side eye this is one of the worst shows  

I've ever seen in my life I've talked about it  multiple times I talked about how much I hate the  

book I only watched seasons one and two and I have  unfortunately watched I didn't even know that they  

were edited but I've watched the unedited version  apparently there are a couple scenes in those two  

seasons that were considered by so many people  myself including so unbelievably unnecessarily  

violent and graphic that Netflix went back and uh  changed them they re-edited the scenes so they are  

not as graphic as they used to be I watched the  original versions because I've had people describe  

to me what they saw when they watched it and it's  not what I saw I saw something much worse than  

what is in that show now I truly only watched the  second season because I was in a dark place and  

I was self-sabotaging sometimes you just watch  or consume like really bad media when you don't  

feel well and it's just a really bad habit which  I don't recommend to anybody and I'm trying trying  

to not do that anymore and I definitely do it less  than I used to but that was at that time years  

ago and I would never ever recommend the show to  anybody it's awful and I think I did see certain  

things throughout the third season where there's  a Redemption Arc for truly the worst character in  

that entire show and it was vile absolutely vile  I cannot believe the way they tried to Market  

that is like this is about mental health and this  is about like having a conversation when it was  

literally just non-stop violence Gore self-harm um  just triggering content after triggering content  

and detrimental to literally all of its viewers so  yeah truly one of the worst shows ever made I feel  

like there's no debate on that okay next up we  have the Summer I Turned Pretty which is getting  

season two very soon and I'm really excited about  it because I really enjoyed this show it's going  

in book and show handshake because I honestly  don't remember the majority of the book I read it  

a long time ago and I don't think I read the the  third one I think I only read the first two but I  

liked the first season a lot it's not my favorite  show I've ever seen but I feel like it was a good  

adaptation it was really cute it was heartfelt it  made me emotional and it was a well-made show and  

I'm excited for the next season and it reminded  me a lot of the why a kind of shows that I used  

to watch like the ABC family now free form shows  that I used to watch when I was like in middle  

school high school like Pretty Little Liars like  the early seasons of those that were made for like  

a teen audience and it felt like it had the  same Vibe as those shows where I feel like in  

recent years a lot of teen shows have just failed  miserably they have just not been well written but  

this one I felt was very genuinely well written  and just an enjoyable show overall so yeah I'm  

very excited for the next season okay next up we  have the opposite of the Summer I Turned Pretty as  

in a teen show that was extremely poorly written  in the past few years that is Shadowhunters so I  

mentioned earlier that like I've not been doing  very well and I've been like dealing with a lot  

of personal stuff recently if you want to know  how poorly I've been feeling I started re-watching  

Shadowhunters okay yes you can be concerned for  me it's fine I'm currently on season two it's  

worse than I remember which is actually saying  a lot because I hated this show as it was airing  

but eating so much worse than I remember it there  used to be redeeming qualities for me there's not  

a single redeeming quality now not a single one  it's so bad Magnus and Alec used to be the only  

thing that like I could stomach in that show even  they're bad I can't take it it's so awful this is  

some of the worst acting I think I've ever seen  some of the worst script writing I've ever seen  

it's so offensive in every sense of the word but  at the time it was really hard to even talk about  

how bad it was because the fandom for that show  which was oddly very separated from the fandom  

of the book series they loved that show so much  that's why it has three seasons which is crazy  

to me it should have been canceled after season  one but the fans of the show were really really  

hardcore I remember this was like early on in  my booktube days when people would talk about  

it online if you ever said anything negative about  The Shadowhunters show the fans would come for you  

they were ride or die for this horrible horrible  script and I don't know why I know the source  

material like the original Mortal Instruments  series is not that great either this is coming  

from someone who loved those books as a kid I'm  fully aware of what they are okay like I'm I'm  

not delusional about that but I think anyone has  to admit that the source material was still better  

than this show Absolutely painful it's going in  criminal offensive side eye for very different  

reasons than 13 reasons why it's not nearly as  like you know detrimental to society as that show  

was but it was detrimental to me personally every  time I watch it I feel like I'm being stabbed in  

my eyes okay next up we have Anne with an E this  is easily going in better than the book I've read  

Anne of Green Gables I think it's an enjoyable  book but I didn't read it as a kid so I don't  

think it really feels the same for me as it does  for a lot of other people but this show is one of  

my all-time favorite TV shows I talked about it  recently in a video about my favorite shows and  

movies it is so so phenomenal it is so emotional  it is one of those things that I watched where I  

was like I feel like this understands me on some  level that I did not know how to vocalize before  

and um it was just one of those things that  touched me so deeply it makes me feel really  

nostalgic and it's so beautifully made it is  criminal that it was cut short it deserved  

more time for us to fully explore the ending Arc  but I still love it so so much truly one of the  

best shows if you get anything from this video at  all just please watch Anne with an E okay next up  

we have Shadow and Bone which I made a video  on recently talking about the second season  

this one I know exactly where I'm gonna put it I'm  gonna put it in read the book because I do think  

the book is better I obviously really love that  series and six of crows as you all know is like  

one of my favorite book series of all time so I  was so excited about this adaptation and season  

one I really enjoyed is it as good as the book no  but it's still a good show and it was enjoyable to  

watch it has problems for sure but I still really  loved it I really watched it multiple times season  

two there are things about it that I really really  loved things about it that like I'm so glad we  

got to see on screen because I love the cast so  much so much they're The Perfect cast The Script  

don't love so much I it's not it's not the best  there were so many issues I had with season two  

I talked about them all in that video but I  still want a season three I want the six of  

crows spin-off desperately because this cast is  just too perfect to let go so I want more I just  

don't think it's a great adaptation it's nowhere  near as bad as something like Shadowhunters I  

still think it's better than Daisy Jones and the  six actually I'm gonna put it all the way in the  

front of read the book but there were just so many  missed opportunities I think especially in that  

second season where they were just packing it with  everything with like four books in one for some  

reason it was overwhelming and convoluted and it  made no sense story wise and they just messed with  

a lot of the characters and I I just I did not  enjoy a lot of that second season hopefully if  

the writer strike goes well and our writers are  paid well they can come back for another season  

or six of crows spin-off and we can get the show  that we actually deserve because I know they have  

it in them to do it so I believe there's a chance  I believe there there's a chance for it to be done  

and for it to be done well okay and then lastly  we have you I mentioned this one in the movie tier  

ranking as well um but I think at the time only  season one was out and I did not like it at all  

and I've since watched all of it except for the  second half of season four I didn't like season  

two either but season three of you was so funny  to me I literally loved that season so I read the  

book and I've only read the first one I haven't  read hidden bodies or anything else and compared  

to the first season the book is infinitely better  like there's no need to watch the first season  

and I even told this to one of my friends um  who wanted to watch the show who had seen the  

first season I told them to just skip everything  and watch season three because especially if you  

live in California in Northern California in the  Bay Area because that's where that season is set  

there's so much about Bay Area culture in that  season that is just absolutely hysterical like  

some of it is so painfully accurate and now  I kind of watch you as like a comedy slash a  

satire rather than what I think they originally  wanted it to be which was more of like a cycle  

logical Thriller which is what the book is but if  you watch the show as more of like a comedy it's  

a lot more enjoyable and that's how I watch the  show now so I actually really enjoyed that third  

season overall as a whole I don't think the show  is fantastic I'm gonna put it in read the book  

because I do think if you want a psychological  Thriller the first book is really well done and  

the first season does not capture that at all  but if you want to watch a season of the show  

just watch season three of the show and just like  look up the synopsis of the first two seasons so  

you're not confused because season three was just  honestly so much fun for me alright but there we  

have it beautiful tier ranking again not that many  tears because there aren't that many adaptations  

I've seen in terms of TV and hopefully they  will start making more adaptations um book to TV  

adaptations because I really like TV adaptations I  feel like they really really work with some books  

I feel like it's a much better direction to go  with for a lot of books than a movie because  

it works better especially for something like a  series not always but sometimes it really just  

depends but yeah let me know if you've watched any  of these shows slash read any of these books and  

how you would rank them and also any other book  to TV adaptations you think I should read slash  

watch I would very much be interested I'm always  looking for new TV shows to watch because if I  

am not reading I am watching a show or a movie  typically a show but that is it for this video  

I hope you all have enjoyed watching this again  don't forget to check out the Clockwork reader  

film and TV journal in the description box below  which is out June 27th if you would like to follow  

me on any of my social media all of my links are  in the description box as always but thank you  

all so much for watching this video I hope you  enjoyed and I will see you in my next video bye


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