April 26, 2024


Published May 15, 2023, 8:20 a.m. by Monica Louis

Hey there! I'm alishamarievlogs and I love shopping for diy crafts! In this haul, I'll show you some of the great crafts I've been able to find recently.

I love shopping for diy crafts because I love being able to make things myself. It's so satisfying to be able to look at something and know that you made it yourself. And, of course, it's also a lot cheaper than buying things ready-made.

I've been able to find some great deals on diy crafts recently. I found a set of paints for only $5, and I've been able to find some great deals on fabric and other materials.

I also love the challenge of finding new and interesting crafts to try. I love the feeling of trying something new and seeing if I can make it work.

So, if you're like me and you love shopping for diy crafts, then be sure to check out my haul. I'm sure you'll find something you love!

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hey guys oh my gosh it's been so long I

actually have a good excuse if that

makes it any better actually left my

vlog camera with my parents like in

their car so they had it for like over a

week so I was like can you please come

down here so I can get I came and

visited yesterday um and they Keith me

my black camera bags which is so

exciting because I really have missed

vlogs so much I know you guys have been

like asking me where how many vlogs been

in stuff Saturday it hit me

wait you could use your phone total fail

so I'm trying to think of what's been

new I mean I feel like it's just the

usual oh oh I went to the Golden Globes

which is super exciting and I told you

guys I was doing some really cool

blogging and stuff and I did however

it's on Access Hollywood Facebook so I'm

gonna have the link in the downbar if

you guys want to go watch that it was

really fun it was really cool I didn't

vlog my strawberry 17 and then I'm when

Zoe's row which was super exciting I

should totally check those out

so I uploaded my fitness routine which

it was really exciting because I worked

extra hard in that video and I'm like

really really extra proud of it I think

is really important when you're a

youtuber like you should definitely be

proud of what you're putting up I'm just

like a crazy perfectionist so what I'm

proud of something and that really means

a lot you guys would be so proud of me

right now

it is 8:38 a.m. holla this is a big deal

you guys know that that's a big deal for

me because I normally sleep in really

late and I don't like that I want to be

a morning person I'm gonna change

everything about me to be a morning

person like I really want that to happen

so yeah we're actually here at Starbucks

we brought a computers and some homework

and we're just going to try to get some

work done just like get something done

that's why I wanted to wake up early and

do this and I would like this just kind

of become like a routine I don't know

why but I just I freaking love being

productive like there's something about

it that I'm just it just makes me really

happy and also since it's early please

do not mind defeatist miss that is me

I'm not gonna lie I even have the

thought like hey you should probably put

on some makeup because you're gonna be

vlogging there's like whoa no no okay I

really say like I'm looking at the

screen right now I really don't like how

like okay I have red skin yes I really

do and I will admit that however the

camera like makes it look 10 times worse

than it really is used to have a setting

on my camera like vivid to make all the

colors like more brightens

but that made my skin look a hundred

times worse so I actually took off that

setting just because it looks so bad

anyways let's go be productive yeah yeah

let's be protoss did let's be productive

yes can we say yes like times a million

oh yes this is like crash did you hear

them say that she's like yeah oh can I

say I really missed the holiday coat

like they look so pretty

no I should have brought my um my a mug

I would have got a discount too we both

want to try this this new one it'd be

good have you tried it let me know yeah

okay so we're currently outside it was

like really nice I was farting earlier

once it uptight

so be proud of me I just finished a

homework assignment I want to share with

you guys my latest obsession yesterday I

went to Target and I bought a whole

bunch of washi tape and stuff because

I've been so into like my planner it's

like unbelievable because no I'm I'm

like very disorganized this one is

actually just from Target but basically

like you kind of like scrapbook like all

of your pages and stuff I'm not done

with this one seriously so excited so so

excited one of my new year's I guess you

can say resolutions was to like be more

like organized and stuff I'm like trying

to actually make an effort for this to

happen what helps me is like color and

like having it just making it fun if

it's like fun to decorate my agenda then

I'll actually like check it daily you

know to mean and it helps honestly like

so far it's helping me so much so I

highly recommend it yesterday I went to

Target I got like stickers and tape and

all this fun stuff and I'm just so

excited now I have a coffee pretty

excited I set up a new beard accent yeah

I think I put too much TV enough well

too much sweetener what this lighting is

so not cute like a look at my hair

currently in Walmart


I've been dying so yeah shoes it's a

makeup on and do my hair and stuff so I

so yeah she and I are currently filming

we're actually kind of in the middle of

a break as you could call it I've been

letting you down on my vlogs lately Yury

get into vlogging and stuff it's really

hard to remember to vlog it sounds like

it's not but like I promise you it is

sorry if today's vlogs like kind of like

not that good I don't know we'll see

here is my makeup today I've actually

really been loving the covergirl

three-in-one foundation like I used to

use that and then recently I went back

to it and I feel like it's just like

it's perfect for my skin right now

here's the babe

aka my pillow pet aka Walden if you did

not know Walden um he is he's my bag

like I said you should totally be in

today's video Bouldin I would agree so

yeah I'm pretty excited for this video

I'm not gonna show too much on it

because I'm legit that excited oh my

gosh you guys have to see this for it

now oh don't move the babies why are we

moving she was like sleeping on it and

it was so cute we went to it the

groomers the other day and we got all

pretty and clean and we actually had two

of these I'm but the other one quickly

was gone how cute is nah I won't get lip

gloss all over your fur I love you I

love you I love you I love yo seriously

though how legit are my socks I'm kind

of I kind of love them kind of income

because now because I love my comfy


I don't wanna need the problem like

other people I feel like they're always

looking cute 24/7 and I'm like

do you do that because I would so much

rather just clothes anyways anyways I

just checked my channel and at my video

my fitness routine which I uploaded on

Sunday no no no Saturday I'm today's

Monday already has three hundred and one

thousand views I feel like I'm kind of

mind blown about that I don't know like

I cannot process that many people like

that's crazy dude our max baby family is

growing and is like the best family can

I just say that bees are awesome that is

stillage it like but what I'm excited

anyways I were working on there's

something right now which I'm really

excited about and I I think I'm just

gonna give you guys a sneak peek like

baby sneak peek okay ready ready was it

like I think honestly I don't even know

if that was in frame so yeah I actually

tweeted this morning how I was like I

came up with such a cool idea and I

really hope it works out and that would

be for this video so you guys like to

see what what time is it

it's 1:26 and I've done so much to it

it's just it's awesome anyways okay yeah

it's now 4:12 we were literally filming

for over four hours like straight and it

was epic and awesome

I really hope tomorrow and Wednesday are

like this you guys because I could

really use that just like that I just I

love it is this how most people feel

during the day yeah if you didn't notice

already I did change again one got like

the third time today the answer right

now I'm actually just going over as a

footage and I'm really really liking

what I'm seeing

so update had dinner and we have been

watching friends a couple episodes of

friends big news we finally finally

finally made an Instagram account for

Chloe there's an official Chloe

Instagram there's always been fan pages

and stuff which literally like I love

them I follow as many as I can because

seriously it makes my heart so happy so

we decided to make the official one so

still keep following the fan pages an

official official one is it's me Chloe

may stop what you're doing right now

stop what are you doing stop and follow

it's Chloe may on Instagram I don't want

to go to the gym oh I posted this one I

posted that one yeah we stopped to post

like a million more but that's okay

I made an Instagram and it would mean a


you guys followed me it is it's me Chloe

Bay but you follow me there and I will

give all of your photos a pas so

currently I'm going to Michaels we

actually which the gym and we are

honestly only there for like 30 minutes

30 minutes is better than no minutes I

need some stuff for my video to film

tomorrow you're like hey let's just go

tonight so we're going to Michael's

looking like a like whatever I am look

all right what are we getting oh we're

getting a scrapbook like a scrapbook

thing I don't know I'm free I'm really

hoping that no way okay so we got a

whole bunch of like scrapbook you type

stuff only took me forever to decide

what I wanted can I only one when I come

to Michael's this part the going online

always gets me because there's so many

awesome candies that are just calling my


I'm Mary Mary that good yes work just

work Ashley are we such two sisters

waiting for zone to screen Georgia


someone is watching this right now

anything like what are they do I've got

the cards like moving like most epic

dragon bird oh wait wait God okay do you

understand that God as I showed you guys

earlier I'm obsessed my planner so I got

more washi tape so I can decorate it and

so excited I really needed like the Fed

kind so I got this one which looks super

cute it's flowers and polka dots that

was way too fast what was that again

I got some washi tape and these like

photo frame things so it looks like a

Polaroid but it's not then I got this

smash book which is going to use in

trows a video pretty excited yeah

Michael saw Michael saw but what what

yeah seriously so cute seriously it's so

cute so cute update this is my hundredth

of vlog that's pretty crazy that's like

kind of awesome not gonna lie we should

have a mini party right now whoo yeah

and if any of you guys have actually

watched all 100 videos internet

high-five for you because you are

awesome you like the sound effects right

there so yeah I hope that you guys

enjoyed it today's vlog hopefully I'll

see you guys

super super soon ah okay bye guys


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