April 27, 2024

Waiting Room Complaints

Published May 19, 2023, 11:20 p.m. by Arrik Motley

If you've ever been to a waiting room, you know how frustrating it can be. The magazines are old, the chairs are uncomfortable, and the TV is usually on a channel you don't want to watch. But what's even more frustrating is when you're waiting to see a doctor and the person in front of you is complaining about the wait.

We've all been there. You're sitting in a waiting room, minding your own business, when the person in front of you starts complaining about the wait. Maybe they're pacing back and forth. Maybe they're making a scene. Either way, it's annoying.

And it's not just waiting rooms. People complain about everything. They complain about the weather, the traffic, their job, their boss, their co-workers, their kids, their spouse. You name it, someone's probably complained about it.

Why do people complain so much? Maybe it's because they think it will make the situation better. Maybe they're just venting. Or maybe they're just Negative Nancys who like to complain about everything.

Whatever the reason, complaints are annoying. And when you're stuck in a waiting room with someone who's complaining, it can make the wait even longer.

So next time you're in a waiting room, try to be patient. And if you can't be patient, at least try to be quiet.

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hi Miss Jamison sir I would like to see

a doctor now



it's pretty busy back there we're trying

to get you in as soon as we can I want

to see a doctor or I'm leaving really I

mean no

ma'am I'm advising you to stay

for your own safety

but also

if you wanted to leave

I cannot physically stop you

well how much longer I want to know how

much longer or I'm leaving you know it

just depends if ambulances come how long

it takes people to leave what the

doctors are doing you know probably

having some closets right

so you don't know

you should be soon

goodbye and thanks for nothing stupid

Miss Jameson

oh she just left

so close


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